When eight people disconnect from a ranked game at once. O.o

I was playing Amumu jungle in ranked earlier and the most irritating, albeit slightly funny, phenomenon occurred.

I stole Wraiths from the enemy Jax and proceeded to take blue. I took wolves and my own wraiths and everything was fine. Teemo had taken double Golems, so I went for red. As I right-clicked on the Lizard, my game disconnected. My first reaction was 'oh **** this internet, man', did a quick alt-tab check and my internet was working fine. So I logged out the game and I tried to reconnect (it took two attempts for this, because I had to close my client too :s). Then as I log in it comes up with this queue with an approximation of about 2 minutes. I was so annoyed, because it would mean my blue buff on Amumu was long gone and the team was probably suffering from lack of ganks (when in doubt, blame jungler for not ganking, etc). So I reconnected to the game and apologise for DC-ing. Then Teemo toplane tells me not to worry, because 8 people DC-ed from the game leaving only (for some reason) the top laners alone ( Vladimir and Teemo). Oh. That's weird. O.o

It was funny seeing our top laners at level 10 whilst everyone was still level 5-6.

Still, we won, though in my opinion, the enemy team should be given a 'Loss Prevented', because it really wasn't a fair game. Teemo got so far ahead he was literally 4-5 shotting botlane (and with Nashor's Tooh, it was really a few seconds). Sona was getting triple kills from this as well.

Apparently, it was funny watching 4 members of your teammates suddenly go back to base.

'Oh... um... 1v1, Teemo?'
'Uh... sure, Vladimir. At least we don't have to worry about ganks, huh?'