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Rengar Build Guide by Frozerlol

Jungle [D1] Season 11 In-Depth Rengar Jungle Guide Perfect for Begi

Jungle [D1] Season 11 In-Depth Rengar Jungle Guide Perfect for Begi

Updated on September 23, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frozerlol Build Guide By Frozerlol 2283 147 5,398,518 Views 152 Comments
2283 147 5,398,518 Views 152 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Frozerlol Rengar Build Guide By Frozerlol Updated on September 23, 2021
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1993ariel | June 23, 2018 8:12am
Frozerlol (8) | June 23, 2018 8:13am
What do you think is funny :) ?
1993ariel | June 23, 2018 10:18am
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Chromuro (47) | June 23, 2018 1:00pm
Hi! I was passing by and I saw some (really) little problems: inside the ability description there are some redundant words (I think you took the paragraphs directly from the wiki ; when you ctrl+c/v, it copies for some strange reasons the icon's name too), maybe (don't take my word as truth, I still don't know if it is my problem or what) all the videos inside "Jumps in the Jungle" are broken and there are wraith refences inside the blue side cheese.
Everything else is good, nice job :D
Frozerlol (8) | June 23, 2018 5:42pm
I really appreciate the commend.I sure copy and pasted it for the General Information but I dont understand what you meant with the icon`s Name. I checked the Videos.Ican´t see them on my mobile but I can on my Laptop ( from which im writing atm). I´ll try to take a deeper look into it and fix it. Ty for the reading of my guide :) <3.
Edit: I found what you meant ty for marking it out. Clearly overread it 3 times rip me. But its my first guide so I guess its fine :D
Chromuro (47) | June 24, 2018 1:55am
Don't worry, it happens to everyone to overlook something! And it was pretty subtle, so it's normal to have not noticed it.
About the videos, check if they are published or not; another guy had the same problem: he didn't saw that his video wasn't published, so mobafire couldn't load it.
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Joonaynay | June 25, 2018 1:48pm
good guide
Frozerlol (8) | June 25, 2018 1:56pm
Thanks I appreciate your kind words :)
WifuPenguin | July 9, 2018 6:27pm
hey man im only silver, but I love rengar. I played a lot of rengar jungle already, and I wanna play him top now. I win most matches cuz silver people don't really play against top rengar, but I got rekt by darius every time. Also, I don't quite understand why people say rengar lv2/lv3 combo is extremely strong. How do I do the combo? Also, is it still good to do the jungle lv1 cheese (baby wolves/ small raptors) that dekar did in s6 videos. One last thing, TP vs. Exhaust vs. Ignite, when to use which? Thanks !!! (P.S. runes also. Electrocute? Fleet? or Grasp? Another thing (sorry) blade+pot vs long sword + 3 pots)
Frozerlol (8) | July 10, 2018 2:17pm
Darius is actually in a tough spot for rengar in my opinion. You lvl 2/3 is strong be cause you get more abilities with which you can get ferocity when needed. You normally play your lane with bushes. Stay in bush jump on cs and Q it do it over and over until you have 4 ferocity. Then you jump on him, AA then Fero Q+AA+ Q somewhere between those steps you put in the e or w when you are already lvl 2/3. But this should be only your early trade. He has an insane amount of kill pressure on you. That's why you should max W in this matchup and probably start with the doran shield or blade but I tend to build the shield more often due to its passive. Your combo with W Max should be jump on him + midair e + Q + W wait until he slows or grabs and fero W. Normally I dont see ppl doing the lvl 1 jung cheese. The only thing I see is Dekar playing with Smite and cheesing this way but he is on a whole other lvl of Rengar understandment. You should take TP in matchups you get easily behind or get forced early when you arent comfi with it ( Riven, Darius,Quinn for example), Ignite when you play for a lead in lane and you are comfortable with the lane itself and Exhaust vs burst heavy things like riven you need to see which works better for you. Runes are based on the matchup again. I can't tell ya exactly what you should take but I for my part tend to take Electro in matchups where I need short trades, fleet when I wanna go assasin but need a bit cover up in lane and grasp when I plan to go off tank rengar. If you have more questions concerning Rengar just add me.
kingwashi | July 21, 2018 5:24pm
This is so In-Depth! Good job my EUW bro, you are the Rengar master. I just picked rengar up and found this and I'm sure this will help me a lot. TY!
Frozerlol (8) | July 22, 2018 7:34am
