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Sion Build Guide by Theseus85

Support AP Sion Support- The BEST SUPPORT IN GAME!!

Support AP Sion Support- The BEST SUPPORT IN GAME!!

Updated on February 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Theseus85 Build Guide By Theseus85 3 3 72,980 Views 15 Comments
3 3 72,980 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Theseus85 Sion Build Guide By Theseus85 Updated on February 3, 2015
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Theseus85 (2) | February 15, 2015 6:33pm
No its not broken but the fact that his w scales off AP/Health/minions killed is. And I don't understand where everyone gets off acting like the build is ALL AP or something its a tank build with one ap/ad item in it. I mean I don't get what everyone is so hesitant about, everyone is ok with hydra but the Hextech is UNREAL AND ******ED why?
Firehusary (2) | February 15, 2015 8:51am
WEait, 1.0 AP is so broken?

Great no. But well, it's troll, who cares. Archive it, some newbies may try this build by accident.
Theseus85 (2) | February 13, 2015 12:56am
You can definitely go more armor and change things as always in builds especially since sion is a natural tank it gives you options on what the team needs. The mastery really is for those who have difficulty playing him and keeping the mana to stay in lane and the gold to build. If you play the champion enough you can definitely start fine tuning it a lot more to you specs as with most supports. I am really glad you had a good time with him, he is a lot of fun especially with a kalista adc. I think that is by far the most fun I have had in the game so far. Enjoy share and keep on playing.
Aqueous Hexia | February 9, 2015 12:34pm
I just tried this build and made some changes to it and won. Nobody really expects Sion support and it worked great. I played along with my friends down in bit lane and it was simply fun. We denied their farm so much. Instead of getting revolver and hextech I simply get fully upgrade the relic shield. I get magic resist boots with furor so I can keep up with the champions when I am in my passive form. Instead of going 0/13/7 I go 0/21/9 and in runes I go marks of armor, seal of armor, quints of mov. speed, and glyphs of scaling magic resit. Anyway that's the way I decided to build him and used your guide as a structure and main pillars. Thanks for adding this guide of yours it sure makes playing support really fun. :)
LukeMortora (1) | February 9, 2015 8:57am
"even top with your build you have NO DMG!!! You are talking like you are doing this amazing dmg and your not"

'nuff said.

Also, i compare him to another lane because i'm demonstrating how much potential you lsoe by playing him in an inefficient role - unlike supports like Braum and Leona who's kit is designed to fit the role.

I'm not being argumentative for the sake of it - and you have failed to put across any valid counter-argument, statistics or maths to back up anything you're saying... soooo i'm not going to be checking this discussion page anymore. Have fun squashing bronze scrubs, because it wont last.
Theseus85 (2) | February 5, 2015 4:29pm
No offense you are just being argumentative. First off as sion support you are comparing him to a sion top not another support, which is irrelevant. My support build is has plenty of health with the sightstone, you still get some cs with the relic shield and after laning is over you can hold lanes and push lanes and still get your cs for your w. The only "ap" item is a hextech and thats for the life steal to sustain push late game at base pushes this is really great. His late game drops off no matter how you build him even top with your build you have NO DMG!!! You are talking like you are doing this amazing dmg and your not, I play ever role in the game so I have played games with sion top, HE IS A TANK not a dmg dealer. I also play him top and my build is again a tank not dmg. Sion support is a tank late game with great harass early for lane. He is viable as a support as much as any other support STOP COMPARING HIM TO SION TOP!!!
LukeMortora (1) | February 5, 2015 3:26am
Theseus85 wrote:

late game DAMAGE drops off. Meaning yes he is a tank and yes he cc's but he isn't going to devastate the other team solo. Also MY BUILD IS NOT A GLASS CANNON. It is all health tanky with ap added. You have two off the items I suggest building really the only difference is instead of the randuins, I build the righteous glory for the catalyst which lets you stay in lane longer early game and allows your teammates to stay with you when you initiate a fight or need to go in to save someone. The hextech gun blade will allow you to stay and push a lane at their base without having to worry about getting poked down and forced to retreat. It is like having two sonas on your team only healing you. This is an incredible ability almost no other champ has. You argue about cheap tricks and you call it BS but you build him nearly the same just not as a support. I have a sightstone bc I am support which is a health tanky item, and different boots which I clearly say is a choice needed to be made in game. Instead of calling BS how about you try it and then argue a point.

