God Tier- Karthus, Morgana, Ryze, Ahri, Veigar, Swain
1st Tier- Anivia, Cassiopia, Galio, Vladimir, Kennen, Kassadin, Twisted Fate, Mordekaiser
2nd Tier- Leblanc, Xerath, Malzahar, Viktor, Brand, Fizz, Gragas, Zilean, Nidalee,
3rd Tier- Heimerdinger, Karma, Katarina, Teemo, Sion, Soraka, Ziggs, Fiddlesticks
Troll Only Tier- Evelyn, Tryndamere

Karthus Number One- I think Karthus is a little overpowered right now. When placed on a co-ordinated team, he farms the living **** out of his lane, because of the range on his Q. He exerts a lot of power globally with his ultimate, and when it...
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