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What am I doing wrong?

Creator: Electro522 January 15, 2015 11:11pm
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Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2015 11:11pm | Report
Every time I play jungle, my team just gets horribly steam rolled. I don't feel as if I am playing badly, but it just seems like every time I go into the jungle, EVERY LANE LOSES. I just played a game where our Zed got beat by a Ziggs! Bot lane got completely annihilated, and top got countered hard. This is what happens every time I play jungle! I just don't understand! Yes, I make mistakes in the game, but none of them should be to the point to where it just throws the game.

I try my best to keep track of dragon, I try my best to provide counter ganks when possible, I try my best to gank when possible. But it just never works!!! This is why I feel I am truly doing something wrong when I play jungle, but I have no clue what it is!!! The only time I do well in the jungle is probably the first 15 minutes of the game, when I make my first gank. Normally it comes out with a kill or plenty of burned summoners. But after that, it just all falls apart. Either top gets fed, or bot gets destroyed. Mid gets pushed all the way to inhib, and I'm beeline focused hard. I havent had a decent jungle game in about a month and a half!!!

The only thing I can think of is that I am always in the wrong place at the wrong time. For example, I'm going for my red buff on red side, but then the enemy ADC gets a double kill on bot. I try and gank bot, then top gets killed, and the tower is destroyed. It just feels like I'm always getting pulled everywhere, but I can't be everywhere at once!!! Even while playing Rek'Sai, who has an awesome countergank potential, I can never get to the right place at the right time. Like, I'm helping bot, notice top is in trouble, use my ult to get to top, but then bot gets killed when I get there!!! Seriously?!?!?

I have no clue what I'm doing wrong, but it feels like I am doing something wrong. I would just really appreciate it if ANYONE can tell me what the hell that is!!!
Thank You Emoriam!
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2015 11:45pm | Report
I dunno about you but I gank as soon as I hit lvl 3 a good portion of the time.
Clear blue wolves, group, gank top, clear red go and prepare for either ganking mid or bot.
That's two ganks in 7 minutes.

Basically MOBAFire.
<Guide Critic>
Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 12:09am | Report
I normally gank at lvl 3 as well, and that's when everything goes well. Its around lvl 6 to 9 where everything just falls apart.

Just played another jungle game with the same results: every lane lost, and we just got steam rolled.
Thank you Toshabi for the advice!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 1:07am | Report
How often do you keep track of their jungler? For example, you see him bot lane, and you're top, what do you do?

You see him midlane with the raptors buff, what information does that give you? Etc.

Jungle is a lane all its own. There's a lot of things to know to play it right. Warding in their jungle is super useful and should be done every time you think you can get away with it.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Foxy Riven
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 1:12am | Report
If everyone loses, create pressure.

You see an empty lane, push it and work down the turret. Taxing a lane is a very efficient way to stay up in levels/gold and do something useful. Making the enemy lose CS to its turret is always a great strategy.

You gank mid, force a recall, work down mid turret instead of going to your jungle. When the enemy jungler comes, calculate whether you can kill him (dive) or leave the lane.

Try to draw attention yourself, make the enemy waste time on you.

If you draw all the attention, make sure your team gets a turret/dragon out of that. Heck, if it lets your adc catch up in farm that's already great.
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 1:53am | Report
What is your in game name? Cannot find you on using the username you provided on your profile.

One of the things I usually do is looking at kill contribution. It is (imo) one of the best indicators of how well you're doing. If you're not averaging at least 50% you're definitely not having enough of an impact, and impact is the most important 'thing' to have/do in the game.
TheKut's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 4:42am | Report
One thing you could do is record one of your games, upload to youtube and show it here. I'm not a jungler myself and I know little of how you should do it but I know there are a lot of competent analysts here who could help you out if they could see how you played.
Zordagoth's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 5:17am | Report
There are some times where no matter what you do, your laners will get destroyed but that's insanely rare that EVERY lane lose hard if you had the time to help them.

Quick tips i can think of : as Foxy said, if you see an empty lane, nobody's around, push it. Opponents will lose cs and you'll get money and xp.

If you manage to kill/forceback on a gank, push the wave to tower, he'll lose even more xp and money

If one lane is losing really really hard, ignore them and help other lane, oherwise you'll lose plenty of time for nothing.

When playing Bruisers/Tanks, think of what you should buy : you dominate, buy some more damage to keep on dunking the ennemy and draw attention on you.
Your team is doing good, go tankier and protect your carries.

I remember one time I was jungle and our bot died to a level 1 Vayne/Soraka and our top died to a level 2 gank, but decided to tp back in tons of creeps + j4/Riven -> died again. I did not even had the time to take my 2nd buff that our team was already 0-4 in 2 minutes xD then our mid went full ****** (never go full ******) he just flamed, raged and did nothing good for the team, the good point is, we lost fast :p
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 5:23am | Report
Adding some extra context to comment above.

Zordagoth wrote:
Quick tips i can think of : as Foxy said, if you see an empty lane, nobody's around, push it. Opponents will lose cs and you'll get money and xp.

Not necessarily always the best thing to do. Without any further context this is a bad thing to do, during mid/late game its usually better to stay grouped and take objectives. I'd only do so if the lane is getting pushed back towards you.


If you manage to kill/forceback on a gank, push the wave to tower, he'll lose even more xp and money

Yes, but you sometimes also want to freeze. Again, without any further context this isn't necessarily the best thing to do. Sometimes you just cannot push in-time.


If one lane is losing really really hard, ignore them and help other lane, oherwise you'll lose plenty of time for nothing.

Depends on how far he's behind but correct. The risk is that the enemy laner either turns around on you, kills you and gets away or the enemy jungler comes around and doublekills you.

Sometimes however your laner just gets camped while he's actually stronger than the enemy laner, despite being 0-3. In that case you might want to focus on counterganking the enemy instead.


When playing Bruisers/Tanks, think of what you should buy : you dominate, buy some more damage to keep on dunking the ennemy and draw attention on you.
Your team is doing good, go tankier and protect your carries.

Correct, although never go too deep into damage builds because they will still need you tanky. Rule of thumb I use = the amount of gold that you're ahead of your counterpart jungler, you can invest in damage items.

TheKut wrote:
One thing you could do is record one of your games, upload to youtube and show it here. I'm not a jungler myself and I know little of how you should do it but I know there are a lot of competent analysts here who could help you out if they could see how you played.

Yup, I can do so when I get my new mic (in about 1 week).
Zordagoth's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2015 5:48am | Report
True, ty Vyn for clarification i should have add

1 - ofc you do it only early game, during laning phase

2- If ennemy doesn't have tp you can do it, otherwise don't you'll probably just steal xp/gold from your laner.

3- That's what i meant by really REALLY behind

4- Ofc (unless you can just close the game by yourself, which is rare)
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