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MOBAFire's second Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆


Last updated on September 9, 2020
11757 38
42 Votes


I'll keep updating it with new patches and my new thoughts on it. Please enlighten me wherever you disagree with me (and tell me why).


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dommuX3 | July 1, 2020 10:17am
Who should I buy Syndra, Sylas, or Zoe? Pls. Help me
SELORONIOS (118) | July 2, 2020 12:24am
They're all hard to play ( Sylas is a bit easier than Syndra and Zoe).
It depends on how you prefer to play and who you like.

Syndra she can instant;y delete a squishy with her ultimate. She is a dominant laner but can be susceptible to ganks if you use your E too often. She provides so much damage, helps in team fights, and scales well.

Sylas Sylas isn't that good outside of pro play and is pretty conditional. He can roll games if the enemies give you good ults to work with, but otherwise, he's a little squishy for his frontline playstyle.

Zoe To actually be really good at Zoe, it will take some time, but I say stick with it if it's enjoyable for you cause she is a beast. She has a negative winrate right now because it is really hard to actually play well and many people lose a few games with her and drop her.

I personally prefer Syndra or Zoe. Syndra can deal her damage easier and Zoe needs to be tricky. They're both strong so investing time in them will be worth it. Sylas is more dependent than those, but If you like play him. A good Sylas can be a game-changer.
EvoNinja7 (18) | June 1, 2020 3:01am
New month,more comments, am I right? I started tomplay talon, so I have a small idea of the mid lane. I hate it when people put akali so
Low. I mean, she is a decently hard champion to play, but if you fight a one trick akali, your gonna lose, even in a teamfights situation. And veigar, he is good, but THAT good?
SELORONIOS (118) | June 1, 2020 7:55am
Yepp, new comments. (btw could u win?)
I put Akali in "dependent" tier list. She's great. Dependent tier champions can work pretty well but not always. Akali has a low wr and is hard to play. If you know how to play her well and care for counters, she will be awsome. If u don't it won't work well. It's correct for all champions here but champions on Dependent tier rely on that more.
Akali is great. putting her in Dependent tier kinda means that people who don't know how to play her well won't get good results. And If the enemy knows how to counter her, it would be trouble. Akali uses so much energy to use Q (Specially early game) And have more down sides and nerfs compared to other hard champs like Katarina. (I personally find Kata the hardest.)
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 7, 2020 1:52am
Hi, just gonna write another big comment.
Could you move vel Koz up, because the guy can poke you out so you can never even get one minion, and could you move signs up one because I feel like people have no idea how strong he can be even though he is weak and squishy.
SELORONIOS (118) | May 7, 2020 9:33am
hi, thank you for commenting on my tier list.
about Vel'Koz, I think he's in a right place. all of the champs on 2nd tier are good and I don't think Vel'Koz has much difference in power. Actually, his skills are pretty easy to dodge compared to champs like LeBlanc or Kassadin who are in the same tier as him. and I don't understand what you mean by "could you move signs up".
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 7, 2020 10:01am
You may very valid points, and you make me feel bad because I find vel koz hard to dodge, but that's just me. Also, I meant ziggs, my phone has auto correct and I have had this trouble with previous comments aswell.
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DerpyWizzard (2) | May 6, 2020 6:01am
Where is orianna?
SELORONIOS (118) | May 6, 2020 6:05am
oopsi oopsi, I missed it.
Added! Thank you for telling me.
Steve57 (7) | May 6, 2020 4:28am
sylas, kass and vlad could be as the best, if fizz, zed and yasuo are best in your opinion, bcs i feel like those three champs has even higher carry potential than zed or fizz
SELORONIOS (118) | May 6, 2020 5:47am
hmmm, Sylas and Kassadin are great in high elo. But not much presence in lower elos (specially low elo Sylas players). I was trying to keep the guide general. I made some changes though. This made me think about changing my tier list to low elo and high elo sections. I'll start working on it soon. thank you for commenting on my tier list.
Steve57 (7) | May 6, 2020 6:03am
Yes you are right but kassadin can be very strong even in low elo, bcs he is not rly hard to play, he just needs late/mid game. Btw it is great idea to do tier lists for both elos :)
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Shumair (4) | April 30, 2020 6:21am
Very good except Mordekaiser should be higher as he stomps most squishy champs even when they have high mobility. Mid lane, of course, is full of squishies so naturally he would be a great pick. And in my own experience, in low elo, at least, he never loses lane if played right.
SELORONIOS (118) | April 30, 2020 6:51am
Hi, Thank you for commenting on my Tier list.
I'm not sure about that. I agree that he can win most match ups in low tier but I'm kinda trying to keep it an overall tier. The problem with morde is that most of his match ups will be mages who can poke him easily. Morde has a better experience against pokes and such things because of his skills but it's easy to dodge his E (and it has a long cooldown) and if the enemy survive his R morde can't really do much withough his R because his enemy keeps punishing him. (which is easier in mid lane because the towers are closer. if his enemy don't push the wave morde can't benefit from his R much).
as you know, It's really easy to kite morde and dodge his Qs. maybe in low elo he can destroy mages, but in high elo this won't happen. and he won't build much MR so it will be tough for him. I think top laners like Trynda have more chance in such situations.
however, I moved him to Dependent tier because I think that matches him more. I think morde is really a dependent pick on mid.
Shumair (4) | May 1, 2020 12:12am
Okay, that's fine. When i get to Challenger with morde mid then you can change it :)
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assaded | April 29, 2020 7:56am
Sylas and qiyana are pretty good right now i think they should be a tier higher as they may have a high skill cap but are very solid sylas has a broken early game with his healing he is not balanced for the first 30 min of the game and qiyana well just 1 shots everyone
SELORONIOS (118) | April 29, 2020 9:40am
hi. I updated the guide.
The reason I put Qiyana was because of her low winrate. She's really good but when I put her there she had a low wr. (mostly because of her low elo players. I remember that jungle Qiyana used to have the lowest wr. I guess it was around 37-38%). Thank you for your suggestion.
MR B0lty (2) | April 26, 2020 11:22pm
wheres renekton ?
SELORONIOS (118) | April 27, 2020 3:01am
people are trying that too?!
I'm personally not okay with these attempts... it feels like top laners are coming mid. I've fought many Tryndameres recently... Honestly I dunno if you're joking or not :|... usually top laners who can force engage come mid but I don't see it work well usually.
I'll think about it anyway :|
MR B0lty (2) | April 27, 2020 11:44pm
im not joking he stomps on champs like: akali, yasuo, wukong and more. rly good champ if u hate squisy champs that do lots of burst dmg
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Blein | April 8, 2020 8:21am
HAHAHAAHAAAHh Zed is in your opinion tier 1??? This champ is the most useless midlaner now, mannnnn. Why are you place him on tier 1? Zed must win line to be good in this meta. Won line on zed is very easy, you must slowpush him, you have to have more minions than he. Then it won't be such a big problem for you to win this lane. :-D
By the way Ryze and Aurelion dependent, are you sure about that? Maybe in Bronze or Silver yes.
Good Ryze can win a lot of bad games the same Aurelion. That champs are difficult but they are pretty good.
SELORONIOS (118) | April 9, 2020 4:59am
About Ryze and Aurelion Sol, I put them in the last tier because Ryze doesn't have a good overall wr at all.(usually between 46-47%). His low elo players are really bad and the only place he currently have chances to shines in, is High elo. And about Aurelion Sol, as we all know he got nerfed a lot in recent patches and I rarely even see him in mid tier lists. I often check other popular tierlists from sites like [,,, etc] to make sure my thoughts aren't just dependent on personal experience. ( Ryze Aurelion Sol and they're in Dependent tier. It DOESN'T mean they're bad. it mostly means they depend on the player who plays them and when to play them)
and about Zed. He doesn't usually rely on winning lane because he's one of the best roamers. I understand that he got some laning problems (which depends on his enemy) but good zed players know how to play with team. When a good Ryze/ Aurelion Sol can shine, I'm pretty much sure a good Zed can shine even more.
ICannon (8) | April 8, 2020 9:28am
everybody has their own opinion.I'm personally a zed main and I don't lose lane very often...either people don't know how to exploit my weaknesses or maybe I'm a good zed :)
SELORONIOS (118) | April 9, 2020 4:43am
I really think Zed is good. Most of the good Zed players I've seen got fed from roaming not from winning their lanes.
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Fruxo (326) | March 31, 2020 1:00pm
I don't think Vel'Koz, Syndra, Ahri or debatable with Lissandra should be in that low of a tier, if they are played correctly then they could easily make it into the Good tier, without effort.
SELORONIOS (118) | March 31, 2020 2:19pm
Hi Fruxo. Thanks for your opinion. I made some changes in it and used your thoughts. Btw, I really like to know what's your opinion on these champs as mid laners:
Akali (she got nerfed a lot, but I don't play her so I honestly don't know much about her. I put her there because of her low wr (44%))
Pyke, Ryze, Zilean, Mordekaiser
Fruxo (326) | March 31, 2020 3:18pm
Zilean, Mordekaiser and Pyke are all pretty decent, has decent winrates and if played correctly they can be strong. With that said, I do not think they are stronger than the ones I just mentioned above. If anything you can put up Morde & Pyke to the average tier, but meh.

