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Posted a Comment: Dec 8th, 2011
"I know, nearly all masteries are OP this way. But well, this makes it harder to choose.^^
You have so many choises to put your points in.^^
After seeing this, what would be your perfect mastery tree?"
Posted a Comment: Dec 7th, 2011
"There are also tanky AP which work, like singed, kennen, etc...
You need 1 tanky AP, 1 tanky AD and 1 tanky jungler. Yeah, jungler."
Posted a Comment: Dec 7th, 2011
"Well, at any picture of your guide results I can only see noobs as enemies, like I see heal everythere, kayle with revive, etc...
Winning against noobs, well, your guide is best for it.^^"
Posted a Comment: Dec 7th, 2011
"2 More ideas:
% increased damage
This works actually like the stat crit dmg, but not random. Some abilities like poppy's diplomatic immunity already feature that. It should be perfect, because it is counterable, not like true dmg, but not RNG. If you get items which increase tha"
Created a Thread In Theory Crafting & Ideation On: Dec 7th, 2011
Methods to wipe out RNG: % damage into true damage and % damage reduction
I recently had an idea for a new system that replaces crit at leage of legends and a rework to an old system which would replace dodge then. The two things which I would suggest are:
% of...
Posted a Comment: Dec 7th, 2011
"Well, I want, that the information pops up if you point with your mouse on the word "Cho""