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Asked a Question: Jul 22nd, 2018
I reccomend practicing, learning how to manipulate waves, and how the match up goes with the champion you most strugle against.
I recommend to watch...
Asked a Question: Jul 18th, 2018
try to use this code and play with it (change the width so it would fit you)
Posted a Comment: Jul 18th, 2018
"Hi, some things i would like to discus
1) Runes: In the inspiration runes, why don't you take Future's Market and Approach Velocity, as the first one would give you the option to get gold faster for upgrading the relic shield so you would get gold faster and to buy a tear much faster. a"
Posted a Comment: Jul 16th, 2018
"true, my mistake.
morellonomicon still counter Aatrox ult as it healing over time."
Asked a Question: Jul 16th, 2018
from a little research in google, it should work, just pay attention that GA and chronoshift give all the HP at once, so only if the debuff is on while the resurrect it works, chronoshift takes 5...
Asked a Question: Jul 7th, 2018
In addition to ZyrZylo, Summon Aery can give shield while casting ability on a team mate while Arcane Comet won't
Asked a Question: Jul 2nd, 2018
A huge changes to the crit items cussed it.
Asked a Question: Jun 27th, 2018
As L3gislacerator said to me once, as Taric you should not focus on damage, instead you should focus on supporting your team.
I think Taric have problems with mana only ealry-mid game. you...
Asked a Question: Jun 27th, 2018
In addition to what Hamstertamer said, there are some runes that change while on specific champions such as Magical Footwear for cassiopeia,
cheak this site for more information
Asked a Question: Jun 24th, 2018
There are a lot of good champions for top lane, you should make your question more specific, what do you love to play?