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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Aeadar

AD Offtank The Glorious Return of Win Zhao

AD Offtank The Glorious Return of Win Zhao

Updated on November 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aeadar Build Guide By Aeadar 118,356 Views 9 Comments
118,356 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aeadar Xin Zhao Build Guide By Aeadar Updated on November 16, 2015
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Sir Wellington (31) | November 17, 2015 3:18pm
There's so few up-to-date jungle XZ guides out here nowadays that I'm glad yours is here to save the day. This guide is excellent.

On your next update, you might want to change your cheatsheet to match your skill sequence section. Right now the cheatsheet is set up as maxing E > W > Q, but like you said it's usually best to max Q > W > E or Q > E > W.

Have you tried the new Essence Reaver yet? I absolutely love it, and pairing it with Trinity Force gives you absurd damage and mobility.
DeadDance | November 6, 2015 12:56pm
I've used this guide and it worked great!
Aeadar (6) | December 20, 2014 1:40pm
emoriam wrote:

Isn't it a thing anymore to max E on Xin?

After testing this for a bit, maxing Audacious Charge only gives slightly better clear speed and better ganks. Maxing it is situational, and only if you want to primarily spend time ganking, most of the time it costs a lot of your dueling ability. I guess you can do it if the enemy team has someone like Xerath or Rumble.
Aeadar (6) | December 6, 2014 5:44am
Szitler wrote:

Just thought id show you my record with this build, absolutely loving it cheers!!

Thanks for taking the time to try the build out that many times. :D
Szitler | December 3, 2014 8:30am

Just thought id show you my record with this build, absolutely loving it cheers!!
Aeadar (6) | November 27, 2014 1:55pm

I find it pretty short. Things you could add :

- Where da fck is the itemization section where you explain what to buy, why and when? On items also, where are Yoomu's and Trini?
- Jungle tips like : what to smite? Any strategy on how and when to do dragon or baron? How to gank with Win Zhao?

Now, random thoughts :

- You mention all four of the Elixirs in the cheatsheet but NOT A SINGLE word in the actual guide. Please explain.
- The rune setup I'd run on Xin, when it comes to marks and Quints are respectively AD and AS since you have nice AD scalings and benefit a lot from attack speed.
- I've heard some people (Nightblue iirc?) saying to start with Q. Thoughts?
- If I read your jungle paths, they actually tell me to only do 1 buff then ganking/farming. I'm pretty sure you meant to do the 2 buffs so please fix.
- Trinkets?
- Only two matchups ? :(
- Why Ghost over Flash?
- C2V?

Thanks for for the feedback, to be honest, I'd completely forgotten to add them.

I'll try to put those in ASAP.
emoriam (287) | November 27, 2014 9:42am
Isn't it a thing anymore to max E on Xin?
Out Of Pancakes (30) | November 27, 2014 7:15am
I find it pretty short. Things you could add :

- Where da fck is the itemization section where you explain what to buy, why and when? On items also, where are Yoomu's and Trini?
- Jungle tips like : what to smite? Any strategy on how and when to do dragon or baron? How to gank with Win Zhao?

Now, random thoughts :

- You mention all four of the Elixirs in the cheatsheet but NOT A SINGLE word in the actual guide. Please explain.
- The rune setup I'd run on Xin, when it comes to marks and Quints are respectively AD and AS since you have nice AD scalings and benefit a lot from attack speed.
- I've heard some people (Nightblue iirc?) saying to start with Q. Thoughts?
- If I read your jungle paths, they actually tell me to only do 1 buff then ganking/farming. I'm pretty sure you meant to do the 2 buffs so please fix.
- Trinkets?
- Only two matchups ? :(
- Why Ghost over Flash?
- C2V?
Aeadar (6) | November 27, 2014 5:07am
I'll try to answer as many questions as I can so ask away.
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