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I have a question.

Creator: GrimmFate November 11, 2011 4:23pm
astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 5:27pm | Report
The thing about solo queue is that if you're really, really good with a character, then you should be able to do well and potentially "carry" a game as that particular character. ("Carry" here I use loosely in a sense of how much you contributed.) Many people show screenshots of them having normal victories on this site with names blacked out, or just victory screens from their match history. I don't think this says much at all. You could queue with 4 lower leveled people in normal, get derpy opponents, completely faceroll, and inflate your own success as this character. Thus, ELO and your ranked stats as a certain character are much more telling than just saying, "Oh I've played 500 normal games as a character so I know what I'm talking about QED".
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
GrimmFate's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 6:08pm | Report
loool. When you say it like that (To me anyways) It seems like you say when you do a ranked game that no matter what we're going to have teammates who know what they're doing. I was in a ranked game the other day. I asked my teammates who they wanted to play, weather we had a volunteer jungle or not. no one answered. I said alright I'm gonna go mid with Brand then. 3 other people on my team picked AP carries, and the last person picked GP. The GP fed heavily and said "Sorry guys it's my first time playing in months." I asked him why he would be playing a ranked game if it's his first He said because he expected to pick up on his pwnage right away. Long story short, realistically Ranked games (At lower ELO's anyways) Are no different than normal games other than the way you pick your characters. I've lost every game I've played with Brand because of similiar circumstances. My ranked stats with him are horrible, And no it's not always my teams fault, yes it is my fault sometimes. But is there anything I can do about it when two of my teammates dive someone and both die, OH BUT WAIT THEY KILLED THAT ONE PERSON WHO WAS AT HALF HP AND ABOUT TO GO B SO IT WAS WORTH IT. So in my humble opinion, Unless you are already at a pretty good ELO, your ranked stats are worth about as much as a normal games stats.
astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 1:07am | Report
Uh... The point is you should able to play so well as a certain character that you carry yourself out of ELO Hell even if your team mates have no idea what they're doing. That's why pros tell people they should play to their comfort zone at low ELO instead of worrying about team comp. Once you get higher ELO, you can assume that everyone knows wtf they're doing, so you should be caring about team comp instead of just playing your best character.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
Phoenix0000ff's Forum Avatar
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Oct 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 1:18am | Report
Funny thing about ELO in video games is that people who are usually successful in these games generally don't speak out against the system.

I guess I'm new to the community but I have really high standards for the one guide I wrote. I wanted to bring something new (or improve) what was wrong with the old way of doing it.
I didn't aim it at new players, I was hoping very skilled/competitive people would pick it up however there isn't a lot of high level players in league of legends.

I still refuse to play ranked, I just like to play this game casually with friends.
Self proclaimed worlds best Jungle Twitch player
You can find my one and only guide here.
I love you.
SirSpankAlot's Forum Avatar
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Aug 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 6:43am | Report
I made my skarner guide at lvl 28. It's no.1 atm. I got many negative votes and comments when I released it but that didnt stop me. I just kept sharing my experience with this community.
Thanks to Plickz and Alexanpt for the awesome Sigs!

Check out my guide on Skarner, The Crystal Vanguard
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 9:54am | Report
My opinion:

-What Guides are meant to do:

Aid a reader in deciding ~how to play a champ. Aid them in all aspects possible with a champion guide. Aid them in understanding what you do, things like that.

Inform people of the basic ideas and concepts of a champion. Their plus/minus, roles, capability of performing that role, difficulty etc. Like why Annie is overly more viable than Veigar, but Veigar can still fit the bill in skilled hands.

Educate people on how to exploit the strengths of this champion. Tips and tricks, trial and error. Why build this way rather than that way. Like, the reason(s) why Ryze is better when you stack LARGE amounts of mana on him rather than AP. Or why you build Akali with flat AP rather than AP per level for early game.

