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Singed Build Guide by AlmostMadHatter

Singed: The Trololo Tank UPDATED:11/2/11

Singed: The Trololo Tank UPDATED:11/2/11

Updated on November 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AlmostMadHatter Build Guide By AlmostMadHatter 5 1 29,976 Views 12 Comments
5 1 29,976 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AlmostMadHatter Singed Build Guide By AlmostMadHatter Updated on November 2, 2011
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Ignatius (1) | December 24, 2011 5:31pm
Voted -1
I am sorry but I just can't agree with this...

I play singed a lot, being my first champion to really learn. With so many defensive items and runes, I really don't understand why you need the Mercury Treads; I find that with such health, MR and armor* he doesn't need them. A much better choice would be the Boots of Swiftness or Sorcerer's Shoes.
*provided by at most two defensive items.

Second thing. 60 AP on a Singed?! What, are you trying to take all the hits and hope your team mates do the damage? I don't mean to sound harsh, but every single ability with singed scales with AP. This build has no damage!

This one is more of a personal preference so doesn't affect my overall opinion, but I think that Fling does much more in the long run than Mega Adhesive. With the right items (meaning >60AP!), Fling can take around a third of an enemy's health out.

Third thing. Warmog's Armor scales. If it's your defensive item, by it early so that by mid/late game you will have fully upgraded it with kills/assists/farming.

Last big problem: with Singed I would take at most two defensive items. Not four, not three - two. Switch those out with Rabadon's Deathcap and a slowing item such as Frozen Mallet or Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

Anyhow, that's my advice. Good luck!
TooPoizonus | November 2, 2011 7:40am
I hate to break it to ya but you can't have 5 skillups at level 8 (poison trail).
Somolov | November 2, 2011 7:26am
I play singed quite a bit, and I like the level Of detail in this guide, although I have to disagree with some of the stuff you said. For instance, why get phil stone at all? I find it better to rush catalyst (letting me stay in lane forever) and then RoA, because RoA is just so good on singed, and your poison gives you ridiculous CS, so you don't need the gp10. I also don't agree with getting poison first, ever, because fling lvl 1 does more damage plus the cc is nice. Poison does negligible damage until at least level 2, so until lvl 3 you should be last hitting minions with autoattacks anyway, and poison burns through your mana. And boots of switfness are also sometimes a good choice. But I agree with mostly everything else, well written. I go 0/9/21 for masteries.
Zan105 | November 1, 2011 10:09pm
Voted +1
Herps all over their derp
TooPoizonus | November 1, 2011 8:02pm
Some things you could/should/can take into account.
You can't get poison trail at rank 3 when you are at lvl 4. You need to be level 5 for that.
I like good hands, although it's purely preference.
Anyways, I like the build and I'm glad more is coming out! :D
naibla | November 1, 2011 7:11pm
I only have two questions. Why do you take 3 pts into perserverance? It only gives you ~4 hp5 and ~1 mp5, which isn't worth it. Also why take Ghost? All the situations that you would need it, you can just ult instead, just like you said. Other than that, it looks like a solid guide. I will have to try it out!
87alphaone (100) | November 1, 2011 7:45am
Voted +1
Even if I never played with Singed, this guide is written very well and I feel it is quite usefull and can work! But thats not everything, it shortened my work time today and made me laugh, so Im happy and vote +1 for you!
Demon Cleaner (33) | November 1, 2011 6:26am
Voted +1
nice one nothing more to add if you gonna edit the Fon-RoA thing^^

but oyu can get poison trail a third time on lv4^^
Gruck (1) | November 1, 2011 6:24am
Voted +1
Looks nice, will deffinently try it out :)
Like the idea of getting early FoN. What do you think about Frozen mallet as a lategame item instead of Warmog?
Looking forward to updates.
Im in the same situation as you, trying to update between studies x)
DestinyOpfa (3) | November 1, 2011 5:06am
Voted +1
Great Guide :D
Makes me wanna start playing Singed.
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