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Basically for the builds,
TL DR : Take Healing Rammus when your team needs some physical damage or/and when a lot of enemies are based on AAs (I believe it's able to counter master yi players that abuse wit's end vs rammus) ;
Take Mathematically Correct Rammus when your team needs magic damage, will work most vs speedy boys like Nunu (simple example) and tanks ;
Take Mathe-tanky-ly Correct when you want to tank like a normal rammus but also scale (your dmg without passive will be more in the endgame), for a safe playstyle early, works best vs bruisers and melee champs over all
I like running the vamp when there are lots of AAers or when you're vs an AAer and playing top, taking Conqueror makes Rammus able to win lvl 1 trades vs melee AAers such as Sett, Tryndamere, even Darius and Fiora (not Gwen if she's taking Q though).
Otherwise, vamp is good when your team lacks AD, since you're gonna AA a lot and with the bonus AD and Goredrinker dmg, your damage will be more hybrid, so enemies without AR will take some damage.
The Mathematically Correct build is based on dealing the most dps on enemies, but due to the lack of AH, bruisers will be able to outtrade you at some point, so running Phase Rush is good with this and it's also good to negate your W's slow along with Conditioning. This build is more based on AP damage but Riftmaker buffs it and eventually turns it into true damage. So this build can potentially make you able to deal more damage vs tanks, while being able to one-shot ADCs if Riftmaker is stacked or if you have Demonic Embrace.
Mathe-tanky-ly Correct resembles the most to a normal Rammus playstyle, but you'll be playing more into the lategame, but aims for more damage and hp rather than more resists when the only damage you'll be taking will be true damage, with the Sunfire Aegis + Titanic Hydra + Guinsoo combo, your AAs will unironically be very unhealthy for the opponents, it's (for real) comparable to the Diana/Morde and others building Nashor, Sunfire Aegis, Demonic Embrace, you just already have base magic on hit damage for Nashor, and Titanic Hydra works better with Guinsoo. With this build, you'll easily be able to outtrade bruisers like Riven, Aatrox, etc...
In the early, you're supposed to "replace" a Q coming again with ghost, and then with ult, then ult then ghost again. But ganks will be less effective without ghost, same if E or W aren't maxed,
Fundamentally, I don't recommend maxing Q since it'll "only" affect the CD and the slow, whereas early you're searching to cc the most possible someone for your laners to damage them and to try being the one tanking.
The only case I'd say it's better to max Q is if there is a big counterganker like ghost Skarner, that also threats to invade you early, but otherwise even though you cannot chase someone, you should already be thankful for having won a duel .
1st update as of 05/29 : Matchups from A to D were revamped
2nd update as of 05/30 : Matchups from E to F were revamped ; Added champion classifications at the end of each matchup explanation ; Added the meaning of those classifications in the "Informations" part in the description ; Added 3 tips in "Tips and Tricks" part in the description
3rd update as of 05/31 : All G matchups were revamped ; Added the possibility to choose your 6th item in the Mathematically Correct build (MR or AR), according to the way I've done it in Mathe-Tanky-ly Correct
4th update as of 06/03 : Matchups from H to J were revamped
5th update as of 06/04 : All K matchups were revamped
Inability to update match-ups as of 06/05 & 06/06 because I went into a chess tournament.