Explain as much as you can, this overlaps with the aformentioned "inform" and "educate". Make sure people understand that you're basically selling them on your play style. Explain items, masteries, runes, summoner's etc.

Present your readers with an attractive guide, well organized information etc. Don't get me wrong presentation is not as important as the other things I've mentioned. BUT it does help when you've got an attractive well organized guide. Easy to read and understand, your layout and sentence/paragraph structures should be similar. Meant to let your readers find what they want, without making them look through walls of text.

Overall, you're selling the reader on the champion and your guide. Why your opinions or ideas should make sense. HOW you play, why you play. A guide is meant to suggest things to a reader, depending on how you did with the above, your suggestions might be great and aid people.

The thing I see in most guides though is presentation with absolutely nothing in terms of DEEPER content....

Experience is very important, at the same time experience isn't marked by the number in your ELO, it's marked by the number of games you've played overall. Case in point: A new level 30 summoner could jump right into ranked queue and win 5 games in a row pushing their ELO to ~1400-1500. Does that mean IF they publish a guide saying "this works at 1500 ELO" that makes it true? Not even close imo; all it means is they got to play a few games and didn't lose.

Your friend is an *** hat, sounds like one of the sheep in the heard of "ELO MEANS EVERYTHING". Don't listen to him and if this person won't quit their *****ing, show them this site, take them to some of the top rated "user" guides, see how many people are sitting at 1500 ELO. And then show him the guides that are near the top (not considered top 10 rated) and see which of those guides are made by 1500ELO players. AFTER that, take him to the "Pro guides" and compare the content of the "pros" to the "joes". 9/10 the the user guides have more information than the pro. guides...What was this "quest chain" meant to do? Show him that a guide is more than just ELO

If you really want to make a guide, ask yourself these questions:
-Do I love to play this champion?
-Do I know how this champion works?
-Do I have a near even K/D/A with this champion across all my games?
-Do I have the ability to make a guide, state my thoughts, and then defend them?

If you answer "no" to any of these qestions then you're not ready to make a guide for them yet.
Vort's Forum Avatar
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 12:49pm | Report
Yeah, your friend's just being a troll. Guides are for sharing ideas. Nothing more, nothing less. The success of a guide is... well... should be based upon how well the idea is conveyed, upheld, and the level of its potential success. If you were the worst player in the entire game, but you had a good idea, you're completely entitled to write a guide. Sure, you might not be able to act out your own words and successfully pull of your own build, but that doesn't mean the idea is bad.

jhoijhoi wrote:

I made my Ashe guide when I was about 250 wins into the game. I've improved it over time, and it has helped many people.

Ashe needs to make a comeback. I miss seeing good Ashe players.

Holy Toledo, Batman, It's Cho'Gath!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 1:00pm | Report

Funny thing about ELO in video games is that people who are usually successful in these games generally don't speak out against the system.

The best thing about the ELO system for LoL? It's meant for 2 player games that can end in ties.
ivanfan1's Forum Avatar
Nov 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 1:19pm | Report
in my own words i think that guides are really helpful and teach you all the things you need to know about the champion you play
Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 2:34pm | Report
ivanfan1 wrote:

in my own words i think that guides are really helpful and teach you all the things you need to know about the champion you play

But the inherent problem of that is a lot of people think they have the insight and knowledge to make a good guide when in fact they are just copying another guide. a good guide is what you said it is.

My guides are what they are because I can defend my choices. and explanations as Jeffyhands said earlier. I know the ins and outs of Katarina and I know quite a few tricks on Shyvana to merit making a guide for her as well.

and thething is my guides bring out something new to the table for each champion I write it for: I don't take a preexisting guide and make a build of that I write from my own experiences and thoughts. and while all guides are written like that its sadly not the truth.

in short: anyone with some new thoughts (that works) to a champion can write aguide as long it is well explained and well thought out: too many SHyvana guides these days are saying build Atmog's and Triforce. there are too many guides that say that anyway

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