I like going archangels and manamune somteimes on hybrid ez, kayle, ryze, even tried it on orianna with some success.
but stacking not so much
rushing manamune, then getting another tear is amazing on orianna just for ball spammin ><
but stacking not so much
rushing manamune, then getting another tear is amazing on orianna just for ball spammin ><
The battleroom is ready. Liqur's hands are steady. The enemy is deadly.
xLiqur wrote:
rushing manamune, then getting another tear is amazing on orianna just for ball spammin ><
You're not really getting that much power from manamune because of the 1000 mana being unique. Unless, you like it for the mana regen. Then just get a philo stone instead.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
I like it for the Mana to AD conversion. On top of the mana to AP conversion from archangels, with a guinsoos, and hextech gunblade, and her passive, your getting a pack for your punch everywhere.
The battleroom is ready. Liqur's hands are steady. The enemy is deadly.
Please don't build attack Orianna...
with a lot of AP, if you just focus on her ball, Q + W + Q kills squishies instantly, and your ult disrupts and does like 50% of everyone's HP.
I mean with AP items that help the attack such as lich bane and guinsoo, those are good...but manamune? that just wastes a slot you could have more AP in.
with a lot of AP, if you just focus on her ball, Q + W + Q kills squishies instantly, and your ult disrupts and does like 50% of everyone's HP.
I mean with AP items that help the attack such as lich bane and guinsoo, those are good...but manamune? that just wastes a slot you could have more AP in.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
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calculations on Archangel's:
Say you have 1000 base mana
1400*however many you have
1000 bonus
then you take 3% of the mana*the number you have
this = you're ability power
similar to manamune
though costly this could indefinitly give you substantial AP or AD as well as almost unlimited mana supply