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Jungle S6 Jungle - Let's talk about that [5.22]

Jungle S6 Jungle - Let's talk about that [5.22]

Updated on November 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sionist Build Guide By Sionist 7 0 418,846 Views 11 Comments
7 0 418,846 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sionist Build Guide By Sionist Updated on November 16, 2015
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Manimven | December 8, 2015 7:02am
How about Sejuani! I never see her mentioned anywhere these days. Still seems like a viable jungler to me. Strong ganks, tanky enough to handle most counterjunglers and Q gives escapes when needed in the jungle.

What do you guys think is Sejuani still viable in the jungle? Pros and cons?
xDJKerox | November 24, 2015 7:54am
Nice guide! Helped a lot!

I also want Vi to be a top jungler in this season, since is the jungler I've played the most in S3 while I was playing almost all days a lot... so it's the one wich I've mastered the most...
Sionist (1) | November 12, 2015 2:43pm
Vynertje wrote:

Didn't really take a lot of time to read the guide, but one thing that struck me was the Vi section. She has so much more weaknesses than just "CC can stop your Q". For example, her pre-6 ganks aren't as good as after 6 (I personally think they're poor, although some disagree with me on that), she relies on items much more than other junglers because she really needs to be able to duel people and finally, she has no back button on her engage. These are some things that kinda make her a 'hit-or-miss' champion

Hey Vynertje,

thank you for taking your time and commenting!

What I wanted to achieve with the champions chapter in this guide is to show, how this patch affected the jungle and their inmates. Overall weaknesses of champions (best example: Low to no CC) is rather unimportant. Look at Kha'Zix, aside from his slow, he has no CC, but that again is no Con for him, since his job won't be engaging. Those things belong in a champion specific guide.

Vi is an all-in champion similar to Kha'Zix: Going in and shutting down a target or leaving them vulnerable (preferrably killing them), while Kha'Zix is probably going to die after the successful assasination. But their TF potential is rather unimportant here. The con's are purely made to show, how good these junglers are going to gank and clear.

That's why I said, that stopping her Q is a weakness, and not much more. Her Q is a rather a effective way to start a gank. Missing the brief knockup stops a lot of her burst dmg from "E", "AA" and "E" and leads to an unsuccessful gank.

Surely, unsuccessful gank is a loss in every way: You lose time, gold, map pressure and maybe even die, giving your oponent a lead, which again is undesirable. This will make her fall behind, but in my experience, a Vi needs a lot of punishment to make that happen.

But I will keep your comment in mind and will play her a few more games to make a final judgement.

Vynertje (386) | November 12, 2015 2:08pm
Didn't really take a lot of time to read the guide, but one thing that struck me was the Vi section. She has so much more weaknesses than just "CC can stop your Q". For example, her pre-6 ganks aren't as good as after 6 (I personally think they're poor, although some disagree with me on that), she relies on items much more than other junglers because she really needs to be able to duel people and finally, she has no back button on her engage. These are some things that kinda make her a 'hit-or-miss' champion
Sionist (1) | November 12, 2015 2:02pm
First of all, ty for your positive Feedback.

I will definately consider making some build for my favourite junglers in the future. But before I do this, I would rather wait and try out, to find out, whatever works great at which ELOs. Posting some builds right away would be way more speculative than this guide ^^

And I will definately talk about masteries in near future. Let's wait fore MobaFire ^^

PS: I am a boss already, but you will still get your REP :P

Lord Drek (30) | November 12, 2015 11:41am
I've read your guide and I'm really glad you decided to invest your time into helping people who didn't experiment much yet some feeling about how S6 will work. For that, I upvoted and +Rep'd you, because you deserve it!

However, when Mobafire does add masteries and items, you might want to put some viable jungle builds in there and some pictures of masteries, since they offer quite many different paths and its hard to choose which ones you want.

Actually, if you're a 'plat dude from EUW' we might actually meet in game, since I am plat 3 in EUW, atm. My summoner's name is Reaper Drek; maybe you'll remember me, if we meet in a game sometime!

Keep up the good work and good luck!
Sionist (1) | November 12, 2015 7:33am
Ekki wrote:

Well this is actually a good general guide up to what I read. My only concern is the gold generation. Global gold went up, both because of more gold per second (also a boost to GpS to the 2 champions with less gold after min 12, IDK if this is on live though) and because of less gold sinks, since now you can't buy stealth wards and can sustain with a refillable potion. Both the jungler and the support got especially buffed with this changes.

