Hey guys,

After trying out three unconventional tanks in the top lane in Part 1 of this series, I asked you guys to name some supports that might be able to play in the top lane, and based on your recommendations & the limitations I had to deal with (aka not having all support champions on the account I was playing on) I picked three more to try out. If I didn't pick your suggestion, just assume that I realised it was a genius idea but I simply couldn't execute it :^)

As before, the number of games which my conclusions below are based on is once again pretty low (and by "pretty low" I mean literally one), so if you've experimented with any of these picks and made them work while I couldn't (or failed to make them work while I did) please let me know :)

Round 1: Leona
► Why I thought it might work
Though generally acting as a tank / CC-bot for her team, Leona's kit actually has great potential for a Trinity Force-rush bruiser build due to the amount of Sheen procs she can get during her "natural engage combo" ( Zenith Blade - Shield of Daybreak - Eclipse). The auto attack reset on her Q should also allow her to get out ahead in short trades and help her while last hitting under her tower. My only worry before trying her out was she may be easy to bait during a jungle gank.

► In Game Observations
Against a squishy opponent, bruiser Leona is everything you could ever dream of and more. Though her vulnerability to ganks from the jungle and enemy mid lane clearly showed, her damage was surprisingly high and the sheer amount of CC in her kit made it very difficult for enemy carries to escape her. Probably the best top laner I've played so far (though I do kinda suck at aiming her E ;-;).

► Verdict: Will It Top Lane?

Round 2: Braum
► Why I thought it might work
Though his kit is clearly designed to protect an ally in lane, it should also be very good at mitigating damage to himself in a solo lane. After all, using Stand Behind Me on a minion grants him bonus resistances for 3 seconds, while Unbreakable can be used to reduce damage from enemy ranged attacks/spells. Combined with his passive, Braum should be able to force and win short trades.

► In Game Observations
Though his lane is quite solid, the main concern I have with Braum top after playing him is that his damage falls off hard. Only one of his three normal abilities deals damage, after all, and even that ability only scales with a small percentage (2.5%) of his max. health. Although this is normally enough for him to deal good damage for a support, it isn't quite as impressive when coming from a solo laner. He does bring amazing utility to his team, however, making this a pick you should only try when having plenty of damage elsewhere.

► Verdict: Will It Top Lane?
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt: yes.

Round 3: Blitzcrank
► Why I thought it might work
From previous experiences on this champion, I knew that he can be quite fun to play in top lane and that he deals a surprising amount of damage with his full combo. Rocket Grabbing someone near his own tower can also instantly result in a kill, while using the same ability in teamfights to catch opponents who are out of position can instantly win you a teamfight (and, if you're very lucky, the game).

► In Game Observations
I'll start off by mentioning that me having to lane against a Fiora (who can block his Rocket Grab quite easily with Riposte) was a bit unfortunate. Having said that, the main thing I realised during this game is how awkward his laning phase is. Although he - like Leona - has an auto attack reset (from Power Fist), last hitting still feels very clunky and he has no waveclear at all pre-6. The Q-into-tower-for-a-free-kill-cheese also only works against opponents who are paying absolutely no attention or have never seen a Blitzcrank before, and hitting a hook in general to force a trade should be near impossible when minions are around. Not recommended.

► Verdict: Will It Top Lane?

That's it for now, feel free to let me know how it went if you tried any of these champions yourself and make sure to leave suggestions for next time. Theme: Assassins!

P.S. Please make sure to keep the ineligible champions in the spoiler below in mind.