I don't think I need to introduce myself here of all places, but hey.

It was a couple years ago I actually started playing League. Odd how I got into it, because I avoid PvP stuff in online games like the plague. Which would explain why I was excited for Co-op vs. AI back in 2011. It became pretty much all I played once it came out, especially when they got expanded. I wonder if they also got some AI tweaks while I was gone from May to now...

I was never a good player. I was an UNDERSTANDING player, which is different. Understanding is someone who tries to play well, but hasn't really tried hard to improve. It's a step under pro somewhere, but higher than someone that doesn't look up any builds, guides, or learns team composition. I guess I didn't play actual PvP enough, since my old group didn't like to play with me near the end due to lack of real wins (the guy I typically did ended up either quitting or focusing on ranked. Shout out to K0G of all people). The second group has ended up playing ARAM only. Which I guess is similar to me just playing bot games. I don't care much for being competitive, though, mostly because I was either in school or will have a real job.
I really just hate solo queue. I really got into this game with people I knew from forums, but I guess I missed out on something when I only focused on that.

Who do I like to play, that's why I started this entry. Playing those bot games once I got bak, I came to some conclusions when I got back:

-Ahri vs. Annie: Before I kind of quit in May 2012, I had just bought Ahri, and was enjoying her. When I came back, however, I was starting to question it. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret Ahri. Compared to when I used Annie, however...
-Maining Support: I had the IP when I got back, so I decided to buy a champion I had some interest in: Lulu. I also picked up Soraka. I had the chance to play both, and you know what? I actually liked not having to worry about farming creeps. I actually enjoyed walking around helping people. I was doing this before with the people I run with, where they'd have me play Sona. I didn't realize how different support was from before. I think strategies just hadn't developed. Might have something to do with the change in masteries, and the addition of the flask and sightstone. Soraka was alright, but it seemed a bit boring. I wouldn't mind, but I'd probably take Soraka over Sona anyway. I might get Nami next, or Nidalee depending on how supporty she really is (all I see is AP/AD carry, and I'm not sure how good I'd be with the spears). Lux might still be in this category, but I figure I'd probably play Ezreal over her for that massive ult snipe. Speaking of which...
-AD Carry: Ezreal I regretted at first, just to get the Frosted Skin. I kind of sucked when I first got him. Played Ez once I got back, and it looks like I might not be too bad as him. Although carries still feel weak when tanks get in my face. I don't feel comfortable with AD carries because, frankly, I suck at last hitting. Caitlyn I liked, and same with Graves.
-Jungler: Right now deciding between Jax and Xin Zhao. I tried my man Cho'Gath, but he kind of failed for me. I guess I don't know what I'm doing with him. Jax and Xin Zhao were flawless runs. Actual ganking, however, I think I'd need work on. Trundle didn't do it for me when I played him.
-Tanking: Shen I have. I feel better with Shen compared to some others, though. Namely Rammus and Amumu. I liked Leona, and I think Volibear counts. But this role seems all over the place; either it's solo top, jungle or support with carry. I don't think I'm a good initiator, so I should probably hold off on this one in real fights.
-Akali: I don't think I'd ever use Akali in a real fight. Which is sad, because I have the lunar skin.

Well, since this feels like a intro to playing with you post, ID is Tokala on the NA server in case I'm on and you want to get a group together in normal (I don't do ranked). I only really do it with groups. Level 30 but with only 89 wins. If you're a jerk, don't expect me to group with you again. Don't expect me to be a God player, but I listen and try to work as a team, ward, babysit carry when support, etc.