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Recommended Items
Runes: Classic
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Normally it's not extreme but you must play carefully because if she got any advantage you can't win that game.
Champion Build Guide
Updates & Others
UPDATE v1.1 (18.09.2020)
JUNGLE added
UPDATE v1.2 (19.09.2020)
AP-HYBRID Build Added
UPDATE v1.3 (19.09.2020)
AP-HYBRID Jungle Added
UPDATE v1.4 (20.09.2020)
TANK Build Updated
UPDATE v1.5 (21.09.2020)
CRITICAL Build Added
UPDATE v1.6 (22.09.2020)
UPDATE v1.7 (24.09.2020)
Screenshots UPDATED (NOW I'M GOLD <3)
UPDATE v1.8 (24.09.2020)
CRITICAL Jungle Added
UPDATE v1.9 (24.09.2020)
Guide Updated
UPDATE v2.0 (25.09.2020)
Threats ADDED
UPDATE v2.1 (26.09.2020)
Lifesteal Shen ADDED (INSANE!!)
UPDATE v2.2 (26.09.2020)
UPDATE v2.3 (01.10.2020)
UPDATE v2.4 (31.10.2020)
I made huge updates for builds also I checked all builds If everything is working/good or not
UPDATE v2.5 (31.10.2020)
AP Hybrid v2 (Urf) Added
UPDATE v2.6 (03.11.2020)
UPDATE v3.0 (11.11.2020)
All URF builds removed.
New items added for TANK/TANKHYBRID builds (Other ones will be updated soon I need try everything one by one:( )
UPDATE v3.1 (11.11.2020)
for HEAVY AP Build updated.
UPDATE v3.2 (15.11.2020)
OFF-Tank Build added
UPDATE v3.2 (20.11.2020)
OFF-Tank Build updated
UPDATE v4.0 (29.12.2020)
All builds edited, checked and confirmed.
UPDATE v4.5 (12.01.2021)
All builds edited, checked and confirmed.
UPDATE v5.0 (30.04.2021)
All builds checked and edited. I'm back guys lol
UPDATE v5.1 (02.05.2021)
Critical v2 build and rune added. Off-Tank build is updated.
UPDATE v6.0 (26.05.2021)
Critical builds changed,
Tank builds changed,
Detailed Jungle build added.
UPDATE v7.0 (05.09.2021)
All Builds Checked, Edited.
Runes Changed
UPDATE v8.0 (01.05.2022)
All builds updated.
UPDATE v8.2 (07.05.2022)
New Build added!
UPDATE V9.0 (16.01.2023)
Builds are updated and optimized to new 4.1 item sets.
UPDATE V9.1 (16.01.2023)
Some builds are updated.
Hey there, I'm Leolynn and this is my first detailed guide.
I'm just playing Shen since 3 years and I can tell this is the most broken hero in League of Legends.
If you love my build, please vote me thanks. <3
Here is the Guide
First, there's not much thing because Shen is a easy to play/basic hero If you know how to play LoL. Play some aggresive and poke the enemy as always as You can with your Q.
If enemy's health is too low press flash + E + Q + Ignite
Also when you have ultimate just use this for roam (I prefer bot lane).
I just played ranked games
Zafer = Win
(Screenshots from TANK build)
JUNGLE added
UPDATE v1.2 (19.09.2020)
AP-HYBRID Build Added
UPDATE v1.3 (19.09.2020)
AP-HYBRID Jungle Added
UPDATE v1.4 (20.09.2020)
TANK Build Updated
UPDATE v1.5 (21.09.2020)
CRITICAL Build Added
UPDATE v1.6 (22.09.2020)
UPDATE v1.7 (24.09.2020)
Screenshots UPDATED (NOW I'M GOLD <3)
UPDATE v1.8 (24.09.2020)
CRITICAL Jungle Added
UPDATE v1.9 (24.09.2020)
Guide Updated
UPDATE v2.0 (25.09.2020)
Threats ADDED
UPDATE v2.1 (26.09.2020)
Lifesteal Shen ADDED (INSANE!!)
UPDATE v2.2 (26.09.2020)
UPDATE v2.3 (01.10.2020)
UPDATE v2.4 (31.10.2020)
I made huge updates for builds also I checked all builds If everything is working/good or not
UPDATE v2.5 (31.10.2020)
AP Hybrid v2 (Urf) Added
UPDATE v2.6 (03.11.2020)
UPDATE v3.0 (11.11.2020)
All URF builds removed.
New items added for TANK/TANKHYBRID builds (Other ones will be updated soon I need try everything one by one:( )
UPDATE v3.1 (11.11.2020)
for HEAVY AP Build updated.
UPDATE v3.2 (15.11.2020)
OFF-Tank Build added
UPDATE v3.2 (20.11.2020)
OFF-Tank Build updated
UPDATE v4.0 (29.12.2020)
All builds edited, checked and confirmed.
