Awesome sig by jhoijhoi :D
Aura-Support/CDR Sona|Jungle Yorick
She seems a tad underpowered, that or I get ks'd alot. I generally go merc > hex because ap chars tend to rape me. Then I get a wiggles and brut. Usually the game ends by them. Its not that I don't have alot AD but I cant seem to get kills in team fights
She might need some AS too, she attacks really ****ing slow, and when your abilities are on cd you are just left auto attacking. I guess you can get ionian boots instead of mercs but you lose out on the good mr. mercs and hex are usually my first items.
From what I've seen, her early damage is strong and falls off late.
Played a game with Riven both sides. Our Riven had a 1v2 lane. She got a triple because she was mostly clean-up crew. Theirs got outlaned by Karma and Vayne.
Honestly, she was a good idea but not done correctly.
Played a game with Riven both sides. Our Riven had a 1v2 lane. She got a triple because she was mostly clean-up crew. Theirs got outlaned by Karma and Vayne.
Honestly, she was a good idea but not done correctly.
Does feel like she needs some work, more damage maybe. I just went 10/5 in a game. Most of those kills were from killing squishies like ashe and malazar, I did manage to do alot of damage to nasus and gang too, but super late game when they had most of their items it was tough to kill them. Nasus anyways.
ice101v wrote:
She might need some AS too, she attacks really ****ing slow, and when your abilities are on cd you are just left auto attacking. I guess you can get ionian boots instead of mercs but you lose out on the good mr. mercs and hex are usually my first items.
I don't think you should need attack speed on her, your meant to space your attacks between abilities so your attack speed timer should have enough time to reset between each ability use. She's a combo based character who relies on her abilities, not her auto attack. To put it simple, she's not right-click to win like master yi or tryn
@lugi, I think they did her correctly, but they just need to buff her damage output, she's similar to leona, solid in her role, but simply outshined by other characters.
Yea I get that, but there are times that even if I space them I find them on cd. Maybe I just need ionian boots or better timing the strikes between Qs. It gets really hectic in team fights though, sometimes I forget and spam Q XD.
I think her DMG is fine. Just gotta remember to AA and not wast your passive procs.
I think she takes more skill then Riot predicted. She doesnt have the highest skill cap, but to be viable in todays meta and teamfights, you have to be good with her, and know how she works.
She is pretty fun to play, and I love how she feels like she has more then just 3 abilities and an Ult.
I found that Black Cleaver actually is nice on her, even though you shouldnt be focusing on AA's but when you do want to you land your passive procs, the BCs dmg, armor debuff, and AS work hand in hand with her kit. That would be the only AS item I would get on her.
Anyone try tanky DPS yet? Frozen Mallet, Atmas? Gonna try that next.
Very very fun to play though!
I think she takes more skill then Riot predicted. She doesnt have the highest skill cap, but to be viable in todays meta and teamfights, you have to be good with her, and know how she works.
She is pretty fun to play, and I love how she feels like she has more then just 3 abilities and an Ult.
I found that Black Cleaver actually is nice on her, even though you shouldnt be focusing on AA's but when you do want to you land your passive procs, the BCs dmg, armor debuff, and AS work hand in hand with her kit. That would be the only AS item I would get on her.
Anyone try tanky DPS yet? Frozen Mallet, Atmas? Gonna try that next.
Very very fun to play though!
The battleroom is ready. Liqur's hands are steady. The enemy is deadly.
Oh just remembered something. Generally I have to waste most of my Q(for ganking) to get in range for the W stun unless I'm in bushes and they are next to me and I can reach them with E. I don't usually need all 3 in team fights to reach someone but if you are jungling with her you have to be really good at popping out of bushes or waste all your Qs. Its still possible to get a kill if you waste them catching up, but really only works for squishy heroes.
I've tried a tanky build before and it doesn't really give you the amount of AD you need to shine late game. Atmogs/mallet+atamas costs too much and doesn't give you enough. Getting a phage mid game after a major AD item (like blood thirster) helps with your survivability. Which you then can upgrade into a mallet at some poitn.
I've tried a tanky build before and it doesn't really give you the amount of AD you need to shine late game. Atmogs/mallet+atamas costs too much and doesn't give you enough. Getting a phage mid game after a major AD item (like blood thirster) helps with your survivability. Which you then can upgrade into a mallet at some poitn.
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Doran's Blade
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Bloodthirster(bought it outright; remember, really fed)
The Brutalizer
I don't know what I was gonna get after Youmuu's Ghostblade, they surrendered at 20.