6th update as of 06/07 : All L matchups were revamped ; Optimized the presentation for Mathe-Tanky-Ly Correct Rammus
7th update as of 06/08 : All M matchups were revamped ; Added the possibility to swap for more AR in Healing Rammus (Randuin got buffed :D) ; Updated Thornmail informations, including antiheal and efficiency ; Updated the most op (imo) build out of these 3 for this patch in disclaimer
8th update as of 06/11 : All N matchups were revamped ; Added "Abilities" informations in the description ; Tweaked a little bit the structure of the titles
9th update as of 06/15 : Matchups from O to Q were revamped ; Added a brand new runepage in Mathematically Correct, and it's explanations in the description ; Tweaked the runepages' structure ; Made more comprehensible Pros & Cons
Inability to update until 06/23 because I was on a week internship
10th update as of 06/23 : Matchups from R to S were revamped (there's more than like from N to Q it's incredible) ; added Bel'Veth matchup
11th update as of 06/24 : Matchups from T to U were revamped
By the way if you have questions about the REVAMPED ONLY match-ups like : "Why does Amumu beat you early?", feel free to ask it (Amumu beats you without item because his output damage is higher, his CDs are way faster and his W deals damage without attacking. When both of you backed, he's got like Bami + boots tier 1 + cloth armor and you got early powerspike, he still might be the one beating you because of his W and Bami while you've got no MR and again his CDs)
But yeah the thing is I promised myself not to play LoL until 1st of June, which means I theoretized the Mathe-tanky-ly correct like if it was any other patch, assuming being tankier is better, I'll eventually try to correct mistakes or inaccuracies when I'll play again!
- Replaced "Leonidas Juggermus" kind of deprecated build by "Mathe-Tanky-ly Correct" which suits the best for patch 12.10 damage reduction (go check it out!). Of course did I also update the Pros/Cons and the runes in the description. THANKS TO FRILLEN FOR THE IDEA OF GUINSOO!
- Updated informations according to the patch note, which means :
+ Riftmaker's and Goredrinker's omnivamp informations
+ Thornmail's and Gargoyle Stoneplate's gold efficiency
+ More...
EDIT : Seems like LEONIDAS JUGGERMUS is dying! I'm calculating it's global efficiency to UNDER THE 2 OTHER BUIIIIIIIILDS, I'll have to put it out and replace it with the new idea!
I might be getting back to LoL in the early-mid June month, I have a new funny build idea in my head which needs to be calculated and which will (I hope so) make you so unkillable prior to 12.10 massive patch that you will counter every champ at one point of the game except the true damage ones and maybe the big armor shredders!
I'll also have to recalculate the gold worth and maybe runes, we'll see about the efficiency of the builds when I'll be back!
Peace, enjoy your time.
- Added some "." in the places they're needed (means not in the jungle clear but rather in the pros and cons)
- Swapped back to Aftershock runepage only in Mathematically Correct since Conqueror doesn't add any damage on W damage thorns for example unlike Aftershock, Conqueror just adds healing.
- Made more understandable why Goredrinker rather than Riftmaker in the full healing build.
Enjoy abusing the Mathematically Correct build maybe even on ranked with this Abyssal Mask huge buffs for this build!
- Changed the runepage of healing Rammus to cover the most possible Ravenous Hunter's exit (R.I.P. Soldier, we loved you)
- Added a brand new runepage in healing Rammus if you still want to heal a lot, make sure to read the informations in the description
- Corrected some spelling mistakes and tweaked some stuff in the description
PS : I've paused LoL for some months, I'll try to keep on the line and still update the guide patch after patch, don't you worry boy! | 12.7 will be HUGE on the Mathematically Correct build with Abyssal Mask buffs oncoming :D
- Added Renata Glasc matchup
- Reviewed the items' build structure
- Reviewed the runes' build structure
- Reviewed the spells' build structure
- Optimized the runes
- Design greatly inspired from this guide
- Removed entirely AP Rammus since it's bad ngl
- Revamped the description part of the build :
+ Explanation of why Thornmail + Gargoyle is so good
+ Tips for a jungle clear / ways to use your kit
+ A bit of a deeper explanation of the runes and the choices (sometimes) of the runes & the items for each part
+ Reviewed Pros/Cons of each build
- Zeri matchup (f*ck this is the first adc that doesn't instant die when you taunt her and she can flee from you
- Fixed some runes and comments about runes & summ spells
- Added a brand new category : Juggernaut Rammus (with a bit of a Spartan mindset in it)