As I've said elsewhere, I've been playing a lot of Karma dominion. Decided to fraps a random game last night. Turned out quite well. Was expecting to go bot, which is why I went for that early Kage's Lucky Pick and Heal. I died a few times, but most of my deaths helped defend objectives until my team could arrive.

Also managed to get another ranked game in with her, which I was very happy about. Taric was a troll, so their Soraka went AP mid. When I saw that, I just took Karma because I knew it would be an easy game. Still, I do think she fares well against Taric. Not a perfect counter, but she can step up to the plate. I was duoing with Shen and we just trounced them. I do really want to play her some more now - hopefully get another chance soon, in a more serious game.