Dark *********s peered out from the corner of an alley at a nearby super market. Waiting in anticipation for the signal. The owner of the eyes turned to look at the small group of teenage boys behind him. You could see their ribs, and their eyes had an almost dead look to them. The young man no older than 15 scratched his head attempting to rid himself of some of the lice that had been biting at him the past week. Then he heard a noise like a car driving close to the supermarket. He looked over to see an armored car pull into the loading bay of the super market. The boys behind him heard the noise as well, and began to squeeze around him trying to get a look at their target.

"Come on Brutus! Lets go!" One of them whispered.

"No! We wait for the signal from Hilden!" the young man snapped back.

Brutus looked back to the armored car to see 4 men in security uniforms holding rifles, probaly loaded with stun rounds, step out the back. Eight employees with carts steeped out from the loading bay, and began to load the food from the armored car. 'Come on, any day now Hilden,' Brutus thought as he saw four employees walk away with loaded carts.

Suddenly ten boys about Brutus' age came around the far corner of the loading bay, directly in the line of sight of the 4 guards, who raised their rifles ordering them to stop. The group of boys dashed away to the back of the store, and three of the guards chased after them. The group behind Brutus almost dashed at that moment, but Brutus held them back until he saw...Then as he searched the sky he saw a firework go up and pop. Brutus grabbed a nearby four-foot long metal pipe and led his group to the closest corner of the loading bay.

The footsteps of the lone guard could be heard coming closer to the corner, and Brutus gripped the pipe tighter as he mentally ran through the plan again. After this guard went down his group had two to three minutes to grab what they could, and run. When the guard's footsteps began to fade away Brutus charged around the corner at the guard. The guard heard his footsteps, and began to turn rifle at the ready. He was far too late as Brutus' pipe struck him on the top of the helmet disorientating him. Brutus quickly followed up with a knee to the guard's stomach causing him to kneel over. Finally, Brutus raised the pipe over his head, and brought it down on the back of the guard’s helmet. The guard collapsed on the ground not moving. The employees fled into the safety of the store as Brutus yelled, "Grab what you can!"

The group of boys grabbed what they could hold, and then began to take carts to put their stuff in. Brutus watched the back of the store waiting for the remaining guards return. He saw them two minutes after the boys began to grab the food, and quickly ran back to the group, "Time to go!"

The boys wasted no time grabbing the carts and food then sprinting back to the alley. After running 50 yards they could hear the guards cursing, but they were too late. The group of boys was home free with their plunder.