Thinking about getting back into league after some time off. Played a number of ARAM games to get my mechanics back. Udyr and Hecarim are strong and I play/have played them both a fair amount in the past.

I do not particularly care for the Turbo Chemtank build on Hecarim. The damage and clear both feel bad. Yes, you are beefier on average. Yes, it helps with ganking as least as far as CC goes. But it is my understanding that the player that popularized the build doesn't even go that build in most games, still opting for Trinity Force in the large majority of the games. One thing that also isn't clear is that it really only works if Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a good buy and they happen to be at the moment.

Udyr, on average I prefer going Wingborne Storm, it is just been that for the past couple of season Wilding Claw was simply superior. So that is nice, but oi, do I miss the attack speed you get from going Tiger Stance and from building items that give you attack speed. Still the Turbo Chemtank does feel pretty good on Udyr. It basically makes you a little stickier and generally more annoying for the enemy team to deal with.

Viego jury is still out on this champion for me. I do happen to at least have a working idea of how to play the majority of the champions in league, so I feel okay when I get the kits from the wraths of the champions I've killed.

He feels good for blowing flashes in the early game, but you really have to prioritize pushed lanes where your laner has CC to consistently capitalize on the early ganks.

Damage wise he feels pretty meh until you get Kraken Slayer. After that he can situationally feel busted, kind like a Master Yi but then you get into some circumnstances where he doesn't feel as good, such as trying to chase down someone without a wall nearby or say chasing a trap laying Caitlyn (Rito, why can she lay traps down in combat with almost know delay, unlike say Jinx or Jhin).

I also ran into things like Nidalee who are happy to invade you and if you get invaded and delayed at getting your Kraken Slayer and level 6 then you feel pretty much useless since the XP and gold from jungle camps is in short supply if you aren't helping yourself to your enemies camps and taxing lanes after successful ganks whenever possible.

I've only got a small sample set so far, but damage and burst feels really high at the moment. And games feel like they are decided by one lane coughing up a couple of kills. Still depends on which champion has the lead and how you other lanes are doing, but if one lane gets out of control badly enough it doesn't feel like you can do much about it.

I've been enjoying ARAM as they chatter in *****ing in chat is much lower than on Summoner's Rift, but it also starts to feel old after a few games and Summoner's Rift starts calling me. Probably not going to be a Viego main, but then again maybe I need to go check out his experience curve. Maybe on the pre-[##] of games to get decent at the champion portion of his learning curve.