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Posted a Comment: Jul 16th, 2017
Posted a Comment: Jul 15th, 2017
"Kayn is probably perfect for you then, being a hybrid slayer"
Posted a Comment: Jul 15th, 2017
"The clear is a lot better going Raptor > Reed > Wolves > Blue > Gromp because you get more XP.
Yeah it's weird, but if you start raptors and kill all the baby ones first, then kill the large one, you'll hit level 4 fromp gromp.
As for saving red, if you get invaded you're screwed"
Posted a Comment: Jul 15th, 2017
"Thanks m8"
Posted a Comment: Jul 15th, 2017
"I like the attempt to code, it's double followed by ending up with The Black Cleaver.
So onto your question. BC being weak. I disagree because I'm usually going to be taking a lot of damage in either form and a 400 HP buffer seems to be perfect to survive. It's also 500g cheaper than a "
Posted a Comment: Jul 14th, 2017
"It's "ok" but most of your damage comes from abilities, which scale from AD/Lethality. It will probably do a boat load of damage if you crit during your combo but it would just be unreliable. CDR is also a must have stat. If you plan to go Crit you'll probably be building Warrior > Shiv"