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ShiftyCake's Mobafire Blog - Tag: update

12 May

Views: 549 Update

Sorry it's a couple of hours alte, I actually finishd it ages ago. Lost track of time :/ fml why does this stuff always happen to me. Anyways, it's up here for you're pleasure. Enjoy.

I know the artwork is coming up really late now guys, but my artist is overloaded with work atm so...yeah. Everyone seems to be doing something around this time :/
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12 May
Mother's day is close. For me anyway people-from-different-time-zones. So I'm busy preparing that for my mother/mum. If I say mother, I sound like a distant prick yet if I say mum, I sound like a little kid. Aghhhh. kk, new word alert. Mothum: The perfect name. So yeah, preparing Mothum's day since she prepares every other day in the year. Whilst my dad does nothing, lazy s-let's not go there. don't take that seriously, or my value of you just decreased. Now, since I am organizing mother's day, I was waning on whether or not to do the two champion stories. Yet last time I didn't make...
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05 May
I have a date to keep! Damn, I haven't even started :/ and it's saturday night. damn. DAMN. Gotta get off my butt and start some work (except I have to sit down to start work...what? me no speak English). Anyway, this is just a gibberish post. I'm thinking of doing something else other then my story's. Which means random idea developing time! Basically do lots of **** and an idea mysteriously comes to me. Simple right? Better get to videos or something. Or staring at a wall...

As I sad, gibberish.

EDIT #1: Next two champions shall be Fiora and Karthus. No, I will not be...
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23 Apr

Views: 516 Update

Is done. They are Dr Mundo and Veigar. So check them out through the link

artwork is up

totally ignore this bit. I'm at school, and have nowhere else to put it where I'll remember lolz.
Wish to spread the word? code for sig blagh blagh blagh <--- I said ignore that, so damn you if you read it :P
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23 Apr
We have sorted it out, and he has agreed to be the editor for Champion Stories. This means he will review what I have done and seek improvements/fix what's there. I'm eternally grateful, for this will reduce the time I have to work on the stories by half.

So basically, the deals closed. I now have an amazing artist, a superb editor and me. Wait, so I'm useless? jokes, but anyways, enjoy what's coming!

Also I will have Champions #5 and #6 up in the next 2-3 hours. I have already finished the stories, just have to type them up now.
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