Okay so - just addressing your point that i build a few of the core items you do. That is because they are suitable for a top lane tank.

Secondly, you completely ignored my point about late game damage. The hextech is a waste of gold for the late game, and the reason why my damage does not fall off is because I force prolonged encounters - i can afford to do so because I've built very tanky, and my effective health is built on by the passive health I've earned from my creep score.

Each point of health i'm earning has a gold value, which also builds on Sion's effectiveness. That passive is totally wasted on a support role, which is what makes him unsuitable. When built correctly, Sion is still able to tank for his team on 10% health, simply because his effective health pool is so high by the late game. Your build does not exploit this, and for that reason, i would consider it a glass cannon build (comparatively to his potential strength).

Again, i cant stress enough that your W shield does not do more damage with the more health you have, it just absorbs more. You should update your guide to reflect this fact.

The damage i achieved in that game i linked was done using his base damage only. The hextech revolver is so pointless in the late game, and if you have gold enough to build it before the laning phase is over, you're already doing well enough to constitute not having it. It's a catch 22. (either that or your build order is seriously messed up). His damage does not "drop off", he thrives in teamfight and AoE situations, if anything, that's where most of your damage should come from.

The faulty information you've provided is further compounded by your skewed perceptions on this champion's strengths. His passive is by far his weakest ability, nobody should ever build to optimize on this, and the only reason it might get you a kill is if your opponent is scrub enough not to re-position after the kill. The spellvamp is not necessary if you are trading correctly and not playing carelessly, and it also means you wouldn't be shunting the lane constantly for health - and if your counter argument to that is that you ARENT shouting minions in a line all the time, then the effectiveness of this item falls even further, as it's usefulness is limited to "as and when you need it" rather than "i need this all the time".

If you want me to argue a point, then let's look at the gold value you're throwing away. Going by the wiki value of "Maximum health has a gold value of 2.67 gold per point", I am earning 2 points of health for each creep i secure, and 10 for a large minion. In that game i linked, i secured 211 creeps, and in 35 minutes, 28 of those would be siege minions.

Now accounting for human error, let's say i secure 20 of those 28, that gives me a grand total of (2*191) + (10*20) = 582hp which has a gold worth of 1554g. That is quite a significant amount of gold worth you are throwing away in the bot lane, and you must remember that effective health is calculated by maximum health x (1 + 1% of defense). So my effective health returns on that passive for building so much armour and MRes to go with it make the value of this passive unbelievably powerful, which is what makes you practically "un-killable" to most enemies in the late game.

It's all well and good thinking that support Sion is viable, but that late-game drop-off is simply a product of him being played in a lane where he does not shine his brightest. If you want to remain a viable threat in the late game, you should reconsider my comments. The math is there, and if you really want me to "math" all over your build, I will, if at least to show you how inefficient your suggestions are.
Theseus85 (2) | February 4, 2015 12:54pm
late game DAMAGE drops off. Meaning yes he is a tank and yes he cc's but he isn't going to devastate the other team solo. Also MY BUILD IS NOT A GLASS CANNON. It is all health tanky with ap added. You have two off the items I suggest building really the only difference is instead of the randuins, I build the righteous glory for the catalyst which lets you stay in lane longer early game and allows your teammates to stay with you when you initiate a fight or need to go in to save someone. The hextech gun blade will allow you to stay and push a lane at their base without having to worry about getting poked down and forced to retreat. It is like having two sonas on your team only healing you. This is an incredible ability almost no other champ has. You argue about cheap tricks and you call it BS but you build him nearly the same just not as a support. I have a sightstone bc I am support which is a health tanky item, and different boots which I clearly say is a choice needed to be made in game. Instead of calling BS how about you try it and then argue a point.
LukeMortora (1) | February 4, 2015 7:45am
"The late game you drop off this happens no matter how you build him"

Late game you drop off?

