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Riven Build Guide by Foxy Riven

Assassin Riven - Bunny On The Loose!

Assassin Riven - Bunny On The Loose!

Updated on January 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxy Riven Build Guide By Foxy Riven 42 7 294,218 Views 55 Comments
42 7 294,218 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxy Riven Riven Build Guide By Foxy Riven Updated on January 30, 2015
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  • LoL Champion: Riven
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  • LoL Champion: Riven
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  • LoL Champion: Riven
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Hello summoner, my name is Anthony and welcome to my first guide on Mobafire! IGN = Foxy Riven, but you can just call me Foxy.
I started playing in april 2012 and right now I'm a Platinum player on the EUW server. I plan on climbing the ladder to the top and without a doubt Riven will play a part in this.

Recently I took my smurf account to gold in 21 games of which 16 I played Riven. My other smurf, Tonymeister, climbed from silver 5 to gold 3 as well. Again playing a fair amount of Riven. This shows how Riven can actually carry games when you get the hang of her. And here I am trying to pass my knowledge to the world.

While being a mid-player I suddenly picked up Riven in some free week, and fell in love with her right away!
In need of some guidance, I found quite a bit of information here, but none of them seemed to use her to her full potential. So i started looking for youtube matches and found Best Riven NA to be one of the best Riven players & learned a lot from him.
With a lack of a good Riven build, explaining every single corner to her mechanisms, I decided to make this guide. I will adapt it to patches and my own knowledge as much as possible. Feel free to share your comments and thoughts and why you would do things differently. In a polite and respectful way if you please. This would help me and the readers of this guide a lot.
I recommend reading it thorougly, as Riven is not just your ordinary champion. With some practice you can get the most out of her.
Hopefully you'll find my guide to be useful/helpful on your Riven-adventures.

Now let's get started, shall we?

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About the Blade






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About the Exile

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Pros & Cons

+ Great Farmer
+ Very Mobile
+ 2 Disables
+ Resourceless (spam)
+ High burst
+ Bunnysuit
The Exile
- Full AD
- Cooldown-reliant
- Melee
- CC-sensitive
- No sustain/ bad regen
- Distractive bunnysuit

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Offensive Tree (21):


You really need CDR. Every bit helps!
Helps your last-hitting.
Extra AD as Riven is always welcome.
This compensates a bit for your terrible regeneration.
Perfect for Riven as she is an AD caster and deals ........a lot of damage with her spells, while being forced to use
........autoattacks due to Runic Blade.
Synergizes with Spell Weaving & Runic Blade.
More damage, synergizes with your as well.
An extra 5% of AD. Keep it coming.
6% ArP. Too bad you can't use the mastery to its full ........potential.
Overall damage increase of 3%, yes please!

Riven has to go 21 on offense. No point in arguing. She cales with AD, not health or anything else. She is not critical chance-based, so Frenzy is useless for you. Double-Edged Sword is OK I guess. I just don't like it because when you're going to be bullied in lane, which is inevitable in loads of matchups, you'll be taking extra damage.
I'm not even going to talk about the ability power masteries.
Defensive Tree (9):

It's something.
Almost doubles your current regeneration!
synergizes with Block , it ain't much but all in all it
....... helps somewhat.
I've gotten away a decent amount of times under 36 This one saved me right here.
Another extra 3% of health to make you more durable.
No real choice here either. You have to compensate your terrible regeneration. And Juggernaut is just way better than Hardiness . The 3% extra health will protect you more than the 2 extra armor, and it scales throughout the game.

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Rune Page

My personal Rune Page:
My "Enemy is full AD" - Rune Page:

My middle lane Rune Page:



Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: Because Riven needs the early damage. An early kill will get you ahead of your opponent, and you'll be able to zone him, denying your opponent gold & experience (and make you snowball all the way).

Greater Quintessence of Life Steal when you are going to be bullied early on and need the sustain. Never get 3 though. 1 or 2 should be enough.
Greater Quintessence of Health Regeneration is a good alternative.


Greater mark of armor penetration...

Greater Mark of Attack Damage: Even more extra damage. You scale too good with it to take anything else.

greater mark of armor penetration is good when facing tanks.
Greater Mark of Critical Chance. One of these sometimes means heavy early damage. You might just get lucky. Don't count on it too much though.



