Alright you ****s, let's get down to business. Now, as many of you know, I'm in diamond elo right now and heading up to 3k elo. How do you know I'm not lying? WELL OBVIOUSLY I AM! That is irrelevant though, I am here to bring you a quicky of my 3s cho'gath build as a silver elo man of fortune. While this may look like I trolled, I can assure you that it is legitemate and the fact that I made it while trolling is totally irrelevant.
So without further ado, I bring you BEST CHO BUILD NA/not EU cause they're not worthy. Actually, I'm only showing you the items so you can go and use it.... Read More
So without further ado, I bring you BEST CHO BUILD NA/not EU cause they're not worthy. Actually, I'm only showing you the items so you can go and use it.... Read More