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Ezreal General Guide by Crazy Smurf

Take a Tip for the Mid! - The Ultimate Mid Lane Showdown

Take a Tip for the Mid! - The Ultimate Mid Lane Showdown

Updated on May 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crazy Smurf Build Guide By Crazy Smurf 63 28 86,289 Views 76 Comments
63 28 86,289 Views 76 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Crazy Smurf Ezreal Build Guide By Crazy Smurf Updated on May 6, 2011
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Awesome Pwnage1 (8) | July 7, 2011 7:46pm
I like the face that you tell us to beware of Urf lol.
Blader | June 20, 2011 12:07am
Well, very nice guide, but I have to say one thing about kat - the skill you have maxed at lvl 9 depends on how you build her. When building AD or hybrid you max Bouncing Blades, but building AP you should max out Shunpo first, because it has 2 times better AP ratio, better dmg without ratio, better range and cooldown.
jhoijhoi (2057) | June 17, 2011 11:09pm
+1 to even out ******ed votes.
Enalung (1) | June 8, 2011 11:52am
You have guardian angel for Anivia. There's better choices. You already have your egg when playing Anivia. It's usualy enough on it's own. Besides, if you get caught in a gang bang, 3 lives aint going to save you.

I can't say that I'm an experienced player, but I can say that I have done a lot of reading and quite a bit of toying around with diverse builds. I don't always get my items in the same order, it depends heavily on the game. However, the general choices are usualy similar.

I always start with Sapphire Crystal. Then, if I feel that I need a bit more speed to dodge my oponent and nib at him, I'll go for sorcerer's Shoes. If I feel the need for a bit of health, I'll go Catalyst the Protector or Tear of the Goddess for mana. Those are usualy my 3 first picks. Depending on weather I went for the Tear or Catalyst, I'll then build either Archangel Staff or Rod of Ages. At that point, if I feel pressure and the need for more defence, I'll get Frozen heart, otherwise I'll go deeper into offence. Frozen heart is an item I always get in the end. Likewise, Rabadon's Deathcap is almost always part of the mix. I sometime use Meijai's Soulstealer when I feel confident on getting kills. I will use Void Staff or Abysal Scepter to combat magic resist if the other team has some.

Really, there's no strait path for item choices, I make choices based on what I elaborated above and adapt as the game evolved.

One more thing... If your at half health against anivia, and she has flash, your asking for it. Banshe's is a good item to have against Anivia.
Manuda (1) | June 5, 2011 4:46pm
you didnt add swain to your list?? isnt he good nuf?
Androdriverz (2) | June 4, 2011 5:44pm
karthus is actually one of the easiest mid champions to play against as long as you play aggressive enough (and not ******ed). karthus has no real poke which will damage you if you hit him and its not hard to dodge lay waste at all with boots. even meeles like xin zhao or yi have an easy time against him. and you said only people with nukes can do that. I mean even A LOT of the ranged carrys have nukes such as mf, ashe, coki, urgot...
A lot of different stuff in your guide is way to generalized and you are talking more about laning not about mid specifically. It would be a lot better to tell people when to zone, when to focus on last hitting and when to stay at your tower even though you are getting zoned..
AFKwithyoursister (17) | June 4, 2011 8:19am
Great guide written in an entertaining way. Great tips. +1
orochinagi (23) | May 16, 2011 5:08am
Nice one... covers up pretty nicely the basics on mid laning :) +1
Ript3r (1) | May 14, 2011 12:56am
Wheres Urgot? He's a mid king.
Crazy Smurf (47) | May 11, 2011 3:46pm

Hey im OCD enough to check out your reply, the thing about that section was, it was either very biased or you just have no idea what you are talking about, half of those champions are very very misplaced. Also, I dont see a point in this guide, most of the stuff is done in other guides the only thing that was Unique was actually judging mids but it wasnt very well thought out and whenever people ask about something you ignore and when you get enough support instead of changing it slightly, you delete things. In all honesty this guide doesnt serve much purpose especially with the fact that it is at 7*% rating and not going higher.

Guides are not meant to serve, they are meant to exist.
Thanks for all things I pointed out myself like 2 weeks ago. Really.
TheMagicStik | May 6, 2011 2:38pm
Hey im OCD enough to check out your reply, the thing about that section was, it was either very biased or you just have no idea what you are talking about, half of those champions are very very misplaced. Also, I dont see a point in this guide, most of the stuff is done in other guides the only thing that was Unique was actually judging mids but it wasnt very well thought out and whenever people ask about something you ignore and when you get enough support instead of changing it slightly, you delete things. In all honesty this guide doesnt serve much purpose especially with the fact that it is at 7*% rating and not going higher.
Crazy Smurf (47) | May 6, 2011 2:35am
Eh. Section removed. People aren't there for the guide itself but for the list of champions. People, what's wrong with you. I understand you like this and that champion but c'mon, I've never seen a good mid Urgot in my life, maybe once or twice, I can't be basing on people's opinion because they just like this champion. Guide's gonna be closed, if this circus continues... There's no damn point in doing something that is hated by champions' fans.
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