More ***hats per capita than Washington D.C.

I hate muting people. But damned if haven't muted at least 4 people in the last 10 games or so, which is a lot of muting for me.

Literally whole teams griping about my play the instant anything goes wrong. What do you want me to do about the fact that you got your *** solo killed by your lane opponent while I was getting my second buff?

What do you me to do about the fact that you've gotten to half health within the first minute of laning phase Ahri and start pinging that you need help and *****ing about your jungler not helping you then die to the Lee Sin that ganks you while you are typing in chat about how I'm not doing anything? And then blame me for dying to Lee Sin? Really?! You are against an Ezreal, stay behind minions to minimize his Q poke and consider that he might decide to shoot you with Essence Flux which does go through minions but will push the wave in your favor allowing you to farm under turret.

Or Volibear. Under normal circumstances, it is usually not a bad idea to contest Dragon. I'll grant you that. But no contesting is going to be going on when Kennen is dead from getting caught out roaming around the enemy jungle, which is why the enemy team decided to go do dragon. LeBlanc is dead from getting solo killed by Cassiopeia for the 7th time and Caitlyn has decided she is going to AFK farm Top lane and split push until she gets double teamed and inevitably murdered again. She has done that twice now and is back in Top lane so what do you think is going to happen? So when I don't join you in dying when the enemy team jumps out of the pit on you, it isn't because I'm a bad player. It is because I'm paying attention to what is going on in the game and know we can't contest that objective.


The level of toxicity and inability to take responsibility for dumb decisions in some of the Team Builder games I've played of late has been breathtaking.

I don't remember the last ranked game I had that was excessively toxic.

Is this a hint of things to come with Dynamic Queue? Pre-mades picking on the member of the team that didn't queue up with them? If so Dynamic Queue may suck without a party.

I'm going to use this analogy because I think is an important one. You look at the janitor and say man that is a nasty job. Guy should have finished high school and then he would have a better job, but not everyone is smart enough to be computer programmers, so maybe janitor was what they deserve.

When you should be thinking. I'm glad we have a janitor. It would stink to high heaven if no one ever took out the trash and it would suck to have to do it myself because it would be another thing that would distract me from my work.

You've got a pre-made and you need a 4th or 5th? Be thankful you got your 4th or 5th because otherwise you wouldn't be playing the game. Instead of worry about why your 4th or 5th is so bad and typing about it in chat, why don't you worry about your own play and get your lane opponent down to half health so they look like an enticing target to gank? Maybe take a brief moment to type "free kill mid" in chat. That is short, to the point, and quite a bit clearer that pinging I need assistance or I am dead.