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Champions I Love and Hate going up against as Quinn in the top lane. Patch 8.2

Silkythecat's Tier List Silkythecat's Tier List
Last updated on February 6, 2018
6469 15
9 Votes


I will only be including the champions I have fought, even if only once^^'
These are judged on my experiences, and are in my own opinion^^
I take Exhaust and barrior usually, but I take flash in certain match-ups like Garen. These work for me as I play assassin style Quinn.
The runes I use are Electrocute with Cheap Shot. Zombie Ward and Relentless Hunter for my primary
And Triumph with Coup de Grace for my secondary^^

Easy first blood

All in at level 2 and get a nice gold boost!


Farming safely and confidently

I can often get first blood in these match-ups too, but not as confidently as tier 1. It's usually these lanes that I end up being ganked early, so I have to remember to be even more aware of the enemy junglers position and movement.  Jax used to be in tier 3 but I recently tried him out while he was free, and while I was hopeless and fed and never want to play him ever again, I know how his kit works more, and what opportunities I can exploit and how.


cautious farming and zoning

Home of annoying ranged top laners *cough* hypocrite *cough* , champs with point and click gap-closers and more tanky champs.  Shen used to be a tier 2 but I had this one game when I lost so hard to a Shen, it made me more cautious of them


Defensive playing, TRYING not to die

Basically a lane and game where I feed, not willingly. I am probably not going to win this, and will try to start roaming asap as to limit the amount of gold I give the opponent with my life.




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Ronyk (21) | February 5, 2018 1:37pm
Good List!

I like playing Quinn up top, and I feel the same way about most of these picks.

+1 for the humor!
Silkythecat (2) | February 6, 2018 11:55am
Thank you^^ I am always happy when people take the time to look and comment^^
Cloud58tw (5) | January 16, 2018 2:34pm
gg for the list ! ^^
Silkythecat (2) | January 17, 2018 11:54pm
Thank you!^^
xXLiangLiangXx (5) | November 30, 2017 10:39am
Played against a predator/lethality/sudden impact with ghostblade Quinn. It was horrible.

I had our jungle warded, and I see this Quinn zooming around back and forth so quickly. Cannot even farm under the tower.
Silkythecat (2) | December 3, 2017 4:39pm
Hmm... from the point of view of Quinn, that sounds like a fun kit!
From the enemies point of view, she is probably hell with wings^^'
Who were you playing at the time^^ I want to know everything^^
xXLiangLiangXx (5) | December 3, 2017 6:18pm
Xayah. Though top lane was a Wukong. He fed Quinn so much.
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xXLiangLiangXx (5) | November 5, 2017 8:48pm
Also, what about going up against Anivia?
Silkythecat (2) | November 6, 2017 9:02am
I've only ever been against Anivia once or twice actually^^ I think I was Varus mid and Kennen mid for those games^^
I can imagine that she would be in tier 2 or 3 since her stun is dodgeable and her wall is vualtable (Vault off a nearby enemy minion if available^^), and although she is ranged, I think if I play smartly, I could just burst her down the second she makes a mistake^^
It would certainly be a match-up I would take Flash for, instead of Barrior^^
xXLiangLiangXx (5) | November 6, 2017 12:29pm
My recommendation would be to be careful getting close to her when her Q is up. When people dive you as Anivia with your Q up, you just do the close range stun, E, R, and E to safety. The amount of damage Aniva gets with E on frozen units is huge, and if they have thunderlords the burst can nearly kill you.
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Silkythecat (2) | November 4, 2017 1:16pm
I can't get rid of the doubling of description for tier 2 and 3!! It's not going, I am trying but it' not going! Help please!
xXLiangLiangXx (5) | November 5, 2017 8:44pm
Try copying the text you want to keep into a Word doc or notepad, then getting rid of the descriptions, update the tier list, then paste the saved text back in. If that doesn't work I guess you have to remake tier w and tier 3 list. I hope it doesn't get to that.
Silkythecat (2) | November 6, 2017 9:08am
I did it^^ I did have to remake the tier lists for 2 and 3, but that didn't take too long^^ Thank you^^
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