UPDATE v4.5 (12.01.2021)
All builds edited, checked and confirmed.
UPDATE v5.0 (30.04.2021)
All builds checked and edited. I'm back guys lol
UPDATE v5.1 (02.05.2021)
Critical v2 build and rune added. Off-Tank build is updated.
UPDATE v6.0 (26.05.2021)
Critical builds changed,
Tank builds changed,
Detailed Jungle build added.
UPDATE v7.0 (05.09.2021)
All Builds Checked, Edited.
Runes Changed
UPDATE v8.0 (01.05.2022)
All builds updated.
UPDATE v8.2 (07.05.2022)
New Build added!
UPDATE V9.0 (16.01.2023)
Builds are updated and optimized to new 4.1 item sets.
UPDATE V9.1 (16.01.2023)
Some builds are updated.
Hey there, I'm Leolynn and this is my first detailed guide.
I'm just playing Shen since 3 years and I can tell this is the most broken hero in League of Legends.
If you love my build, please vote me thanks. <3
Here is the Guide
First, there's not much thing because Shen is a easy to play/basic hero If you know how to play LoL. Play some aggresive and poke the enemy as always as You can with your Q.
If enemy's health is too low press flash + E + Q + Ignite
Also when you have ultimate just use this for roam (I prefer bot lane).
I just played ranked games
Zafer = Win
(Screenshots from TANK build)
How to Play Shen:
Top Lane:
Farm safely early game using Twilight Assault to last-hit minions.
Use Spirit's Refuge to trade favorably against auto-attack reliant champions.
Watch the map for opportunities to use Stand United to assist your teammates in other lanes.
Team Fights:
Initiate fights with Shadow Dash by taunting key enemies.
Use Spirit's Refuge to protect your team's backline from incoming damage.
Position yourself to absorb damage and disrupt the enemy team with your taunt.
Keep an eye on the map and use Stand United to support allies in need.
Split Pushing:
Shen is a good split pusher due to his global ultimate. Split push when Stand United is available to join fights.
Use Twilight Assault to push waves quickly and apply pressure on side lanes.
Ward the jungle and river to stay safe while split pushing.
Common items for Shen include Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, and Titanic Hydra. Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition.
Remember that effective communication with your team is crucial, especially when using Stand United to support allies. Shen's strength lies in his ability to be present in fights across the map and provide protection for his team. Adapt your build and playstyle based on the specific needs of your team and the strengths of the enemy composition.
Laning Phase:
Trade Efficiently: Shen's trading pattern often involves activating Twilight Assault (Q) for empowered basic attacks. Use this to trade efficiently with your lane opponent.
Warding: Place wards in the river and enemy jungle to track the enemy jungler. Shen is susceptible to ganks, so map awareness is crucial.
Teleport Usage: Since Stand United has a long cooldown early on, use Teleport to return to lane or make plays around the map. Communicate with your team about the optimal times to use it.
Teamfight Tactics:
Initiation: Use Shadow Dash (E) to engage team fights by taunting key enemies. This disrupts their positioning and provides your team an advantage.
Peel for Carries: If your team has a fed carry, use Shadow Dash and Spirit's Refuge to protect them from threats. Shen excels at peeling for his backline.
Disruption with Taunt: Shen's taunt is a powerful tool. During team fights, look for opportunities to catch out-of-position enemies and disrupt the enemy team's plans.
Split Pushing:
Global Pressure: Take advantage of Stand United to split push while maintaining a presence in team fights. Communicate with your team about your intentions and let them know when your ultimate is available.
Vision Control: Ward the enemy jungle and river to spot incoming threats. This allows you to push safely and respond to enemy rotations.
Pressure Management: Apply pressure to the side lanes, but be mindful of the enemy team's engage potential. Shen can quickly join a fight, so keep an eye on the minimap.
Map Awareness:
Ultimate Awareness: Constantly monitor the map for potential Stand United opportunities. Look for fights where your global presence can turn the tide.
Teleport Plays: As a top laner, you should have good teleport awareness. Look for opportunities to teleport to skirmishes or objectives, especially if your ultimate is on cooldown.
Adapt to the Enemy Team: Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition. If facing heavy AD, consider items like Thornmail or Randuin's Omen. Against AP threats, Spirit Visage is a solid choice.
Titanic Hydra: Titanic Hydra is a core item for Shen, providing additional damage and wave-clear. It synergizes well with his kit.
Ultimate Coordination: Inform your team when Stand United is available and encourage them to communicate when they need your support.
Shotcalling: Shen players can often take on a shotcalling role due to their global presence. Provide information on objectives, rotations, and engage opportunities.
Top Lane:
Farm safely early game using Twilight Assault to last-hit minions.
