So, I went on PBE and tried some new items on a few different champions...
How do you think it will affect the game?*

1. Who do you think will be the most broken with the new items?

I haven't tried out these champions in particular, but what I've seen from some streamers I think that Talon and some battlemages like Aurelion Sol seem very broken in a long game.

2. Who do you think will not see no/very little changes?

3. Who do you think will have to change their whole or a lot of their item build?

Again, I haven't tried this out and barely ever played this champion, but my friend who mains Katarina says that she will be built way differently now. Do you agree?

4. Who do you think will be seen in different (than their normal lane, eg. Sona more often seen in mid; Kayle more often seen in support; Warwick in top and so on) lanes?

5. Do you like the new introduced items?

Honestly, a part of me is very excited because it will change quite a lot in the game. Usually we build almost the same things every game, but now we'll have to make a lot of sacrifices as we see an enemy build something. Which I think will be quite a nice change for League. Also, the game (from my PBE games and streams) seems to go way faster than before. But at the same time some champions (eg. Jinx, Ashe, a lot of ADC's) seem like they will be very hard to deal with from now on which can make things very hard to balance. But then again, we won't know until we try. Do you agree?

*These questions are for a survey I'm planning to do for opinions for the new items in League of Legends. I would really appreciate if you could take the time and answer them honestly. Thank you.