So I basically didn't finish the production of my new top secret WIP off-meta guide in time for the Seasonal guide contest - just like in the last guide contest. Don't get me wrong, I made quite a progress since then, but I am still sad that I didn't make it in time. And don't get me started on my Support Kalista guide I was working on last year - just to never come back to it ever again. *sigh* I feel like every time I am writing a guide, I always enjoy the cool stuff (runes, builds, itemization, photoshopping banners) just to then end up scared away by the boring stuff (matchups, early-mid-late game, warding, video-editing, etc). Sadly, when I write a guide and all that boring stuff isn't there - I just don't feel good about it. It makes me feel like the guide is totally incomplete :/

Well, hopefully this year I shall be more determined than the last one...