What changed?

A TON... just not in bot lane, at least not directly. The addition of new mage items ( Oblivion Orb, Spellbinder, and Twin Shadows ), as well as the changes in current mage items; have greatly shaped mid lane, but also impacted other lanes as well.

There was some small changes to support items, but the only notable change is that Relic Shield and the upgrades to it have been nerfed. They took the total amount of Health you get at each upgrade down a bit, which means tanks are no longer as strong in the early-mid game.

Based on these changes above, it is not hard to see why bot lane is the way that it is now.

How does bot lane look?

The meta has shifted greatly in the favor of early game champions, mostly due to the addition of the new AP items. We are seeing early game dominate supports taking control of the lane and snowballing a win from there.

A such late game carries such as Kog'Maw have fallen off and champions with a very early power spike are being favored. This also means that mid game supports such as Braum have fallen off a bit, but not to the ends of the earth.

Popular and Strong ADCS

51.6% Winrate
22.5% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Tristana is the queen of bot lane at the moment due to her high early game damage with Explosive Charge and reliable escape with Rocket Jump. With these abilities at her hands, she is able to do a ton of damage in short trades with ease and put a lot of pressure down in the bot lane.

It also helps a lot that she is very easy to play :p

51.2% Winrate
2.6% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Jinx does not have the same burst damage as Tristana does, nor does she have the same escape as Rocket Jump will provide her; but what she does have is range and similar pushing ability.

Switcheroo! is the two in one deal ability, that provides her with these perks. FISHBONES is able to poke at a good range while providing gross damage. Pow-Pow, the Minigun is great for pushing in waves, beating up the enemy tower, and of course triggering Rev'd up.

50.6% Winrate
7.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

The seemingly forever prince of bot lane, Varus has had to see other ADCs surpass him,but still provides an argument for being a strong ADC in this meta.

Hail of Arrows provides Varus with the tools to counter heal based bot lanes, such as ones with Soraka on support. He is able to play a more support role with his Chain of Corruption as a form of engage or follow up; but most importantly [[
Blighted Quiver]] is going to be invaluable to targeting tanks who are still building health items before they are able to obtain their armor items.

Overall he does not provide the same raw damage as other ADCs, but his utility ultimately proves to be valuable in this meta.

Popular and Strong Supports

51% Winrate
2.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

The buff to Liandry's Torment has made mage supports hard and Zyra mains should be as well.
The fact that madness has been added on which makes dealing damage to champions increases the damage you deal by 2% per second until exiting combat (up to 10%) makes Zyra's plants that much more deadly.

Twin Shadows also provides Zyra with much needed CC, seeing how she has relatively low CC built into her kit.

It also helps that AP users can now reliably apply grievous wounds with the updated Morellonomicon, making Zyra more versatile.

52.5% Winrate
1.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

While AP supports can now do a lot more to answer to heal based bot lanes, there is still a heavy gold cost to obtain that answer in Morellonomicon. This is where Nami comes in.

Her laning phase is among the best compared to all supports thanks to her Ebb and Flow and Tidecaller's Blessing. She can out heal the damage most supports are able to pump out and can get a deceive advantage in the early game.

52.8% Winrate
13.5% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Similar to Zyra, Brand has also benefited massively from this patch. Liandry's Torment and Morellonomicon are especially valuable to brand due to INNATE. This makes the effects of these items last longer and make brand more valuable in that sense.

Hidden gem

51.4% Winrate
0.7% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Zilean's nutty kit is likely to fly under the radar this patch, which is why he is a hidden gem.

Time in a Bottle is going to provide that lane changing XP advantage in the early-mid game and Chronoshift enables his team to be much more aggressive and risky taking, while also denying enemies from establishing further leads. This very niche role is exactly what players should look for in their support which makes Zilean underrated and very valuable this patch.


This major change has caused a stir up and we have now reverted back into a much more early game based bot lane. This has caused a meta that shifts heavily into early game champions, while pushing out the more hyper carry style champions. This is a interesting change, but a welcome change? That is up to the summoner to figure out.

ADC Health: B
Support Health: B-
Overall enjoyment: B
Final Grade: B