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What Are You?

Creator: Xaioli March 26, 2011 3:58am
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Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 3:58am | Report
I had no idea where to place this thread. But I'd like to see you explain yourself and how you play LoL. I'll start off.

I'm Xaioli. To be honest, I do not have a main, but I mainly play Twitch when the situation becomes serious business. I would consider myself to be a aggressive player. When I first started LoL at level 1, I was a very passive player. As I became more experienced at this game, I learned to be more aggressive, or be swept over. How is my attitude? Well, I admit, I'll rage at times. Why do I rage? Well, I'm human. I usually only rage when people don't take games seriously, or the person is very unskilled, and don't tell me ahead of time. For examples "I don't care", "I'm not trying". Those are some things that I rage at when people don't take the game seriously. For mine and other's sake, please take the game seriously from the second that we enter, until the second the game ends. Don't waste our time. However, I make exceptions for Inhouses and Custom Matches because they are for fun right? Also, BRAVERY. I mean, I'm super brave! When it comes to unskilled players, it's clearly obvious in the first several minutes of gametime. If you tell me that you aren't very skilled, I'll play a more serious champion. One I can easily carry a team if you end up feeding on accident, or if it's out of control. Don't make me have to find out on my own 30 minutes into the game. Instead, before a game, just say "Hey Xai, I'm not really good, heads up.. How can I get mad at that? I got a headsup, and knew that I have to be serious so we can have fun. Those TWO things are what I just rage at in game. Besides those 2 things above, I'm a pretty chill guy. As long as you don't annoy me, I'll joke and kid with you. (If I make jokes towards you, it probably means that I like you :)). Now that we're done covering my personality when I game, I feel like I play a very strong leadership role on the Fields of Justice. (inb4 Roleplayer! It just sounded cool). I usually play hard carries, and what wins games? Carries! haha. I am also a person that has pretty good map awareness, and I will notify you as quickly as possible over Ventrilo, Skype, IG Chat, whatever so you can be aware.

Now, you don't have to get in depth as I did, but I had to get a little something off my chest too. So feel free to add something about you. How you play LoL, your playstyle, your attitude during games, what makes you rage? Do you not rage at all? Are you an aggressive player like me, or are you extremely passive? Again, this is Off-Topic/Matchmaking/General Discussion stuff. So, I'd like to know more about you.

Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 6:27am | Report
Alright, I'll help you get this started Xai.

So my in-game name is Adonikam it means the 666 man or something like that (google it). I own most of the champs and can play them all with some degree of skill (inb4 Jet makes some smart*** comment). My favourite though is Nasus. I have no favourite "type" of champion, I'll play a tank every match for one day and the next I might be supporting it's just iffy.

When I play with Gokuma and Xaioli we usually end up making him mad because we piss around a little. Although I take all my Ranked games dead serious and feel sad when I lose =(.

Oh and if I call you a ****** or whatever don't get offended I don't really consider it racist because it's the same as calling someone bastard. (People do say Australians are racist but I think Americans are too sensitive, so QQ more).

Ummm what else? Oh I've started trying to "clean up" the site a little and give each guide I come across a real BIG (phantom dancers) critical eye so don't QQ about those -1's I give you and don't revenge down-vote because that's just not mature.

So I'll finish off by saying "I'M GONNA BE HOKAGE ONE DAY" I mean uhhh... 2000 elo!

Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 9:25am | Report
Hi, I'm Jet, I speak in third person. Jet has written more than his fair share of lengthy, over-worded, pseudo-intellectual tripe. In all such instances he conveniently overlooks the fact that his reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only pusillanimous answers, snotty resolutions to conflicts. Judging by the generally snarky nature of his squadristi, I can see that if the past is any indication of the future, he will once again attempt to suppress those who would seek to learn the truth about his cuckoo slogans. I hate it when people get their facts completely wrong. For instance, whenever I hear some corporate fat cat make noises about how it is patriotic to reduce religion to a consumer item in a spiritual supermarket, I can't help but think that I want to subject Jet's mind games to the rigorous scrutiny they warrant. I want to do this not because I need to tack another line onto my résumé but because Jet would have us believe that the cure for evil is more evil. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. Jet frequently insists that he can make all of our problems go away merely by sprinkling some sort of magic, pink, pixie dust over everything that he considers clueless or shiftless. This lie of his cannot stand the light of day, and a few minutes' reflection will suffice to show how utterly noisome a lie it is. Nonetheless, certain facts are clear. For instance, he insists that his witticisms are Holy Writ. This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands he perpetrates.