You should note, that nearly every desirable item got more expensive. Also the minions give more money early on.

The only problem with global Gold generation (nice word!) for junglers is, that everyone is getting this money. Let's do some simple math (unaccurate numbers):

Laners get, let's say, 25% more money through cs.
Supports do get some more money through GP5.
Junglers lost 15% money through jungle camps.
Everyone will get a bit from shutdowns.
Everyone loose the assist Gold on shutdowns.

These are the changes made to the Gold system. Excuse me, if I forgot something. I'm a bit in a rush ^^

I will, though, explain the changes made to Gold generation, too, to make it easier to understand with rather accurate percentages. Will be online to read probably in a few hours after I am at home ^^

Ekki (86) | November 12, 2015 2:28am
Well this is actually a good general guide up to what I read. My only concern is the gold generation. Global gold went up, both because of more gold per second (also a boost to GpS to the 2 champions with less gold after min 12, IDK if this is on live though) and because of less gold sinks, since now you can't buy stealth wards and can sustain with a refillable potion. Both the jungler and the support got especially buffed with this changes.
Sionist (1) | November 12, 2015 1:56am
First of all, thank you for your positive comments ^^

And thank you BasicallyMadlife! I will look into these as soon as I am back to my home ^^

Let's talk about Warwick:

The problem I see right now with Warwick is, that you are going to AFK Jungle until you hit Level 6. It was 90% of the time like this and will stay this way. Counterjungling is most of the time not a good idea with him, since his early is rather weak and the clear not fast enough.

Since the jungle won't grant him the Gold he would get in Season 5 and the items got more expensive, he will be falling back pretty fast in the first few minutes (it's like a nerf to him). Against an agressive jungler, this would mean, that the enemy jungler could gank freely and the enemy team can push with little to no fear.

Now the real question is: Are you going to be able to motivate your teammates to avoid ganks by freezing the lane, until you are able to help out? In lower Elo's, you can forget that. In higher Elo's, this pick could work. You must pick him into a rather passive jungler, so you actually get the time to do something before the game is over after 5 minutes.

And you should try to avoid picking him into a CC heavy team comp. Your only gap closer (aside your rather weak "E" - Blood Scent ) is your ult , and when it gets canceled, you could get pretty much useless, since the CC chain will stop you from going any further. It's the same problem with Udyr and Shyvana, but they do have a rather reliable MS boost with Bear Stance and Burnout.

On the Pro's we have the extra EXP we get from the jungle, making him hit Level 6 faster. Overall it is pretty balanced and needs some testing.

But this is all theory. Warwick can be a really good pick against some team comps and I will try him out in some games.
BasicallyMadlife (1) | November 11, 2015 11:16pm
First, to start off with, as a hope-to-be jungle main, this was seriously really useful and gave me more insight into the jungle generally itself and also the changes I now need to adapt to, and I thank you for this. And in return for your useful insight, I shall try to point out and typos/mistakes made.
Again, thank you. :)
- When talking about Sentinel's Blessing, you don't finish the sentence explaining it.
- A little after what I have mentioned, 'loose' should be 'lose.'
- 2nd paragraph of aggressive jungler, 'a few jungler' should be 'junglers.'
- 1st word in Counterjungle, we >> we've.
- Same paragraph 'lost' >> 'loss'
- Lee sin part 'of' >> 'off'
- Xin Zhao Con's 'Item dependend' >> 'Item dependent'
- Kha'Zix 'carriere' >> 'carrying'//'carriers'
- Vi 'build' >> 'built'
- Vi 'versatile in build' >> 'versatile with her build'
- Nunu 'sound' >> 'sounds'
- New jungle items 'these' >> 'this'
- Hunter's machete 'has' 'have'
I have missed a few as I had a limited time free to do this.

I know some are small and petty, and I'm honestly not the type of guy to go round correcting someone's every mistake, but, again, I wanted to repay a favour, and you asked for any corrections, so I have listed as many as I have seen.
ecaflip | November 11, 2015 10:20am
I'd like to toss out an honorable mention to Warwick and the interactions with Hunter's Talisman effectively giving WW little to no early game mana problems that he used to have. As well as Hunter's Talisman sustain comboing with Eternal Thirst sustain plus Hunters Call on top of Refillable Potion, effectively giving warwick near infinite jungle self sustain to the point of not needing to back until you have enough to full build boots+jungler item of choice
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