Use Spirit's Refuge to trade favorably against auto-attack reliant champions.
Watch the map for opportunities to use Stand United to assist your teammates in other lanes.
Team Fights:
Initiate fights with Shadow Dash by taunting key enemies.
Use Spirit's Refuge to protect your team's backline from incoming damage.
Position yourself to absorb damage and disrupt the enemy team with your taunt.
Keep an eye on the map and use Stand United to support allies in need.
Split Pushing:
Shen is a good split pusher due to his global ultimate. Split push when Stand United is available to join fights.
Use Twilight Assault to push waves quickly and apply pressure on side lanes.
Ward the jungle and river to stay safe while split pushing.
Common items for Shen include Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, and Titanic Hydra. Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition.
Remember that effective communication with your team is crucial, especially when using Stand United to support allies. Shen's strength lies in his ability to be present in fights across the map and provide protection for his team. Adapt your build and playstyle based on the specific needs of your team and the strengths of the enemy composition.
Laning Phase:
Trade Efficiently: Shen's trading pattern often involves activating Twilight Assault (Q) for empowered basic attacks. Use this to trade efficiently with your lane opponent.
Warding: Place wards in the river and enemy jungle to track the enemy jungler. Shen is susceptible to ganks, so map awareness is crucial.
Teleport Usage: Since Stand United has a long cooldown early on, use Teleport to return to lane or make plays around the map. Communicate with your team about the optimal times to use it.
Teamfight Tactics:
Initiation: Use Shadow Dash (E) to engage team fights by taunting key enemies. This disrupts their positioning and provides your team an advantage.
Peel for Carries: If your team has a fed carry, use Shadow Dash and Spirit's Refuge to protect them from threats. Shen excels at peeling for his backline.
Disruption with Taunt: Shen's taunt is a powerful tool. During team fights, look for opportunities to catch out-of-position enemies and disrupt the enemy team's plans.
Split Pushing:
Global Pressure: Take advantage of Stand United to split push while maintaining a presence in team fights. Communicate with your team about your intentions and let them know when your ultimate is available.
Vision Control: Ward the enemy jungle and river to spot incoming threats. This allows you to push safely and respond to enemy rotations.
Pressure Management: Apply pressure to the side lanes, but be mindful of the enemy team's engage potential. Shen can quickly join a fight, so keep an eye on the minimap.
Map Awareness:
Ultimate Awareness: Constantly monitor the map for potential Stand United opportunities. Look for fights where your global presence can turn the tide.
Teleport Plays: As a top laner, you should have good teleport awareness. Look for opportunities to teleport to skirmishes or objectives, especially if your ultimate is on cooldown.
Adapt to the Enemy Team: Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition. If facing heavy AD, consider items like Thornmail or Randuin's Omen. Against AP threats, Spirit Visage is a solid choice.
Titanic Hydra: Titanic Hydra is a core item for Shen, providing additional damage and wave-clear. It synergizes well with his kit.
Ultimate Coordination: Inform your team when Stand United is available and encourage them to communicate when they need your support.
Shotcalling: Shen players can often take on a shotcalling role due to their global presence. Provide information on objectives, rotations, and engage opportunities.
Passive: Ki Barrier
INNATE: After completing an ability's effects, Shen shields himself from 60 − 111 (based on level)(+ 14% bonus health) damage for 2.5 seconds. If the triggering ability successfully affected at least one chamipon, Ki Barrier's cooldown is reduced by 4 − 7.5 (based on level) seconds.
Shen's power manifests as a Spirit Blade that he can control with his abilities.
Q: Twilight Assault
ACTIVE: Shen recalls his Spirit Blade to his location. Enemies the blade collides with are slowed for the next 2 seconds when moving away from Shen.
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Once it arrives, Shen empowers his next 3 basic attacks within 8 seconds to gain 75 bonus range and deal bonus magic damage.
10 − 40 (based on level) (+ 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4% (+ 1.5% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health)
If the Spirit Blade collides with at least one enemy champion on its way to Shen, the empowerment is enhanced, dealing increased bonus magic damage and granting Shen 50% bonus attack speed while it is active.
10 − 40 (based on level) (+ 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health)
Empowered attacks against monsters instead deal 100% bonus damage, but their total damage is capped.
120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200
TIME: NONECOST: 140 / 130 / 120 / 110 / 100
ENERGYCOOLDOWN: 8 / 7.25 / 6.5 / 5.75 / 5
W: Spirit's Refuge
ACTIVE: Shen primes his Spirit Blade, creating an area around it. If Shen or an allied champion enter or are within the area, or after 2 seconds, the Spirit Blade creates a protective zone around it for 1.75 seconds, blocking all non-Turret basic attacks that hit Shen or allied champions in the area.
COOLDOWN: 18 / 16.5 / 15 / 13.5 / 12
E: Shadow Dash/h1]
PASSIVE: Damage from Shadow Dash and Twilight Assault recovers 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level) energy.