Jet is like a pigeon. Pigeons are too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. They poo on people they don't like; they poo on people they don't even know. The only real difference between Jet and a pigeon is that Jet intends to withhold information and disseminate half-truths and whole lies. That's why when I was a child my clergyman told me, "Few things in life are as enjoyable as watching newly enlightened people create greater public understanding of the damage caused by Jet's stances." If you think about it you'll see his point. Why can't we find even one well-designed, peer-reviewed, longitudinal study that clearly demonstrates that his barbs will spread enlightenment to the masses, nurture democracy, reestablish the bonds of community, bring us closer to God, and generally work to the betterment of Man and society? Probably because no comprehensive study has ever drawn such a rancorous conclusion. In contrast, many studies indicate that if Jet thinks that illiterate carousers are easily housebroken then maybe he should lay off the wacky tobacky. What's the best way to help people see Jet's moonstruck, scabrous sound bites for what they are? That's actually a tough nut to crack. The answer is related the way that Jet's "compromises" are not pedantic treatises expressing theories or extravaganzas dealing in fables or fancies. They are substantial, sober outpourings from the very soul of sensationalism.

Jet has somehow made up his mind that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization". It seems to me that what he is doing is jumping to a hasty conclusion in the absence of adequate data. A more reasoned analysis would reveal that there's a chance that Jet will topple society eventually. Well, that's extremely speculative, but it is clear today that we must work together to report as best as possible the facts and circumstances surrounding Jet's perverted words. What can you do to help? For starters, you might want to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. I personally derive great satisfaction in doing that sort of thing because Jet wants all of us to believe that public opinion is a reliable indicator of what's true and what isn't. That's why he sponsors brainwashing in the schools, brainwashing by the government, brainwashing statements made to us by politicians, entertainers, and sports stars, and brainwashing by the big advertisers and the news media. If we can understand what has caused the current plague of inaniloquent, feckless cult leaders, I believe that we can then uphold peace, freedom, democracy, and justice. Here's an eye-opener for you: I maintain that Jet has been, still is, and always will remain more meddlesome than thrasonical pinheads. My views, of course, are not the issue here. The issue is that what I have been writing up to this point is not what I initially intended to write in this letter. Instead, I decided it would be far more productive to tell you that Jet is truly up to something. I don't know exactly what, but he wants to put unforgiving thoughts in our children's minds. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Jet's gossamer grasp of reality.

Jet somehow manages to maintain a straight face when saying that everything he says is absolutely and utterly true. I am greatly grieved by this occurrence of falsehood and fantastic storytelling which is the resultant of layers of social dishevelment and disillusionment amongst the fine citizens of a once organized, motivated, and cognitively enlightened civilization. I don't need to tell you that I can promise freedom-lovers everywhere that my priorities, observations, countermeasures, and predictions are not in any manner similar to those embraced by Jet. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that I myself want to give people more information about Jet, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I certainly hope people draw: It's possible that Jet throws a tantrum every time he doesn't get what he wants. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how somebody has to enable all people to achieve their potential as human beings. That somebody can be you. In any case, right is right and wrong is wrong. But let's not lose sight of the larger, more important issue here: Jet's deluded pleas.

Please don't misread my words here; Jet is just trying to pick a fight. That's why he says that censorship could benefit us. Jet dreams of a time when he'll be free to punish dissent through intimidation, public ridicule, economic exclusion, imprisonment, and most extremely, death. That's the way he's planned it, and that's the way it'll happen—not may happen but will happen—if we don't interfere, if we don't create a world in which imperialism, egotism, and antinomianism are all but forgotten. There are two reasons that induce me to submit Jet's programs of Gleichschaltung to a special examination:

1) Jet always tries to shift blame from himself to unreasonable money-worshippers.
2) the conflation of self-deceiving nymphomaniacs and exploitative lotharios in Jet's canards is either dramatic hyperbole or a fatal methodological flaw.

