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Posted a Comment: Dec 18th, 2012
"You play teemo, that is the problem."
Posted a Comment: Dec 18th, 2012
"You no longer build trinity force on jax, it is way inferior to guinsoo's rageblade. But jungle jax got actually stronger at S3."
Posted a Comment: Dec 18th, 2012
"Well, ravenous hydra was purposely made to make meele ad-carries more viable. And it really helps them, especially master yi."
Posted a Comment: Dec 18th, 2012
"I would rather do hextech gunblade+guinsoo's rageblade+warmog's armor(is it mundo?)+randuin's omen(dat slow duration with ultimate...)+blade of the ruined king on jax. Still enough lifesteal and spellvamp and way more tankyness and cc."
Posted a Comment: Dec 18th, 2012
"Actually, doesn't the active of muramana work with Javelin Toss? Wouldn't be muramana+seraph's embrace a good hybrid build?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 17th, 2012
"You know that alpha strike deals nearly like 4 times the damage you could deal with wuju style at jungle and ganks?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 15th, 2012
"warmog's armor on singed?
Posted a Comment: Dec 15th, 2012
"Master Yi got now a huge buff to his junging, which makes him way faster."
Posted a Comment: Dec 12th, 2012
"Why ignite mastery? I don't think 5 AD would be better than 1% CDR.
Yeah, right about defender, the reason for ionian boots of lucidity is, that I want 40% CDR. This means I don't have to build AS like the top build.
Yeah, but I wouldn't say that on garen. garen has always "
Created a Thread In Theory Crafting & Ideation On: Dec 12th, 2012
Why we don't see more Ap Trists?
I don't really know, but why we don't see more AP Trists? Her rocket jump has a 80% AP ratio and resets on kills and assists, her explosive shot scales with draw a bead and has a 100%...