Instead of analysing all my games individually, I think I'll start a bi-weekly (or whenever I feel like it) update log of my ranked games by champion. So here we go.


W/L: 0-1
Average KDA: 1/8/12

Nothing special here. I still don't like Sona very much, hence why I've only played her once.



Just the one game with Karma so far. Was quite fun. Used her against a Nidalee support and it worked fairly well. Not sure what situations I'll use her in again though. Now that I have some more tanky champions, I don't have much need for her. She's always fun to play though, so hopefully she'll see some more action soon.



I love Leona. She's a lot of fun to play - great to counter Blitzcrank or just good to have when the team doesn't have a dedicated tank. Still getting used to engaging though and I miss having an escape mechanism.


Soraka was my most played champion last season, with 10 wins and 10 losses. She's not seen much use so far though. I only ever take her when I was a lot of sustain bot lane (usually with Graves or Kog'Maw) or to counter Karthus. Beginning to see why she doesn't see a lot of competitive play and why she's considered dead weight. I'm still fairly proficient with her though.


Ehh, I'm not good with Jax. I really like him, but he has a really steep learning curve. I've given up trying to jungle with him, as it's too hard for me. Top lane is a bit different, but I'm still not entirely sold on him. Need more practice.


I love Irelia. I haven't actually been playing her that badly, though I suppose not well enough to win yet. I attribute my losses here partly to my inability to carry, but predominately to poor team mates.


Sad to see such a poor score with one of my favourite champions. Again, I don't think I've done much wrong with her (actually, I know I haven't), but poor teams have prevented me from winning. She doesn't get a lot of play, only really when I need to counter Amumu.


Nothing special here. I'm not such a huge fan of Jayce as I was before. The last game I had with him was pretty good though. I think I prefer Nidalee over him at the end of the day.


I don't know. I really don't. I've been playing her top and support. I generally do quite well in both. Another case of winning my lane but losing the game. I love her as a champion and I like to think I'm quite good with her, but I guess I'm doing something wrong somewhere. She does seem like dead weight as a late game support though. Still haven't had a chance to play her as AD support again yet - definitely on my to do list.


And over to the other end of the spectrum. Wow, I'm surprised at that score to. Again, I play her mid and support, doing well in both. I take her as support in aoe team's and mid - well, whenever the team needs a mid. Other than LeBlanc and Akali, she's my only mid, and the only one I'm confident with. I love her farming potential, though her roaming is fairly poor - which suits my playstyle, but isn't always what's best for the team.


Oh Sejuani where did it all go wrong. I was doing so well with her and now I've lost my last few games. I guess I'm just not cut out for jungling. Begun to notice her poor damage output early game too. Might try out a Kage's Lucky Pick or fast Blasting Wand next time I have to play her - or try switching up my runes and masteries.


So I guess Lulu is my new main. Still love her, still do well with her. The same as with Janna, a lot of my losses are down to poor team mates I feel. It's rare that I find myself out played in bot lane as Lulu. Most of the time my lane wins, but if every other lane feeds then there's not a lot I can do. She's a pretty standard pick for me in most situations now - if I don't require someone more situational. She works pretty nicely alongside most adc's and against most other supports. I only ever struggle against sustain champions like Alistar and Taric.

Well that wraps up my first assessment, see you next time!