Greater Seal of Armor: Seals specialize in defense. Don't swap them for anything else.

Greater Seal of Health. These got buffed in patch 4.5. I should do some research on them as they seem pretty strong.
Greater Seal of Scaling Health. Same as the above.



Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist is pretty straightforward. You need this when the other team has an APC, to negate some of his lategame damage.

Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction: Perfect for Riven. Get these when the enemy team lacks magic damage ( Zed or Yasuo mid...).
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist for when you are facing magic damage in toplane or when you're going midlane (vs an AP caster of course).

Example of the Greater Mark of Critical Chance. I recorded this game with my duo partner Major Itchy. Unfortunately this is not a Riven video, but you'll get the point. Keep in mind that Zyra & Caitlyn are both Diamond 5.
Another thing you should look at, when Caitlyn decides to walk in our death-brush, is how I walk in between each attack, as soon as my arrow has left my bow. This is referred to as Orb-Walking & Animation Cancelling.

Skip to 1:20 if you just want to see the power of 1% critical strike chance.

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Summoner Spells

Flash is your savior/wallhack/initiate. Use it when you're being ganked and your spells are on cooldown. Another use is to suprise your opponent and flash combo him to the face. Never swap it for anything else, it's just way too useful on Riven.
Use Ignite to finish off your opponent. You'll need this if you want to go for first blood. It also shuts down healers ( Dr. Mundo, Swain...) and when timed a little after Tryndamere used Undying Rage, he'll die when he tries to spin away for safety.

Other viable options:
Heal is good for overall sustain and baiting a towerdive. With your CC and burst you can get a kill out of this. It beats Barrier by level 3. Keep in mind that the heal is halved when ignited or when under the effect of Grievous Wounds.

Teleport for map presence and split-pushing. Together with homeguard boots, a ward in the second bottom brush, and a pushed botlane, this could change the outcome of the game. when splitpushing you should teleport to your team when the fight starts.

Cleanse for those heavy CC team comps. (i.e. Shen, Rammus & Fiddlesticks on one team).

Exhaust Shuts down your opponent. They're now being slowed and their damage output decreases considerably. Very good against assasins.
Those are really the only viable spells. If I see you with Revive or Clarity, you should either uninstall the game or have to stop trolling.

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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Runic Blade
Runic Blade is in my opinion one of the better passives around. This fits your kit perfectly and gives you an edge on your opponent.
It makes sure you are not going to be smashing those keys without using your brain. To make use of it to its full extent, place an autoattack in between every ability.
This WILL hurt.
It stacks three times, keep that in mind as well.
Broken Wings
Broken Wings is your signature skill. It consists out of three little dashes doing area of effect damage. Max it second (after your ultimate). You can activate it three times, the last one is a little knockup. In between every strike, you ought to do an autoattack. As your passive stacks three times you can use this to rush to your opponent, (QQQ) attack, stun, attack,attack,attack and Valor away.
To use the knockup to your benefit, make sure you land it right BEHIND your opponent, this will ensure you can land more autoattacks,as he your opponent is being knocked up, placing you in between the oppponent and his turret. You can do this by placing your cursor on the ground BEHIND the target, not ON the target. Another trick is to use all three of your Qs as well to jump over the target multiple times. This way you can juke some of the opponent's abilities.
Ki Burst
Ki Burst is a stun, which deals AOE damage. We max it either third or last, depending on the situation. The cooldown will decrease, the damage increase, but the duration of the stun remains the same.
Why not max it earlier? Because the three parts of Broken Wings together will deal more damage than one Ki Burst.

Valor is another dash, with an instant shield scaling with AD. Take it at level 2 when you can't go for the early kill. It will save your life many times while Ignite is bleeding you out. Use it to absorb damage, rush to your opponent or merely for getting away.
If you're having trouble in lane it might be a good idea to put a few early points in it. To cancel your ultimate's cast time, use your Valor, then ultimate. Your blade will be activated while dashing.
You can level it at level 1 when you're facing a lvl. 1 superharasser. i.e. vs. Pantheon you have to start Valor every single time.
Blade Of The Exile
Blade of the Exile, your ultimate is what makes you so awesome. It buffs your AD, Gives you a higher auto attack range (200 from 125), higher range on your first (162,5 from 112,5), second (162,5 from 112,5) and third Q (200 from 135). An increased range on your Ki Burst radius (135 from 125), and a new ability called Wind Slash, which will be available for 15 seconds. This is your execution skill. Keep in mind that it will deal more damage as your target is lower on health. At 25% health it will deal maximum damage.

