God Tier- Karthus, Morgana, Ryze, Ahri, Veigar, Swain
1st Tier- Anivia, Cassiopia, Galio, Vladimir, Kennen, Kassadin, Twisted Fate, Mordekaiser
2nd Tier- Leblanc, Xerath, Malzahar, Viktor, Brand, Fizz, Gragas, Zilean, Nidalee,
3rd Tier- Heimerdinger, Karma, Katarina, Teemo, Sion, Soraka, Ziggs, Fiddlesticks
Troll Only Tier- Evelyn, Tryndamere

Karthus Number One- I think Karthus is a little overpowered right now. When placed on a co-ordinated team, he farms the living **** out of his lane, because of the range on his Q. He exerts a lot of power globally with his ultimate, and when it reaches late game he begins to destroy things, and you can't stop him. Killing him doesn't work, dammit!

Ahri moved up - Ahri is just to stronk right now. Her pushing to roaming powers makes her incredibly amazing in a coordinated team, snowballing your top and bottom lane to make up for her less than stellar late game.

Anivia moved WAAAY up - WTF was I thinking?

Ezreal moved down - I don't... Was I high or something?

Viktor moved up - BionicOTG makes a very good point for Viktor. His burst, after more games against good Viktors, is amazing if you land the lazer. Better than Brans, at least.

LeBlanc moved down - Leblanc suffers from Shaco syndrome, where if she gets fed early she becomes an unstoppable murder machine, but if not, then you fall off so hard.

Morgana moved down - The age of the utility mages is past. AoE casters like Karthus are the meta thing right now. See Viktor.