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Posted a Comment: May 4th, 2012
yes, you should get rep from that. I am saying a lot of posts don't warrant a rep, but do warrant a Thank You. If you put in such detail, then you deserve the rep.
No, I am not saying that (referring now to last paragraph). Yes, they can comment? they should. I did not say that? :/ W"
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
hmmm...what I'm trying to accomplish.
Let's say I write a very long and thorough topic, and someone reply's. They say something like "this is awesome! good job.". Now, I get many of these reply's, do I reply to all of them? one at a time? bumping this thread so much it woul"
Created a Thread In Site Support On: May 3rd, 2012
Thank you button, plain and simple.
Title basically says it all. There should be a button that allows you to thank a persson for their post. It's annoying to post a whole message to say thanks to someone, It pushes other topics down....
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
"^ true. Yet I doubt it will happen, and the more pressing matter of me being wrongly transferred has not been answered.
I'm annoyed now."
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
"I see you're look IceCreamy...
I did respond, straight away in fact. I posted here because I received no reply, and my topic still hasn't been moved...:/"
Created a Thread In Site Support On: May 3rd, 2012
Topic wrongly transferred
Hello mysterious people that fix everything. This topic was originally placed in General Discussion....
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
"As courtesy of every person who saw this and laughed...