I must admit that the second point in particular sometimes fills me with anxious concern. He's obviously under the influence of LSD or some other hallucinogenic. Why else would Jet assert that his commentaries epitomize wholesome family entertainment? Better, far better, that Man were without the gift of speech than that he use it as Jet does. Better that Man could neither read nor write than have his head and heart perverted by the amateurish and hidebound tommyrot that oozes from Jet's pen. And better that the cut of Man's coat and the number of his buttons were fixed by statute and enforced by penalties than that Jet should interfere with the most important principles of democracy. That's our situation today, in very rough outline. Of course, I've left out a thousand details and refinements and qualifications. I've not mentioned that the grossly fallacious reasoning behind Jet's animadversions can be confirmed by some simple fact-checking. And I've ignored Comstockism altogether. I've simply pointed out one key fact: I oppose, deplore, and disavow discrimination, extremism, and hatred of every kind.
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 10:34am | Report
^post of the year

I'm JebusMcAzn, and I main Amumu, although I also play Gangplank, Udyr, Malphite, Kog'Maw, Anivia, and Janna at competent levels. I'm currently learning Nasus and Shaco. I'm most comfortable with playing a tank. When I do tank for you, I'm not one of those people that's concerned about K/D - you need to stay alive, and I'll do everything in my power to make it so.

My map awareness is pretty good in general, although sometimes I have bad days and just derp.

During games, I play to win, unless it's a custom game and we've all decided that it's just going to be for fun (cough 5-smite cough).

I will NEVER rage at you. I'll be angry over vent and in my own mind, but I'll NEVER call anyone out specifically, unless you were trolling on purpose for the entire game. What makes me rage? When we lose a game that we should be winning - a game where stupid mistakes just accumulated and caused us to lose to a team that I know we can beat, that we should beat.

I don't like people who make excuses. Unless it's actually real, don't blame your deaths on "lag" or "unfairness". Don't call backdooring an OP, immoral technique. Deal with it. Whenever I die, it's usually because of some failure of map awareness, and I take responsibility for it. Many times you've probably heard me say, "Misplay by me" or "Bad initiate" or "Should not have overextended", quickly followed by a "My fault, guys". Not that I make those types of mistakes often, lol, but whenever I do, I take responsibility.

I also consider myself a leader - I aggressively call MIA, I ping for ganks, I ping for retreats, baron calls, dragon calls, tower pushes.

In general I'm a nice guy - I try not to come across as angry on the forums or in-game, although some of you may have heard me rage over chat, skype, or vent - but in general, I will not rage at you, but more a concept that I don't appreciate.
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 11:50am | Report
I'm B-Wong, I don't really consider myself to have a main at the moment, but in the past I've had great success with Corki, Annie, and Alistar so I'm pretty comfortable playing those characters, and also any skillshot-based character in general.

I feel that I'm a ridiculously passive player during the lane phase but when it comes to later in the game I get very very aggressive. Sometimes too aggressive but, I'm learning to improve myself every game.

Going into a game I get "in the zone". My mind is set on the game and doing anything in my power to win. But sometimes I don't realize I'm doing stupid ****, so if I do play with you: Tell me when I'm ****ing up and how I should fix it. I try to help others with their game, too but at the same time I'm quite soft-spoken. If we're on Skype or Ventrillo I won't queue up my mic while you're talking to interrupt unless I'm calling mia.

When I see people very like "well it's just normal queue" it makes me internally rage. Along with people making the same mistakes over and over even after I've tried helping them. The midget inside me just explodes with nerd rage when that stupid **** happens. But aside from the game, I'm usually a pretty nice guy unless you're spewing ******ed **** out of your mouth. I laugh a lot and joke a lot to create a more friendly atmosphere. When I do rage it's not full-out nerd rage all the way, it's more like "Dude.. this ****in ******** Morde. Herp derp penta" but internally, the midget is exploding.

Other than that **** uh, I guess I'm a very very mechanical player. I feel that my ability to use active items and time my skills correctly is a HUGE strength (except for when the skills don't pop). I feel I'm very good at unit control and very good at spell timings, etc.

I can be brutally honest but when I am I usually feel like a complete and total ****. I have a very weird internal complex of personalities :P

I like long walks on the beach, interpretive dance and just spending time with - oh. Wait.

<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 1:27pm | Report
I'm wRAthoFVuLK ( says that right above this sentence >.>)

I play for fun, because I see games as being for fun. I am far from the best player out there, but I am not bad. If I feel pressured, or I am half-asleep, that sure doesn't help xD

I do whatever I can to help the team, even if that means sacrificing myself for others. I am not a K/D *****, but most of the time I end up carrying when I play at my ELO.

I ****ing hate solo queue more than I hate PB&J (I mean cmon...). I always end up getting with people who don't know wtf they are doing (this may sound funny to some of you, but I actually know wtf I am doing).

