Today I just had the most UNBELIEVABLE ranked win.

RIGHT AWAY our soon-to-be support started badmouthing our second pick, saying he was a terrible jungle Darius that went 0/5 last game, and that we shouldn't let him jungle.

The game started off with okay bans, Cassiopeia/ Jax (wtf)/ Shen for us, something else for the other team. Our captain first picks a Solo Top, an Olaf, other team picks Jarvan IV (jungling). Then, our second pick INSTALOCKS Nautilus jungle. By now our team was saying GG while the other team picks Tristana bot and Kassadin mid.

Now, our third pick goes FULL HERP DERP and instalocks Ahri, despite Kassadin being a counter (I think :P) and we try to warn her but noooooooo 1300 elo players don't listen to this kind of stuff :P

Even worse, their next pick was Kennen top, who has an advantage over Olaf. By then things looked reaaalllllyy bad. To top it off, they had a Blitzcrank support for a kill lane bot =____=

So then I pick Ezreal to go poke lane, with blink to get out of Cataclysm, which seemed to me the ONLY non-******ed choice in our team.

Then the game starts and ALL THE INSTANT RAGE ABOUT HOW ME AND Sona WERE DUO :O even though we weren't, about how all the other lanes were going to instantly feed with a fail jungler.

Then our jungler actually was okay and first bloods Kennen, mid I believe, and Olaf Teleports bot and we kill bot with only Sona dead. Our team had a 4 - 0 lead. Things actually didn't look that bad ^_^



Tristana got a quadra from all of us diving her, and I just managed to get that last hit off to kill her. That 4 for 1 was definitely not worth it.

Later, once we all respawned, we had a team fight at Dragon.


FROM Tristana AGAIN! That's 8 kills, 2 quadras, in under 10 minutes. How the **** does that happen? HOW?!?!?!?!

By then, she already had Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer, while our AD Carry (me) had JUST the IE. There was no way to contest ._.

Then our team suddenly had some sort of epiphany, which is a miracle in itself because what team comes back from two quadras...? -.-

Nautilus ONLY initiated with his ult when Tristana was in range. Sona ONLY ulted for Trist. We ONLY AIMED FOR HER. For the rest of the game, she was the first to die. We won shortly after.

The morals of the story?
  1. If you're going to feed, only feed one person.
  2. Always try your hardest in ranked ^_^
  3. And finally, even idiots can win ranked games