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Asked a Question: Jun 11th, 2018
Main things when jungling:
1) Map awareness, know where is the other jungler and witch lane will probably push so you can prepare the gank before.
2) don't just gank and forget to farm, you need...
Asked a Question: Jun 11th, 2018
He is going to be reworked pretty soon
Asked a Question: Jun 9th, 2018
The way waves work:
(sides mean blue or red)
1) first side push, so the waves will go towards the second side without champions in the lane.
2) who will push? Even minions wave engage on the...
Asked a Question: Jun 6th, 2018
In addition to FupiDupi.
VS illaoi your best chances is after she miss her E, and when she low on mana.
you need to dodge her E, or the tentacles it spawns and try to poke her with your Q until...
Posted a Comment: Jun 5th, 2018
"It realy depends on the team comp i think, i didn't play riven so i can't really tell"
Asked a Question: Jun 4th, 2018
Fun champion is pretty individual, i like illaoi, mundo and nasus but if you like champion that need good skills as GP i would recommend also riven
Posted a Comment: Jun 2nd, 2018
"Good luck,
But just one thing, don't take a champion that you play not good just to take a champion that contribute to the team combo, better to have a champion that you good with."
Asked a Question: Jun 1st, 2018
i would suggest you to not play as support until high silver as you depends more on the team then you influence the game at least if you not a poke champion or a god with your champion.
i would...
Asked a Question: Jun 1st, 2018
Does crit double the damage of an empowered auto attack?, such as sheen buff or Illaoi's W and so on?