Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object
[record:protected] => Array
[user_achievement_id] => 209
[user_id] => 191455
[achievement_id] => 18
[relation_type] => ForumThread
[relation_id] => 15795
[display_order] => 0
[is_hidden] => 0
[create_ts] => 2014-08-11 15:20:29
[threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/build-and-guide-discussion/soviets-guide-shredding-services-15795
[getcache:protected] =>
[cache:protected] => Array
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Posted a Comment: May 29th, 2013
"I find that the "xX --------- Xx" tend to be much worse.
I haz numbers in my name too! "
Posted a Comment: May 29th, 2013
"Yorrick lost his lane?
Wut? "
Posted a Comment: May 27th, 2013
No. I don't think he doe-
Posted a Comment: May 27th, 2013
I am so guilty of this.
"Someones going to go for this farm. Come on coooommeeee on."
Normally it works.
Sometimes their whol"
Posted a Comment: May 27th, 2013
Since when did you start playing Swan?
Posted a Comment: May 27th, 2013
""how did garen miss his ult? IT's not even a skill shot."
So, so true "
Posted a Comment: May 27th, 2013
Get asked a lot of the time what the difference between tiers is.
Lower tiers: Skill, map awareness, mechanics, etc.
Middle tiers: (Gold) Who has the better sheperd.
Higher tiers (Gold 1->plat): Ability to tolerate total BS.
I dunno what the difference between the divisions is"
Posted a Comment: May 26th, 2013
"Bronze V plays.
Trynd activates ult before going to attack nashor.
nocturne doesn't know what a spellshield is.
Annie doesn't seem to know that summoning tibbers does damage in itself.
Garen is fighting in somewhere without bushes.
Thing which bugged me was how in ryze's lore "
Posted a Comment: May 26th, 2013
"IF shaco is on your team, bound to be incompetent and useless.
IF shaco is on enemy team... time to run and hide. "
Posted a Comment: May 18th, 2013
Read the guide before you write a god damn stupid comment like that.
It only makes you look dumber. "