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Shen Build Guide by Leolynn

Top Leolynn's Shen Guide v9 / TOP - JUNG / All Kinds

Top Leolynn's Shen Guide v9 / TOP - JUNG / All Kinds

Updated on June 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leolynn Build Guide By Leolynn 73 18 2,744,491 Views 19 Comments
73 18 2,744,491 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Leolynn Shen Build Guide By Leolynn Updated on June 28, 2024
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trollcat | January 25, 2024 8:48am
Choosing between tank and critical v2 in what scenarios do you recommend each? thnx for the guide
Leolynn | January 27, 2024 5:49am
Hi, thank you for your comment. I think critical in this season is just for fun because tanky Shen is kinda boring for playing OTP but still it can work for almost all enemies but some tanks and champs like Riven because the critical build is really strong. Tank is better for normal games because of teamplay. But as I said you can use critical v2 build and just be careful to attack only when you have E & W skill.
PanthrickTV (2) | August 28, 2021 2:16pm
Nice Shen guide bro!
I like it, but I think u added to many builds.

I want to ask one thing. How did you add your picture into the guide? A made a Pantheon guide and I want to make it better. I would be thankfull 4 help (;
Leolynn | September 4, 2021 10:57pm
There's a picture button in your edit section.

You need upload your pictures in some picture hosts like imgur etc and you need paste the picture's direct url (like https:/etc.etc/image.png)
PanthrickTV (2) | September 5, 2021 4:56am
Ok got it! Really thanks for help (:
PanthrickTV (2) | September 5, 2021 2:28am
Thank you bro! Will try it
Minnotaro (2) | May 26, 2021 1:15am
jungle da tiamat aldıktan sonra hydra mı çıkıyoruz ilk item olarak yoksa sıradan tekrar devam mı ediyoruz biraz kafam karıştı da
Leolynn | May 26, 2021 1:21am
Tiamatı sadece hızlı dönmek için alıyoruz, Günateşi ve çiviliden sonra (Veya 2. item olarak ne alıyorsan) ondan sonra haşmetliyi tamamlayabilirsin
Minnotaro (2) | May 24, 2021 9:22am
kayle a karşı ne yapmamı öneriyorsun?
Leolynn | May 24, 2021 12:32pm
Menzilli olduğu için safe oyna farm odaklan 6 olduğunda roam atarak kasılmaya çalış jungleın çok önemli kayle ağır bir counter
Minnotaro (2) | May 20, 2021 10:48am
adam Türk çıktı karşm güzel guide eyw kullanıyorum tam okumamıştım yeni fark ettim yazıların aslında çoğunun fotoğraf olduklarını
Leolynn | May 20, 2021 10:54am
İtemleri doğru bilsen yeter combolar belli zaten
Kayobares (1) | November 16, 2020 8:24am
Hey! That's a nice looking guide and it is very complete. I have an idea that might be interesting to include in the OFF-TANK section, and that is Gargoyle Stoneplate, since it gives you a big fat shield that can save you in close fights as Sterak's Gage and surprise your oponent. And since it is an active item, you can proc it whenever you wish and trick your oponents. In addition, you could include the "Shield Bash" rune exploit with Sterak's and Gargoyle, since they are big shields, they could give you a big auto attack that can chunk your oponent down. Also Gargoyle gives nice defensive mixed stats.
Leolynn | November 17, 2020 9:21am
Yes brother you're right but Gargoyle is decreasing your damage and it's bad for Thornmail and Sunfire what do you think for that?
ColdplayMX (1) | November 17, 2020 5:42pm
Hey there. They have changed gargoyle's stoneplate in season 11. Rather than decrease your damage, it now provides a large shield for a few seconds. Since shen takes shield bash, it gives him pretty huge damage. The shield also scales with hp, which shen builds a lot of.
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Cyc1ePath (1) | November 14, 2020 5:43pm
Hi I recently started playing Shen and I was just wondering should I build Steraks after the preseason buff? thx
Leolynn | November 15, 2020 6:30am
1- I checked Sterak and it's good for Titanic Hydra build but I'm not loving Titanic my build is 100% Tank
2- Shen's attacks is mostly giving AP damage so my choice is fully tank items like Sunfire, Thornmail, Frozen Heart etc
3- also I tried build and you can make a good build with Sterak I added OFF-TANK build for you thanks for feedback you can use that I tried
Leolynn | November 11, 2020 12:19am
You can always discuss with me for everything.
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