ACTIVE: Shen dashes to the target location, dealing physical damage to all enemy champions and monsters in his path and taunting them for 1.5 seconds.
TARGET RANGE: 300 / 600
ENERGYCOOLDOWN: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 15% bonus health)
ACTIVE: Shen Stand channels for 3 seconds, Hybrid shielding the target allied champion at the time of cast for up to 5 seconds, increased by 0% − 60% (based on target's missing health).
MINIMUM SHIELD: 175 / 350 / 525 (+ 135% AP)
Upon completing the channel, Shen and his Spirit Blade blink to the target ally's location, placing himself and his Spirit Blade between them and the nearest enemy champion. Shen also Bullet strikethrough.png destroys any projectiles targeting him at the time of completion.
Flash is a ground-targeted summoner spell that causes your champion to blink a short distance in the direction of the cursor.
Flash cannot be used while rooted,grounded, or unable to cast.
With the Hextech Flashtraption rune, Hexflash replaces Flash when it's on cooldown.
Flash's cast indicator shows a radius of 425 units.
Ignite is a unit-targeted summoner spell that deals true damage over the duration and applies healing reduction as well as granting sight of the targeted enemy champion.
Teleport is a unit-targeted summoner spell summoner spell that blinks yourchampion to the target allied unit after a few seconds of channeling.
Teleport has no cast time.
Teleport is disabled while grounded, rooted or unable to cast
Nearsight will prevent the caster from using Teleport globally.
The user may select their target for Teleport via the minimap.
Teleport renders a targeted minion completely invulnerable even to the nexus obelisk.
It is possible to use Teleport on a minion targeted by an enemy turret when teleporting to assist a push, preventing turret damage from occurring for about 4 seconds.
While champions could use displacing abilities to move the targeted minion, the teleporting champion will still arrive at their intended position.
Teleporting to a ward, stealthed trap reveals it (except if it's in a Brush and no enemies are inside the brush, the visual effects of the Teleport are still visible in this case) during the channel but it cannot be destroyed.
Teleport is canceled if a targeted turret is destroyed during the channel.
While standing at the end of a wall or other standing out part of terrain, using Teleport slightly increases sight radius just around the corners in the fog of war.
Teleport will not cancel if a targeted ward or trap expires during the channel.
The teleporting champion will always appear on the side of the object that is facing own nexus. Prior to V6.13, when a turret was targeted, a random location around it was chosen.
Teleport does not cancel the user's current movement or attack order, which the champion will continue pursuing after the channel ends, unless a new one is given.
Successfully completing the channel will destroy any targeted missiles inbound that would otherwise follow the user to the new location.
Exhaust is a unit-targeted summoner spell that slows an enemy champion's movement speed and reduces their damage dealt for a few seconds.
Exhaust will not reduce true damage.
Cleanse will remove Exhaust's effects.
Using Exhaust on a champion when the target is already affected by that spell will reapply the effect, resetting its duration. It will not increase the effect.
The cooldown of this spell can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction.
For restoring a champion's health in general, see Healing.
Heal is an auto-targeted summoner spell that instantly restores health to your champion and an ally while also granting a small burst of movement speed.
Heal is affected by any form of personal health gain modifier on yourself
but only yourself (e.g.Trundle's Frozen Domain,Olaf's Vicious Strikes and Spirit Visage).
Using or being affected by Heal if you were already Healed in the last 35 seconds heals for 45 − 172.5 (based on champion level).
Smite is an unit-targeted summoner spell, it deals true damage to the target large or medium monster, enemy minion, or pet and heals you when cast against large monsters.
It is available on Summoner's Rift. It is required to buy Emberknife and Hailblade
The following items upgrade Smite Smite after being cast 5 times by granting additional effects:
Emberknife grants Challenging Smite.
Hailblade grants Chilling Smite.
Smite starts with one charge on a 15-second cooldown and gains an additional charge every 90 seconds starting from 1:30, with a maximum of 2 charges.
The recharge cooldown of this spell can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction.
Chilling Smite and Challenging Smite are fully negated by spell shield and can be removed by Cleanse Cleanse.
Chilling Smite will not grant bonus movement speed if the slow was not applied.
For all effects with crowd control removals, see Crowd control#Removal.
Cleanse is a self-targeted summoner spell that removes most crowd control effects and summoner spell debuffs.
Cleanse will remove the following Malefic status effects:
Stun Crowd control:
Forced action
Suspension's airborne is removed despite Cleanse not being able to.
Summoner spells
Does not remove the Grievous Grievous Wounds debuff.
Chilling Smite
Challenging Smite
Does not remove the true damage burn.
Cleanse cannot be activated while under the effects of suppression or stasis (both disable all summoner spells from use).
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