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Riven Build Guide by Continuous

Van down by the Riven

Van down by the Riven

Updated on January 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Continuous Build Guide By Continuous 6 3 5,782 Views 8 Comments
6 3 5,782 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Continuous Riven Build Guide By Continuous Updated on January 3, 2012
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Crazy Jenkins (46) | February 6, 2012 11:15pm
Last Whisper should not be replaced with Youmuu's Ghostblade -- you're really going to need that CDR. If anything, replace it with Black Cleaver but to me that's a must on Riven :P it's a good start, but I would've liked to have seen more effort put into this guide
roawyn | October 9, 2011 10:45pm
Wow amazing Riven guide! Lets see more guides from this pro!
Herolicious | October 9, 2011 1:16pm
Lol. 16-2. Not bad. :) Didn't have any problems farming for items getting Broken Wings and Ki so high early, few good kills in the beginning, and items worked nicely together (followed guide directly) and were easily obtainable. +1
Herolicious | October 9, 2011 11:32am
Glad to see a build that's different from all the rest. Organized layout, clean feel to it. Really enjoy this & can't wait to get in game and try it out.
AreallyGoodNoob | October 9, 2011 9:36am
So far the best riven guide out there. Went 20-0 :D
Furber (69) | October 8, 2011 3:15pm
Lol chris farley is awesome. I approve the black cleaver, lots of ppl try to tell me it's bad for Riven but I always do well with it
Continuous | October 6, 2011 4:58pm
my guide isnt suppose to be creative its suppose to be the best way to play her,second ur first move into fight is going to be broken wings, buts whats the point if u only get like 30 damage + .6ad a hit, and broken wings is WAY better at farming creeps than ki burst.
Alfik (1) | October 6, 2011 4:41pm
Yeah, another tanky, beefy, whatever etc. build.. make something conscructive, like that guy who used Hextech in his build and is doing fine with it. Well.. about Broken Wings huh.. Rivens main dmg skill is Ki Burst from what I observed and yes its CD is going down as you lvl it up, it gets bigger punch opposite to Broken Wings which serves more as and enter/escape/stack giver skill. Plox, get outside of box and stop going the easiest route, be creative!

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