Indeed, you actually have 7 skills! Use them wisely.


One more thing on your Broken Wings. You can hop over a number of walls, which is perfect for escaping those pesky situations, and leaving your chasers behind.

I made this video to show you where this is possible. I haven't found any guide on this so here you go.

Since patch 3.8 it now only works with your last (third) Broken Wings, but there are a lot more locations you can jump over. The one at the red buff being most amazing, but hardest to pull off. I recommend trying this out in a custom game on your own.

An extra tip here: use Valor before jumping over the obstacle, You can aim it much easier, thus having a better chance to succesfully jump over it.

I put some animation cancelling in the end. Read the entire guide and watch the clip again afterwards to understand what I'm showing.

And here's a map of all possible wallhops, as I forgot some of the spots in the video (at baron, wolfcamps & blue side wraiths). Get into a custom game and try them out for yourself. Enjoy!

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Starting Items
One of these always comes in handy. Doran's Blade being the more agressive approach. Get Doran's Shield if you know you'll need the sustain.
Long Sword
A Long Sword paired with three Health Potions means a lot of sustain paired with damage. The downside is that it makes you really squishy.

Ravenous Hydra
It makes you farm faster, gives health regeneration, life steal and gives a nice amount of attack damage. A very good item with a really nice active for even more AOE damage.
It also cancels your Ki Burst animation and resets autoattacks (Active), which can make you burst down targets extremely fast. It has less of a powerspike compared to BT, but it's an amazing item anyway.
The Bloodthirster
The new bloodthirster gives a shield when you steal more life than your HP bar can handle. This synergizes really good with your Valor. When you go in a teamfight, you have to make sure you got the shield. I do prefer Hydra, because of various reasons, but when you can buy a BF sword on your first back, damage wil skyrocket. Your choice!
  • You can buy both, which is recommended in my item build. But you will lack the Magic Resist if you do.
The Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver is extremely good on Riven. It gives survivability, a lot of armor penetration (which benefits the whole team as it works as a debuff) and even straight up damage. You'll build an early The Brutalizer to buy this item.
I do recommend finishing it only after you already have a few finished items.
The Black Cleaver
Buy Hexdrinker when you're facing magic damage. It will stop burst ( LeBlanc, Garen's Demacian Justice, Rumble...)and is very cost-effective. Do not upgrade it to Maw of Malmortius until you are full build.
Last Whisper
Last Whisper is famous for its invaluable armor penetration. It really is a mandatory item. Get it in 99% of your games. (Unless you go Youmuu's Ghostblade + Black Cleaver, you may have enough penetration in this case.)
last whisper

Mercurial Scimitar
Lovely Item! Mercurial Scimitar has an amazing active (especially against suppressions) and you get a ton of MR. The best thing about it is that you get a ton of AD as well.
Mercurial Scimitar
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Youmuu's Ghostblade is actually quite alright for Riven. It has Armor Penetration, 15% Critical Chance (which actually helps to burst people down), Cooldown Reduction and Attack Damage. The active makes you move really fast and helps you hit faster when your spells are on cooldown. You should sell it for a better one lategame when you are full build.
Youmuu’s Ghostblade
Sell your boots endgame for Zephyr. It gives movement, damage and even tenacity. It's possible to even skip your boots and go straight for this one. Depends on your personal preference.
Trinity Force
As a sixth item, Trinity Force can count. Not saying you should get it, but it's a nice item anyway. Only thing you don't want from it is the extra mana.
Trinity Force
Infinity Edge
When you feel like you're invincible, get this little baby. Don't recommend it for ranked though, just for fun!
Infinity Edge
Sword of the Occult
So you just went 4/0 on before your first recall. Get Sword of the Occult and have your own little minigame of collecting stacks! You can have a maximum of 20 stacks which equals 110 AD and 15% movement speed (400% gold efficiency). Keep in mind that you lose a third of your stacks upon dying. Golden rule: Kill many, die little.
Sword of the Occult


Randuin's Omen
You are squishy and you like to kill ADCs. Randuin's Omen gives you everything you need to chase, kill and survive.
Randuin’s Omen

ONLY buy Thornmail against 5 AD champs. ONLY when they are doing good. I've built it twice in hundreds of Riven games. Says enough. Still in defensive ones because it can be viable.