Thanks for the kind words my fellow renglet <3. Tell me if you have success with Rengar or add me on one of my Accounts, if you have more questions concerning Rengar.
AbaddonSoulchain (16) | July 31, 2018 1:30pm
I.. uh, never really thought of running Fleet Footwork on the jungle kitty. From what I see in most people run the classic Electrocute but you seem to make a good point about FF so I'll definitely use it to see for myself.
Frozerlol (8) | August 1, 2018 11:19am
hey there thanks for your comment. Everybody uses FF in High Elo and you shouldnt listen to you should take a look on other sides where you can filter the elos better ( P+ is still bad because the majority of the player will be plat) You should filter it for Diamond + to see which runes are good. Tell me how you like FF after you swapped over to it :)
AbaddonSoulchain (16) | August 1, 2018 12:04pm
Will do. Thanks for the feeback, good sir.
AbaddonSoulchain (16) | August 11, 2018 4:26pm
I tried the build the way your guide shows, and I was more than impressed with it. Fleet Footwork is a good alternative and I didn't seem to lose any burst from not having Electrocute. Most excellent choice. You wanted to know what I thought, even though I was a bit late, this is my opinion on it.
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LeBlackChemist | August 5, 2018 1:21pm
Thanks for the guide, it really is amazing. Do you have any tips for counter jungling people early on?
Frozerlol (8) | August 6, 2018 8:29am
Oh sry for replying so late. The Counter jungle part is very game based but I can give you over all tips. 1) You have to see which lane has priority. If your midlaner is pushed in you should be aware that the enemy midlaner could move early than yours. 2) Take a look at waves. You can't expect the laner to help you when he would sacrifice ~10 minions for it just to get a "potential" kill. 3) Take a look at the enemy jungler If you are actually able to counter jungle him and make sure that you track him a lot. For example you see him ganking bot without red and lvl 2, you can easily invade his red and maybe take some raptors If you have enought time or set up a trap. These would be my 3 Keytips If you want more just click on the Accountlist and send me a Friend request My most active accounts are Okabe Sensei,True Savagery and PB Frozer.
LeBlackChemist | August 6, 2018 11:12am
Thanks again, you are very helpful.
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Lotency | August 10, 2018 12:38pm
Excellent thanks for the guide, it's perfect
Frozerlol (8) | August 10, 2018 2:19pm
Thanks I appreciate it :). If you get any questions concerning Rengar just hit me up.
AbaddonSoulchain (16) | August 25, 2018 7:18am
So, here's something I wanted to put out here. In your build, you don't upgrade Hunter's Machete at all, you just leave it there. I understand why, if you funnel your gold towards your other items, it gives you raw power faster and you can snowball a game harder. I wanted to test this, I usually upgrade into Skirmisher's Sabre and Enchantment: Warrior since it's tried and true, but lately I decided to ignore that and follow your build order at least once. I came to this conclusion: choosing not to upgrade the jungle item can be good, if you're confident you can survive in the game (and the jungle) well enough to reach your important items, but if you don't feel like taking this risk, then upgrading the jungle item isn't a bad idea either, just means you will be following a certain beaten path. Both worked great for me, though clearing jungle camps may be a little harder without the jungle item. I think it comes down to player preference, whether you want the safest route or the more risky damage route. But both seemed great to me, I was just putting my observations here in case it ever helps any one.
Frozerlol (8) | August 26, 2018 11:26am
Thanks for this answer and you are right, you have to see if you buy a Skirmisher's or not and its mostly based on the early game and enemy team. Do I need 1v1 power or do I want my Duskblade faster. Those things change from game to game which is why you dont have only one way to build on reng.
rengooo | August 28, 2018 4:31am
i rly like your build but i have a question.when i am full build and i have hunter's machete should i let it like this or upgrade it or buy another item.i would rly appreciate if you answer.
Frozerlol (8) | August 29, 2018 7:57am
You should swap out the hunters machete when you can in the late game. If you need it in the early game then buy a Red Smite for example when you have the most gold or you need more duelist power. So you have either the Red Smite with Warrior in late or something like a GA.
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