Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
NicknameMy wrote:
And you can escape any cc.
Cho'Gath and Alistar would like a word with you.
Or anyone that can make you forcibly move/knock you up. His oranges dun heal dat. You'll be able to shoot/autoattack while you're in the air/flying back but it won't stop you from moving.
Which is why Olaf is my favorite.
Hue hue hue all the way to the bank~
Hue hue hue all the way to the bank~
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Olaf sleeper OP after his buffs imo, too good! Honestly, if your putting all your money into making GP a one trick pony with Parrrley you best keep your builds away from me. GP's auto attack is sick nasty and beats Parrrley poke most of the time when it comes down to straight numbers. Just sneak around a teamfight and murder Lux, then run off into the jungle.
+Rep me if i'm useful!
Because they increase your earlygame power more like armorpen if you have high ad-ratios. Thats why for me, these ad marks are a must on champs like gp.
I also use them on Garen. I used them on Riven. I would use them on Lee Sin or Talon.
Just because, earlygame wins all. If you nearly kill an enemy at lvl 1 with Garen, well, AD-marks.^^
Well, Jax laughed about me at the begin. Well, he was dead at lvl 2 and never came back into game. Then, he trolled...
AD-marks are 47,88 damage on Garen's full combo.^^
8,55*1,4+8,55*1,4*3( Judgment lasts 3 seconds)=47,88
And that is very much damage earlygame. That is 1/4-1/8 of HP.
I also use them on Garen. I used them on Riven. I would use them on Lee Sin or Talon.
Just because, earlygame wins all. If you nearly kill an enemy at lvl 1 with Garen, well, AD-marks.^^
Well, Jax laughed about me at the begin. Well, he was dead at lvl 2 and never came back into game. Then, he trolled...
AD-marks are 47,88 damage on Garen's full combo.^^
8,55*1,4+8,55*1,4*3( Judgment lasts 3 seconds)=47,88
And that is very much damage earlygame. That is 1/4-1/8 of HP.
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