Just a cautionary note that if you play on a secondary account make sure that all your keybindings are set correctly, especially if the game has been patched since the last time you played on it as sometimes they slip in changes.

Case in point, I dodged a ranked game on my main account because a troll in champion select picked Udyr Mid. It was a touch late in the evening so I didn't want to wait out the queue time penalty, so I decided to switch over to a secondary account and do my ranked placements.

I quickly checked that I had a decent set of rune pages, made a few tweaks, and figured I would just change my masteries on the fly as I've become accustom to doing. E.g., playing against Gnar then you may want Swiftness instead of Legendary Guardian .

Played two games as ADC and Attack Move Click felt terrible. Very unresponsive and not behaving as expected. And my CS suffered as a result. I also wasn't getting ranged indicators, which caused a couple of errant skill shots. The issue with the skill shots tipped me off that something was awry with my key bindings.

Went into the settings and sure enough I had A bound to the standard Attack Move as opposed to Attack Move Click like I use on my main account.

Range indicators also weren't enabled.

Ahhhh. Now things feel like they should. On to better CSing, kiting, and connecting with more skill shots. :-)