Guardian Angel
Not a fan of Guardian Angel, as mostly when it gets popped, you die for real 2 seconds later. Still viable in prolonged teamfights to draw attention away from you.
Guardian Angel

Banshee's Veil
Banshee's Veil gives a spellshield. Bursty champions will get really frustrated when they see this one. Really good against AP carries and initators. ( Unstoppable Force)
Banshee’s Veil

Spirit Visage
Great item! Spirit Visage improves regeneration & life steal. You get CDR from it as well as extra health and MR. Its 135% cost effective even without it is passive.
Spirit Visage


If you like cooldowns, these items are the way to go. They make you reach the 40% CDR-cap. (But make sure you build either BT or hydra after you bought The Brutalizer, you need one Lifesteal item!). When timed right, your Broken Wings will now always be off-cooldown, as longs as you wait long enough in between every cast. Your ultimate will now be on an amazing 30-seconds cooldown. And when Riven has her Blade of the Exile she's really at her strongest. Experiment in your games. Sometimes you need more raw damage, sometimes you can go the CDR-build. It's up to you!

Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads gives MR and tenacity. Get these when the enemy team has annoying CC.
Mercury’s treads

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are really great for Riven because of the CDR. You almost hit MAX CDR with these babies.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Boots of Mobility
Mobility Boots are really nice for roaming and split-pushing.
Boots of Mobility

Ninja Tabi
Ninja Tabi are good against an annoying AD toplaner or AD-heavy teams.
Ninja Tabi
"Boots are for newbs"
~ CRS Voyboy
I just don't like boots
Enchantment: Homeguard is the best defensive option. You can get back to your lane superfast, and lategame you should escape a teamfight when you're low, recall, and get back in there (amazing synergy with Teleport)!
Enchantment: Alacrity is an amazing cost-efficient boost to your movement speed throughout the game. Get these when enemies keep getting away at low health, or when you need that extra map presence. (Also good for split-pushing)
Enchantment: Captain is really good when you're sieging towers. Minions and allies will have increased movement speed when they are walking towards you. This is really a team-oriented upgrade.
Warding Totem
Always get this one when you start the game, no exception (well, unless you're the jungler maybe). In your laning phase it's too important to have lasting vision to prevent ganks. This one can be placed at the 0:30 mark and it lasts for 60 seconds on a 120 second cooldown. It improves itself at lvl 9, giving vision for a full 120 seconds. This means you should have a permanent trinket on the map. It can also be improved at this point.
This, however, does NOT mean you don't have to buy wards anymore. Vision is important and with only one little ward you WILL die and have missed chances to kill low-health enemies, recalling in a near brush.
Greater Stealth Totem
Greater Vision Totem
Upgrading your trinket is quite costly, and I recommend doing it after your major items have been completed. It does give you a free ward that lasts as long as a Stealth Ward. Take this one if you have enough Oracle's Lenses on your team already.
This one is for when you're facing invisible enemies, or when your team refuses to buy Vision Wards themselves. I recommend taking it vs Akali, as you can reveal her when she's in her Twilight Shroud, and your team already has a few Oracle's Lenses.

Sweeping Lens
Get the Sweeping Lens at level 9 if the enemy is warding a lot and you cannot roam/steal buffs/counterjungle because of these wards. At level 9 it has a 60 second cooldown, so spam it whenever you can. It's very useful as well for when you want to take enemy buffs/dragon & Baron Nashor without being detected. When the enemy has no vision they'll have a hard time stealing it as well. It's also very helpful when recalling at low health. Find a brush asn use the Sweeping Lens before recalling.
It also has amazing synergy with your "/dance".
Oracle's Lens
The upgraded version is actually pretty amazing. The drone reveals and disables all invisible traps and wards within a 600-unit radius, on a 60 second cooldown. You also gain a 10-second Oracle's Elixir. Extremely useful when you see Rengar's exclamation mark above your head, and when Talon used his Shadow Assault. You can also clear wards affciently when going for Baron Nashor.


