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Shaco Build Guide by ЯRebeL1

The Complete Guide to an Unstoppable Laning Shaco

The Complete Guide to an Unstoppable Laning Shaco

Updated on June 8, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ЯRebeL1 Build Guide By ЯRebeL1 25 5 43,269 Views 18 Comments
25 5 43,269 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ЯRebeL1 Shaco Build Guide By ЯRebeL1 Updated on June 8, 2011
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jackohlantern | September 7, 2011 6:30am
very nice!
jackohlantern | September 7, 2011 6:30am
very nice!
ElLatinoRusso | July 5, 2011 1:20pm
what about CDR with shaco?
Slade | May 11, 2011 3:42pm
This build is just sooo amaazing man! Went 15/4/13. Keep up the good job ; )
Timado (2) | May 7, 2011 10:01am
-1 Frozen mallet is useless i tried that item and is not necessery because has a better slow^Two siv poison^ and shaco is a Dps champion and he need at last 30% of life steal.
DeathPulse | April 19, 2011 5:51am
Totally awesome build.
Made 12-1-7 with my FIRST try with shaco
charasaki1986 (63) | April 16, 2011 10:19pm
nice guide, mandred 4 every game maybe not, depending on the team, but! laning is really awsome, always i use him that way =D

ne0cha0s | April 16, 2011 9:58pm
Best laning shaco build I've seen. I disagree with anybody saying jungling shaco is better. Shaco is just about the easiest champion to counter-jungle in the entire game. If you deny him Lizard buff, he's 100% useless for the rest of the game. Jungling Shaco is ONLY good if you have Lizard buff and gank immediately after your first stop at red. This laning shaco build would help keep him farmed up, and equal level, therefore not hindering his mid-late game, and even improving it once you get the successful ganks off.
Great build.
Kanox (1) | April 12, 2011 9:36pm
+1 just for the flow chart its awesome. Are you ap>yes>Is your team calling you useless>Yes> that face is great.

But all together i pretty solid guide, Although im going to continue jungle shaco and my build but still +1

And also spoon if im not mistaken. Shiv does both AP+AD damage does it not?
Dzidek | April 12, 2011 12:38am
The build is good but I agree with Polsemanden and spoon. Jungling Shaco IMO is the best way to play him. And I don't agree with idea of buying madred's bloodrazor in every game. When there is more than 2-3 squishy champions on the enemy team just focus on killing them and keeping them unfarmed instead of fighting tanks. Sry for my english.

PS. I like the flow chart :)
spooon (97) | April 12, 2011 12:30am
the problem with shaco lane is not only the self nerfing of not being able to gank in all lanes, but the mana problem. Your per level mana runes dont do you justice early game. This makes for just nearly as bad mana regain as a normal lane shaco. some thing that is not a good thing. You have no staying power in lane and mastery i dont know what is going on but maxing out every mastery point in the offence tee is in my opinion not the way to go for lane shaco. You will no be able to carry yourself because you dont have the AR, MR or HP or mana regain.
None of the key point for laning with shaco is fixed in this build.
You do make a intresting point of mixing the ability of ap shaco early game, transitioning to a madreds but there is no AP in your build to make it worth while.

I like the idea of AP shaco transition but this build does not benefit from only the idea.

-1 Please tell me if you think i was wrong and iam looking forward to updates. Nice information, easy to read.
Pølsemanden (144) | April 11, 2011 1:19am
Hmm, as u say - Ganking and a great early game is not only important - it's mandatory. U need to have a good early game, and u won't essentially get that by laning - Jungling makes Ganking muuch easier, and dragoning/baroning muuch easier... U can also ward the **** out of the map with JITB when ur blue buff is up. Also will u have 3 chars getting full xp instead of 1(u, solo lane, mid lane)

If u say u do good in ranked's with this, then ur elo can't be very high if u escape that easily with a starks against a smart enemy that will tip them off! sorry to say... starks is only if u're sure that u will be teamfighting for the most of the match. If u want to bd just a single or 2 times. Get a bloodthirster...
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The Complete Guide to an Unstoppable Laning Shaco

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