It is little wonder you drop off with the build you have suggested - his strength definitely is in his late game tankiness and disruption. If you cannot provide that for your team as Sion, then you are dead weight. Sion is a late game beast of a tank, and when played correctly, is capable of a tremendous amount of damage.

Observe the following ranked game where i actually manage to beat our mid-lane master yi on damage who scored 22 kills to my 8:

The ONLY damage item there are my sorcerer's shoes which add to my MPen to take down squishies. the base damage on Sion's abilities are more than sufficient to be a real threat, and building Sion as an AP glass cannon does NOT play to his strengths.

I've made so many valid points for which you have no arguement other than "nuh-uh, it totally works and you're just stupid".

I am telling you that anyone that is worth a damn will NOT fall for your cheap tactics, this is not a viable build or pick for competitive play. I'm by far not the best player in the world, i'm only ranked in silver - but even i can smell the BS from here. Rethink your build, and make something that works. Disruptiveness, tankiness, enable the kills for your ADC.
Theseus85 (2) | February 2, 2015 11:09am
I have played sion support so much its by far my main and it seems everyone is a critic and nay sayer as even in the comments on this page, until we OWN lane and everyone says they were surprised and sorry. I can dissect ever reason why it works but you can say what ifs and if they do this for example the adc will stay on the same side as me then I w and walk at him get close enough and q, he either is forced to retreat or try to do dmg through my shield. Either way my adc is usually taking this time to farm and if I get the stun off comes and does some dmg. I would love to play against the people who doesn't think this works. I have said their are champs its tough with like nami or kalista but its about skill and sion is a champ I have never lost lane with. It works promise. The late game you drop off this happens no matter how you build him, thats his biggest downside. You can promise lane and early game but late game will really be reliant on the team work and you can't carry.
LukeMortora (1) | February 2, 2015 6:50am
Right, firstly i'd like to address this issue on E.

It does not do INCREASING damage with each target hit, it does +50% INCREASED damage to every target hit beyond the first.

Also a note about the hextech revolver:
Your E even though it can hit a complete minion wave as it comes in is considered a single target spell. This means that every minion including the first minion you hit counts as dmg caused by a single target spell

This information is also inaccurate, as Sion's champion page clearly states:
Roar of the Slayer is primarily a linear, colliding skill-shot, but if the first unit struck is not a champion, it becomes an area of effect ability.
Applies spell effects as an area of effect ability.
Spell vamp is reduced to one-third effectiveness.

You should probably update your guide to reflect this.

Also, re: positioning of the enemy ADC and minions; A smart ADC will not stand behind them so you can shout them into him, he will stand on the same side of the lane as you meaning it will be impossible to exploit the +50% free damage you get from doing this. Enemy supports will also likely focus on denying you that poke damage.

If you dont think that poking with your W is going to result in you taking creeps from your ADC, prepare to be surprised. Not to mention that your shield will be depleted by the very nature of the the bot lane. You misunderstand the point of building health for your W - it does not do more damage, it just absorbs more the point being that you'll actually be able to detonate it before it is depleted. The damage mostly comes from the built in %health damage - which is wasted on the adc which 90% of the time will not build a health item in the laning phase.

.4 AP ratio is not good. do not build AP on Sion as a support.

I just cant see him doing well vs other popular supports.

Morgana - Black Shield prevents your ult or Q CCing the target, and will prevent the slow from E. Her Q will be aimed at your ADC, so while you're charging in, you'll be left alone as your lane partner will be left behind in the everlasting root that is morgana's Q.

Thresh - Can lantern an adc out of your Q channel or ult path. Your only saving grace is that you can apply enough pressure to him to prevent him hooking your ADC - but without defensive items and those pen marks, a hook might be enough to take off a massive chunk of your health before you can even react

Blitzcrank - Can apply tons of lane pressure without inadvertently shunting the lane forward, his W means he can avoid most of what you throw his way. His engage is a reliable full-combo when it connects (Q > E > R), and is on a much lower cooldown than your all in engagement tool (your ult)

Leona - Can stun your Q and easily counter-engage. A good Leona will exploit your weakness pre-6, and her ult is arguably more reliable than yours as an engagement tool. She is also not left "out-of-pocket" when her ult is on CD, as her E and Q can also be used to initiate an all-in engagement.

