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Best way to recover from harassment?

Creator: eXecute March 2, 2011 1:23pm
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eXecute's Forum Avatar
Mar 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2011 1:23pm | Report
This has happened to me in a number of games, (when it doesn't happen, everything goes really well), but sometimes there will be a poppy or malphite or lux, with those annoying snare/stun/slows, and because of that I die once or twice in early-game. A lot of times a good Ashe or Kassadin may be able to keep my health relatively low throughout early game, making me a tower humper.

Because I like to play melee-ish champs such as Akali or Tryndamere, efficient harassment seems to be my worst enemy and slows my ability to gain items. And the champs I play are not good at harassing back without getting too close (even akali's mark is weak without the close-proximity autoattack). I end up going to town a lot to heal, and losing a turret.

Usually after level 6 I recover nicely, but my early game is not as strong. All my team needs is one or two feeders and we can guarantee a loss. I even lost a 15-6 kd like that cuz of early-game harassment and turret losses.

So what is the best or creative solution & Strategy ?
  1. Go tower humping?
  2. Switch lanes when you die once or twice?
  3. Switch order of buying items for more defense?
  4. Stay as far away from the enemy champs but within xp range? (then how do you get gold?)
  5. All/combination of the above.
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Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2011 2:19pm | Report
A lot of it depends on who you're playing against. Take Pantheon, for example. There are multiple ways to counter his early game harass:

-Start out with a Cloth Armor and 5 health pots if you know you're gonna face him in mid. You'll outlast the amount of harass his meager mana pool can dish out.
-Play conservatively, hug your turret and farm.
-Out-harass your opponent

The last is probably the most effective. Every time you take fire, return it. Be the one harassing them, not vice-versa. Obviously, this is impossible against some opponents, and also impossible with some champions.

Akali, for example, should really focus on last-hitting until around level 6, when she gets her combo. Occasionally harass with your Q, but stay back for the most part. Tryndamere is a little stranger, and I'm not too familiar with Tryndamere in mid, so I won't give advice there.

However, if you do want professional help, I recommend TreeEskimo's stream. There is one game in particular that I think you should see:

The game in question starts at 1:49:35. TreeEskimo plays mid Ezreal against Westrice, playing Akali. Westrice is probably one of the best Akali players in the game, and is ranked 26th on the ladder.

He answers a lot of questions that people may have about early game harass - for example, (I won't spoil everything for you) he buys a lot of early game strength to combat Akali.
ShadowReign757's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2011 3:25pm | Report
Well Jebus, you're right but, what about Trundle?

He can be easily out-harassed, and has no way to fight back without getting close. Now, he can take a nice chunk of damage, being the tank he is(Well, that's how I play him anyway), but it can still lead to zoning and maybe even some early deaths, especially since there are two people harassing you, unless you get their solo lane, but you're still very vulnerable.

Now, I jungle with Trundle, because it is much better than laning, and much safer since no one is harassing you, but I've seen many Trundle's that decide to lane. So this is pretty much a hypothetical question in my case, but you never know if any Trundle players that lane may stumble upon this thread.

I'd just like to hear your 2 cents on the subject.

Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy someone else to shoot at.

Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2011 8:44pm | Report
Characters like Trundle with no ranged harass generally are forced to play conservatively. This is a reason you usually don't see these champions in solo mid lanes. However, with a good support, you can actively harass in a lane.

The exception to this, of course, is if you're confident you can out-damage your opponent in lane. A good example is Tryndamere vs. Vladimir in, say, a solo top lane. If Vlad overextends, you can punish his early game by being aggressive.

I'll post a video later. I'm on a mobile device now. Just bump this thread so I remember :P
eXecute's Forum Avatar
Mar 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2011 10:04am | Report
Damn Jebus, how did you know I just got Pantheon'd to oblivion? Had to play a level 30 pantheon who's 1.5 sec stun allows him to do spears, I played katarina, and my full-bar health is gone when he does all 3 of his early-game skills.

In other words, even though katarina is good at harassing, I was basically zoned out because one stun and those spears and then that one hit after, and dead. gg.

That's basically my problem, in early game, nothing I play does enough damage to successfully harass. Katarina is really good at it, but all it takes is a stun or snare or some good teamwork and you die. That Pantheon game, I died once alone to pantheon, twice to garen+pantheon together thanks to stun/slow etc.

1-3 by level 6 really gives enemy team a big advantage, and the pantheon won the game with 23-5. I guess I am at fault for feeding him. I ended up with 3-6-3.

I'll definitely watch the videos/livestream. Thanks for the tips. I guess your overall strategy is to just play more conservative/tower-hug and take less risks?
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ShadowReign757's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2011 10:48am | Report
Well eXecute, you may like to use Annie or Caitlyn, because the only champion with longer range than those two is Tristana at higher levels thanks to Draw a Bead.

You can easily last hit from a good range, and harass with auto-attacks, especially with Caitlyn, since she has longer range than Annie, while generally avoiding too much enemy harassment.

Both have a reliable form of harass, via Disintegrate and Piltover Peacemaker.

Caitlyn also has a way to make sure you aren't ganked, and Annie has a pet, in case you didn't know.

These two champions can generally stay too far away for you to be harassed, yet still harass them, and may be good solutions to your problem, as long as you like to play them.

Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy someone else to shoot at.

Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2011 2:18pm | Report
eXecute: Yeah, if you're up against any decent player that can harass, he can zone you. Because he can zone you, you can't give him the opportunity - you need to stay by your turret and pick up as many last hits as possible.

By the way, the video I was talking about where he out-lanes a ranged character with Tryndamere:

Game starts at around 2:50:00.
Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2011 6:07pm | Report
You say you play Akali, well why not try jungling her? It's pretty much all I do with Akali.
However if you still want to lane as Akali try throwing a shroud over the enemies caster minions, if the enemy gets close to last-hit then throw a mark and pop it. They'll take more damage then you will.
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Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2011 7:25pm | Report
Is Jungle Akali still possible now that you can't start with Doran's Blade+Health Pot?
eXecute's Forum Avatar
Mar 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2011 11:09am | Report
Ok, I had way too many losses yesterday, like 6 in a row, even with Akali and doing well (like 13-7 etc), and still lost. So, I think I'm going to try to learn Katarina (kinda suck with it atm) or Kassadin (not too amazing with it), or maybe Xin Zhao (decent wins with this) since he is free to play.

Akali is just a mop or killstealer, and it's not something I can carry my team with even if I have a good K/D ratio. I once had 16-4 with Akali, and the team still lost. Compared to Vladimir, Malphite, Mundo, or Poppy who I see carrying teams all the time.

I'm sure you noticed by now I seem to prefer champs that can port around.

@Adonikam, I'm really not a fan of jungling unless I am Yi, Amumu or Warwick. It's not fun for me.
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