Scrying Orb
The Scrying Orb has amazing synergy with long range projectiles. AKA Javelin Toss, Whirling Death, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Trueshot Barrage & Super Mega Death Rocket!. Nidalee is the only champion who could really benefit from this in my POV, because ADCs are better off with a ward in their pocket. You should never buy this unless it's a free win and you feel like experimenting.

Farsight Orb
I'll be honest with you, I don't think anyone has ever upgraded his Scrying Orb into this. It reveals units for 1 second, as long as they're not stealthed up to 4000 units away. Buy Stealth Wards and you won't be needing this.


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Good ol' times. Patch 3.8 made this impossible, but I want this to be remembered:

First Blood

A few steps to get that satisfying first blood.

1. Kill the wolves/wraiths with the help of your AP Mid and pop a health pot while you're at it.
2. Go top.
3. Last hit one minion.
4. Right before you hit level 2, engage with a Q and auto attack, pop your Elixir of Fortitude, Ignite your opponent ( Summoner's Wrath kicks in) and level your stun.
5. Hit another Q and autoattack, stun your opponent, Q, autoattack.
6. Spam /t, "A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!"
7. Profit.
Reaching level 2 before your opponent does is still possible. You have to kill a minion as soon as you reach your lane. So hit the first one multiple times. This way you can surprise engage your opponent, just as shown in the previous video, as soon as you hit level 2. It will be pretty obvious if you're trying this, but you never know, right?

Full Combo

> > AA > > AA > to safety > at max range.

Try a few combo's yourself. Just keep your passive in the back of your head.

Orb Walking

You can cancel your attack animation by using another skill or by walking. This way your DPS will be significantly higher and you are able to catch up with enemies much faster. Riven is the only champion who can exploit this technique to such an extent.
Not following?
You deal damage before you fully swung your blade. (You can tell by the number popping onto your enemy) This means you already dealt the damage. Still, Riven swings her blade a little longer than necessary. If you cancel that unnecessary moment, you can start kiting & catching up a lot faster.

This video shows the fast combo at 0:17. You perform it by clicking away from your target when one of your Q's is in their animation, and click to attack the target when your animation ended. You cn do this 3 times on non-moving foes.

Foxy Riven's Mini Riven Guide


Laning phase:

Last hitting
Last hitting is one of the most difficult, yet most rewarding techniques in the game. Every time a minion is low, you should deal the killing blow. Simple as that. Keep in mind: 15 CS has about the same gold value as 1 kill. So you could be behind in kills, but still have a gold-advantage.





| ….
+ Safe
+ Easy gank
- Lose CS
- Lose XP
Because you either lose trades, just want to farm safely or get pressured by the enemy jungler.
| | ….
+ Zone enemy
+ Get all xp/cs
+ Safe
- Lose HP When you're ahead or win trades. You make sure enemy minions do NOT get hit by your turret.
How? By tanking the minion damage when they're pushing, and by last hitting at the very last moment.
| | ….
+ CS lead
+ XP lead
- Easily ganked When you're ahead/stronger. You make the enemy lose CS due to his turret. Unless he can lasthit really well you’ll gain an advantage. Buy Stealth Wards to prevent ganks with this strategy.


  • When you did push too hard, you can go kill their/your golems/wolves/big wraith. Or go gank midlane. But do not forget to buy Stealth Wards
  • Aim for a minimum of 170 CS in 20 minutes. Try to reach more every game. (Clear camps!)
Level 6
This is your moment to shine. As soon as you hit 6 you should jump your opponent. Best case scenario: You hit 6 before your opponent, and you can surprise him.
70% of times this results in a kill. Don't be afraid to burn your Flash on the initiate.
Proxy Farming
When you are far ahead and force the enemy back (or when you can ignore him), you can farm in between turrets, take jungle camps and go gank lanes. I recommend watching Druiddroid to comprehend how this works. But for the love of god please don't copy him.
For example: You just killed your opponent and your minions are at the enemy turret. walk further down the lane and kill the next wave of minions. (Your minions deal damage to the turret and their gold/experience is lost because that turret will kill all of them)