Although she cannot prevent your ult connecting, you should consider the following:
Leona synergises with mobile champions - anyone who is able to engage quickly when she dives does well and is often picked with her (ie lucian) - with this in mind, trying to hit a mobile ADC with your Ult or skill-shots is going to be a serious challenge when your ADC is stunned and dying quickly.

Vel'koz - to compare you to a proper AP support whom is skill shot based - His passive is MUCH stronger than yours, his AP ratios are all better than yours and he completely out-ranges you. He still has a CC tool in the form of a knock up, which will be easy to interrupt you when you're standing still charging your Q. The high base damage on his abilities combined with his passive means that he WILL kill you and your ADC faster than you can kill him in an All-In engage.


Honestly, i would play Sion as a support for a bit of fun, don't get me wrong. But the fact that his kit does not fit with the role very well, compounded by the fact that the way you would have to play him is crushed by the current meta, means that i would never, EVER, choose Sion as a support in a competitive scenario.

From what i'm reading here, you're building around damage, but that's not the strength of the champion you're playing. It's like building attack speed on Braum - sure you can build the stacks of his passive up faster and it kind of works, but it's not his strength. As Sion or Braum, you need to be tanky as hell and take the hits for your carry as HE does the damage. That's his job! A good Vel'Koz levels his Q first, even though his W has a higher base damage. this is because he wants to exploit the curve of the lane and the duration of the slow. He isn't building for damage, he just does it naturally. A truely excellent vel'koz will not be stealing kills, and will have vision EVERYWHERE.

If you want to play AP Sion - play mid. He's actually a solid choice right now, Hextech Revolver would be even better for you against poke-heavy mid-laners. Push them out of lane and then Charge up or down into an extended top or bot lane with your jungler and let the hilarious 3v1 or 4v1 ganks begin.
Theseus85 (2) | January 27, 2015 10:30am
Your E doesn't need minions to hit the target and you can use the minions at any angle so standing to the side just means you aim more one way or the other not really an escape from the poke. This usually is enough to bully an adc out of lane itself. There is no real escape from the e just dodge as far as the q interrupt you are right but that goes for leona as well. Anything that would interrupt leona's dive interrupts sions charge not much different and actually lock ups like morgana or lux stop leona's dive but not his charge but I am sure you consider leona a decent support and the range of the leona dive though faster isn't much more than sions charge stun. Also you talk about sion's w and exploiting the health but you are not reading the % its based off. its AP ratios are higher on the shield and does SIGNIFICANTLY more dmg on explosion. Also if you look at my build its mostly made of AP and HP. The hextech is chosen over the Acient for its active ability which you utilize on your after life to help chase down those tgts with low health also you don't steal the cs from the adc with this item where as the ancient you will. As you stated tgts move out of range fairly quickly and this will let you chase down those tgts and use your passive to its fullest. Also what makes his passive as a support OP is you can tank the turret while your adc secures a kill even after dying. As far as the dmg on the e doing more dmg it does do more dmg after passing through 2 tgts. If you play sion you will see this effect when "e"ing a minion wave and the first two tgts will live but the rest of the wave will die. As far as the teleport is concerned I would agree it is a very viable option and gives you great mobility on the map even into late game for lane pushing, the very real downside is being ganked. Sion isn't a very mobile champ, if warded well and carefully played I would agree but I find almost every game after I shove the adc out lane less than 5 mins in I will be camped sometimes from jungle and mid which I don't mind since my adc usually will end up with a double or trip if played right or mid will be able to free farm. The ability to handle so many targets is one of Sions best abilities. You can sit under turret and when a minion wave comes E with w on and charge stun and you will clear and force much of the pressure to back off. Sion support isn't about the champ being OP just because, You really have to know how to utilize his abilities, but if you practice and really learn how to play him he is truly one of the strongest supports in the game with enough cc and poke to devastate almost every bot lane combo there is.
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