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Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"doran's shield passive is unique. I would just combine doran's blade with doran's shield, should work best."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"hextech gunblade and/or blade of the ruined king already give you a strong slow. You don't need more, maybe just frozen mallet or randuin's omen. And, the combination of guinsoo's rageblade+giant's belt gives you more HP, AS, AD and AP for less price. Of course, you loose the"
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"jax goes mid, meets AP master yi and cries."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"But he has a big problem, like any meele
1.: Kiting problems. Yeah, he has his stun, but that is most of the time not enough to close the gap. If the enemy is smart enough, they will use that weakness."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"I would really take out trinity force, after the nerf it is useless for everyone."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"It sucks on everyone now. Who gets it on jax is just retarded, you have way better options."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"trinity force sucks on jax. Way inferior compared to guinsoo's rageblade. And You have enough slows with hextech gunblad€ and blade of the ruined king. You didn't even mention it. Man, this guide sucks..."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"Scratch jax, it sucks on him compared to guinsoo's rageblade."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
That was S2, not S3. In S3, you rush it."
Posted a Comment: Dec 28th, 2012
"This one is still best."