  • Don't get caught, so before you go and take that inner turret, be sure to know where your opponents are. (Place Stealth Wards on the map!)
  • Try and catch people who are on their own, but be careful of baits. (again, buy Stealth Wards!)
  • You should be there when your team wants to do dragon/ baron nashor.
  • Positioning is key here. You can't just go and take 5 ultimates to the face. The perfect scenario is a great initiate from your team (i.e. Malphite's Unstoppable Force)
    If you lack the initiation, wait until most crowd control has been blown before going in and killing their carries.
  • It's even better if you can flank their backlines unseen to take out priority targets, which you excel at.
  • If there is a Zed on the enemy team it is crucial that you stop him from going for your adc. You can take on Zed and carry on to the next target, just make sure your adc survives!
Choice #1
Kill their carry

What you must try to do is wait for the perfect moment.
Position yourself behind your team, with your adc.
A soon as they blow most of their disabling abilities on your jungler/support (a tank would be nice), activate your ultimate and jump in. Ask yourself which opponent will have the greatest impact in a teamfight, and can you instantly kill him? Is he behind his team? -> Flash Valor Broken Wings to him if you are ballsy enough.

When you rush through their team like that, you are a bulldozer, dealing tons of damage to everyone around you. If your team doesnt back you up, you're dead in the water though. So communication is key!
Choice #2
Protect the carry
Is your carry doing really good and did the enemy start realising this?
Then it is your job to protect him at all cost. They will start focusing your carry, and you have the power to keep them away. When you scared the attackers off you can start joining the rest of your team and hopefully kill for the ace.
Choice #3
Force 4v3
This is the hardest one. If you're fed enough you can roflstomp on the enemy assasin, who will be helped by another opponent. Your allies should hard engage on the enemy team at the same time. This forces a 4v3 which is beneficial for the team. If you die doing this, it might not be so bad as you will have dealt tons of damage to the other 2 enemies, while your team fought with an advantage. This tactic relies a lot on your team though, and you should decide for yourself whether it is the right choice.

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Toplane Matchups


Dr. Mundo






Jarvan VI




Lee Sin


Master Yi


The Cane



























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The build used for jungling is on the top of this page. But there is no ideal build for every game. Always think about what items will be most effective.

Jungle route season 4:

- Decide which lane you wish to gank first
- Take the buff with a little help from the nearest lane and use Smite.
- Clear the wraith camp (with single target junglers you should do wolves)
- Take your second buff and use Smite
- Go gank either mid lane or the other nearest lane


- You can either use the lane and go into the side brushes to gank (when the opponents are near their turret)
- You can use the river (when the opponents is in the middle of the lane or has pushed towards a friendy turret)

Ganking paths:

Afterwards just farm and gank as much as possible. Easier said than done, but just keep your head into the game. Always push a lane when there is nobody in it if you can do it really fast. This way the enemy loses experience and gold, which is beneficial for your whole team.
when an empty lane is pushing to a friendly turret, you can be a good girl and tank the minions until your friendly unit(s) arrive(s).

Stealing buffs:

Always know where the other jungler started. This way you can prepare to steal their buffs at 7:10 and 8:15. Either smite steal it when they almost killed it, or take it when they show themselves on the map, without buffs. (Always check whether they have one, they could have stolen yours!) To prevent steals, time your own buffs and be on them right when they spawn.

Dragon/Baron Nashor

Go for dragon when:
- You see the other jungler is top/dead
- Botlane has been pushed
- You are sure you'll get it for free
- your smite is up (so you can use it to lasthit the dragon)

Go for Nashor when:
- You aced/semi-aced the other team
- Their smite is unavailable
- You are sure you can do it unspotted
- You believe it's more beneficial than going for an inhibitor
- Your smite is up and you are confident you'll smite it on the right moment

DO NOT FALL FOR THE "NOOB-TRAP" (= going for nashor, getting aced, let the enemy get the buff and lose the game)

I will work on an extended version of how to jungle Riven later on.