Ryze is just a meme at this point, his winrate is sooo terrible that it's sad, either move him down or keep him at the tier he's currently in.

Akali is both good and bad. Bad in the way that her average winrate is so low that the average player can barely win with her (also because of her many patches with frequent nerfs), meaning that she should be in the low tier. Only times when she becomes good is if she is played in the hands of players that know how to play her properly.
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Wicked Cherry (162) | March 31, 2020 12:53pm
Hey Seloronios,
I like your tier list and agree with most champions. However, I've wondered why you put Syndra and Cassiopeia into the second tier. Personally, I'm not a mid main, so I might be mistaken here, but I always thought they're pretty strong. Also, Veigar should be at least in the "good" or A tier because he usually builds AP tank and still manages to have over 1000 AP damage in last game.
Just my thoughts. Lets me know what you think. :]

Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
SELORONIOS (118) | March 31, 2020 2:41pm
Hi Wicked Cherry. (I see lots of people doing it like this, I mean writing the name after saying hi, seems so formal xD. btw cute name)
Cassiopeia was in the Good tier already, and I think she really deserves it. She's really strong through out the game. I also changed the place of Veigar and Syndra. Veigar also got a [smol buff for a smol boy] recently so I think he really is in the meta. However, I'm not much sure about Syndra yet. Her wr is a little lower than Veigar and Cassiopeia (49%-51%-51%). Syndra has a really good place in High-ELO (kinda like LeBlanc) and I kinda tried to keep the guide overall and not dependent to different elos.
Please check the tier list again and tell me your thoughts :)
Wicked Cherry (162) | April 1, 2020 12:19pm
Thanks for your detailed explanation. I think I can agree with the way things are right now. :]
Well done. ♥
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