I usually roflstomp with a group of friends over skype or vent, but recently someone in the group moved halfway across the world so now I don't really see him anymore :( However, I started playing the game a little less recently since I got back into mah xboxing (Homefront and Bulletstorm, oh yea).

but yea, I still play. Don't expect me to play fully serious at all times tho. I am when I want to be/it is a good time to. I don't rage at my friends, sometimes I get annoyed at random pugs or idiot enemies though.

I also play HoN...yea.

SO, I gtg, bbl :)

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Trojan995's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 2:00pm | Report

^post of the year

I'm JebusMcAzn, and I main Amumu, although I also play Gangplank, Udyr, Malphite, Kog'Maw, Anivia, and Janna at competent levels. I'm currently learning Nasus and Shaco. I'm most comfortable with playing a tank. When I do tank for you, I'm not one of those people that's concerned about K/D - you need to stay alive, and I'll do everything in my power to make it so.

My map awareness is pretty good in general, although sometimes I have bad days and just derp.

During games, I play to win, unless it's a custom game and we've all decided that it's just going to be for fun (cough 5-smite cough).

I will NEVER rage at you. I'll be angry over vent and in my own mind, but I'll NEVER call anyone out specifically, unless you were trolling on purpose for the entire game. What makes me rage? When we lose a game that we should be winning - a game where stupid mistakes just accumulated and caused us to lose to a team that I know we can beat, that we should beat.

I don't like people who make excuses. Unless it's actually real, don't blame your deaths on "lag" or "unfairness". Don't call backdooring an OP, immoral technique. Deal with it. Whenever I die, it's usually because of some failure of map awareness, and I take responsibility for it. Many times you've probably heard me say, "Misplay by me" or "Bad initiate" or "Should not have overextended", quickly followed by a "My fault, guys". Not that I make those types of mistakes often, lol, but whenever I do, I take responsibility.

I also consider myself a leader - I aggressively call MIA, I ping for ganks, I ping for retreats, baron calls, dragon calls, tower pushes.

In general I'm a nice guy - I try not to come across as angry on the forums or in-game, although some of you may have heard me rage over chat, skype, or vent - but in general, I will not rage at you, but more a concept that I don't appreciate.

I'll just quote this and pretend it's my own (because this is basically how I play).

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention my main isn't Amumu, it's Nunu.

EDIT 2: Oh, I forgot to mention my name isn't Jebus McAzn, it's Trojan995.
Click for one of my awesome builds!
Thanks to Mowen, WrATHofVuLK, and AlexanPT for the signatures! Check out Tristana: The Lane Game, Maokai: The Chu8 Way, and Twisted Fate: Card Games!
AmoreiTehGjeni's Forum Avatar
Feb 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 2:38pm | Report
Well, my in game name is AmoreTehGjeni which basically means Love the genius. I main Amumu and Rammus, but also enjoy Kennen Karthus Jax and Lux. Im only level 23 (Almost 24! GASP) so im not a super experienced player, but i've found a true passion for this game, and count it as my new favourite.

I think im a fairly well balanced player, i take alot of time to read guides for many champions in hope to understand them better before i get the chance to play them, just in-case im against one and so on.

I think im a fairly offensive player, sometimes to much, but i like to think i can control it 90% of the time. I have a good sense of the map, and where ganks tend to start, and am quick to yell ss at my team, and who they are. So to keep my team safe, i hate losing.

Im addicted to buying RP every time i get some money RP time god, i love it, i love spending money on RP i don;t know why, skins skins skins i suppose, i buy them all the time, planning on getting a £45 packet on my birthday.

In conclusion im a leveling learning player who highly enjoys the game, and wastes all of his time and money on it... Good day.
redmaw's Forum Avatar
Feb 21st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 7:38pm | Report
Hi, I'm semi-new here, no real posts but been lurking for about 4 months now lol. Don't really have a main although I tend to enjoy playing assassin class the most (burst damage ftw :D).

My playstyle tends to vary depending on how the game is going, with a bias toward cautious. If I feel I can safely be aggressive I'll do it, but otherwise I like to just sit back and harass/farm. Also I take all PvP matches seriously and save the screwing around stuff for the AI, as that's what it's there for imo.

My attitude towards teammates is very lenient, partially because I find the in game chat box so debilitating to use it normally isn't worth the effort and the fact I wouldn't consider myself "skilled" player. I'm no saint though and do rage occasionally; and not to be pretentious or anything, but when I do it's for a good reason.

That should be enough for now, off to get screwed by soloq once again.
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2011 8:03pm | Report
Hey, welcome to the site!
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