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Tips & Tricks


  • Dash to your lane to get there more quickly (you can jump over turrets!)
  • Use your third Q (knockup) behind your opponent when you are going for the kill.
  • Switch with your midlaner when you get hard-countered by armor
  • Buy Vision Wards when facing invisible characters such as Evelynn, Teemo (to remove his Noxious Trap, or when he's being a Stealth Ward himself), Shaco, Twitch or Akali (place it in her Twilight Shroud).
  • Check out / This site is really amazing to check stats, opponents and a two-month database of your last matches. You can click on "open current game info" when a match has started, and then click on "request to recording". This way you can check your matches afterwards to analyse the mistakes/plays you made!


  • Wallhop with Q (check chapter abilities)
  • use Valor to aim your jump
  • After a kill and your ultimate is still active (you can tell by the giant sword), stand on the enemy's body and type /t or /j in chat. Surprise!
  • If you use valor a splitsecond before your ult, Blade of the Exile will have NO cast time. This way you can surprise your opponent.
  • Cancel your attack animation to maximize your DPS!
  • Chain your Crowd Control for an instagib. (Especially against escapers/heavy CC - champions)

Good luck snowballing!

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Check Riven's potential for yourself:

Some of my Riven matches:

My Season 3:

For the Readers

Thank you guys for all of your support! Because my guide went to the top I decided to do something for the readers. For every 20 votes I'll be doing something in return!

(Got the idea from Delta Scorpion's Anivia Guide! Hope you don't mind :p)

  • 20 Votes - Add a Hall of Fame with pictures of YOUR success with Riven
  • 40 Votes - Add a Riven Mid Matchup Section
  • 60 Votes - Add a Teammates section
  • 80 Votes - Improve coding on Matchup Section & Teammate Section
  • 100 Votes - Play 1v1 Riven on Summoner's Rift Top Lane versus you guys (with the Best Riven NA rules)
  • 120 Votes - Play Riven VS your best champion on the Howling Abyss

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Hall of Fame

20 votes Achieved!

Send me your recent (ranked) success with Riven and I'll be adding them to the Hall of Fame!


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Is what I want to say to JhoiJhoi for the really nice guide on how to make a guide. Check it out here!

To JhoiJhoi again for helping me out even more.

To Best Riven NA, you've shown me Riven's true potential.

To my team Oarelbeke who taught me how to play this game in the first place.

To anyone who can help me shape this guide from a raw diamond to a truly outrageous gem!

To all of you who gave this guide a positive vote!

And finally, I thank YOU for reading my guide till the end. I hope I have given you some insight and quite the few tricks and tips you need to play a good Riven!



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Change Log

25/05/2013 : Started making this build.
25/05/2013 : Published.
26/05/2013 : Boots in Final build, apparently this is a pretty sensitive spot to a lot of people.
22/06/2013 : Uploaded a wallhop video of my own.
03/07/2013 : Hitting lvl 2 before your opponent by killing jungle creeps is impossible now.
20/07/2013 : Patch 3.10, Riven can now jump over more walls and it works a lot easier. Jumping over walls with your first Q is now impossible.
26/12/2013 : Modified the build to the preseason. Your starting items choice has been simplified.
11/02/2014 : Riven's base health regen is now actual s**t.
21/04/2014 : New build path & adjustments.
23/04/2014 : REWORKING
24/04/2014 : Minor improvements.
25/04/2014 : Put more Jungle options in the itemization-section.
14/05/2014 : Changed the errors pointed out by Meiyhe.
22/05/2014 : Minor improvements.
03/06/2014 : Minor formatting improvements.
06/06/2014 : Changed my opinion on Youmuu's Ghostblade.
07/06/2014 : New video! Walljumps & animation cancelling.
10/06/2014 : Added a wallhop map.
10/06/2014 : Added a Trinket section.
13/06/2014 : Added new dividers.
13/06/2014 : Visual update for the introduction.
14/06/2014 : Added the CDR build path & itemization chapter.
15/06/2014 : Update to Defensive Masteries.
16/06/2014 : Added 2 chapters.
18/06/2014 : Bloodthirster changed in patch 4.10.
30/06/2014 : Added A reward system & the Hall of Fame.
30/06/2014 : Polished the Items Section.
07/07/2014 : Visual update to laning phase choices.

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