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Posted a Comment: Dec 24th, 2012
"Well, but the problem is, you will most of the time get a team which doesn't understand what splitpushing means.
And actually, I got 2.5 with this builder:
It is the teamfight Yi build."
Posted a Comment: Dec 23rd, 2012
"Actually AS marks + As Quints + zephyr + highlander caps your AS at 2.5. So, why get youmuu's ghostblade then? I would go for the black cleaver instead."
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"There is a new wave incoming which picks long sword + 2 health potion's as start items. Because boots of speed got nerfed, I think this could be a totally viable alternative."
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"Actually, if you know you have to roam to win the game, early boots of mobility can be very effective. Otherwise, yes, you don't need T2 boots at all."
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"BTW: The reason I don't take crit is, you will generally not need it and it doesn't scale with Ravenous Hydra, the item this build focuses on. It also doesn't work against turrets, Master Yi's biggest enemies."
Asked a Question: Dec 22nd, 2012
I normally go AS Marks, glyphs and quints with Armor seals. This gives me the fastest possible cleartime and AS scales really well into lategame. You only need 1 AS item (zephyr) and while your...
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"So, what do you think about tryndamere now? I don't see him viable either in the jungle or in the top lane. So, when riot will buff him?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"Hey, actually, AP Yi top + Talon mid could be a great combo. Talon can burst the enemy team so low, that Yi can finish them off. This combined with jungle Amumu would be very sick."
Posted a Comment: Dec 22nd, 2012
"You know, a good AP Yi will use meditate under his turret."