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Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a pretty situational item. Heimerdinger is mostly burst mage, so items like Rabadon's Deathcap, Shadowflame, Void Staff, etc. are more viable, while Rylai's Crystal Scepter gives very little AP and not so useful HP, a better counterpart for it is Liandry's Torment, as it's good for poking, fighting tanks and extended trades. However, it still can be viable in some situations, like playing against immobile dashless champions ( Garen, Illaoi, Darius, etc.), playing support for utility or if you don't know what to buy last item slot. However, I wouldn't recommend buying it early unless you play support, as you need damage. Even as support, sometimes other items may be better.
(It's also more off-meta build compared to other roles)
Domination is great not only in aggressive lane, but overall because it has Ghost Poro (and this rune is the main reason I take it instead of Inspiration). This rune is great and provides a lot of vision (unlike Eyeball Collection) and AP. Second rune is up to your preference, but Cheap Shot provides an additional poke and feels pretty nice.
For expirienced players Biscuit Delivery is not that good, because they know how to manage their HP and mana properly, and so it's very situational in my opinion.
Thanks! I think I should have clarified about selling support item only in low elo and if you're about to end the game, I'll change it later