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Akali Build Guide by Bryun

Assassin Akali: The Epitome Of An Assassin.

Assassin Akali: The Epitome Of An Assassin.

Updated on May 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bryun Build Guide By Bryun 2814 147 14,803,074 Views 1,011 Comments
2814 147 14,803,074 Views 1,011 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bryun Akali Build Guide By Bryun Updated on May 10, 2014
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MT KuPKaYk (2) | March 17, 2015 5:51pm
Pretty please can we get an update? None of the other Akali guides are anywhere near as good as this one, but this one is out of dat
RottedApples (57) | December 26, 2014 7:36pm
what about Long Sword 3 pot as a start instead of dorans blade?
acalis | December 3, 2014 1:55pm
I suggest starting with boots cause it gets you in and out poking with q. A lot of times I already have a kill before I even hit level six cause people think she's worthless before. i also run a strategy where I get casters to blow through their mana quickly. I run in run out trying to get them to blow through spells attempting to hit me. Ahri is the easiest to do this to i've personally found. Run in, toss a q and run to the side. That's one main benefit with mid spell casters is they're so eager to damage you they end up worthless either tossing auto attacks when they get the chance while hugging their turret, or just going b and losing cs.

Boots leave you enough cash to pick up 4 pots begin game so if they are casters that lock on with their spells you have potions to fall back on. Only counter I have a problem with is Heimer but he's so squishy when I hit six he starts making up for all that lost cs by becoming easy feed. I'll dive him in the middle of his little turrets and have him dead before their 3rd shot.. Cloak and gtfo.

Recently i've not even been dying once in a majority of games.

i put two points to q before putting one to w begin game just for extra poke. You shouldn't be pushing so hard that you can be easy kill for jung before lvl 4 anyway.
Kadius (8) | November 19, 2014 9:18pm
This guide is brilliant. I got Akali in late 2013 (Started playing League in late 2013) when she was on sale and I used my starting RP to buy her. Best decision ever! I played her mostly AD because I was a nub and she used blades so I thought "Oh she must be AD". I then found this guide and OMG. AP AKALI. No longer was I raging that I never did any damage but now I was laughing that I did so much damage. I love casters and AP champs because skills are fun and AA'ing is not. When I found out about ratios and stuff it became clear that AP Akali was for me due to my love for Mark of the Assassin and getting the procs etc. which is an AP ratio. So I am almost level 20 now, but yet again I am mainly a DOTA player so havn't been playing much, have like 20-40 games tops on League despite all my time with the account. But Akali is my go to champ when I feel like having a bunch of fun. I like finding people that have less then 300-500 HP (depending on level) an dthen just using one Q and spamming R on them, they di in a really funny way. Its even better when they flash to try and get away bcs ulti counters flash. Love the champ and love your guide! +1 voted
Dragonilic | November 7, 2014 7:32am
This guide is great, but it needs some updates. After playing Akali for some time, I think that a point in Dangerous Game is better than a point in Feast . Feast only helps your early game, while Dangerous Game gives you 5% health on kill which can be useful for 3v1s, teamfights, etc. Basically, Dangerous Game is useful for mostly everything after lvl 6.
torvawk | October 28, 2014 7:57pm
I have used your guide a lot. However, with recent changes to shroud, I think a lot of it needs updated. I would very much like to see your ideas on the changes to shroud.
XeresAce (91) | August 31, 2014 5:40pm
^ Don't you oneshot your enemy even without dfg? :'D
MasterArkan | August 31, 2014 5:33pm
One question:

I've done about +500 akali matches approx, and I find Deathgrasp as first item (or second, after boots depending on the opponent) much better than hextech. You just oneshot the enemy before even he can deal you 50% of your HP bar. Why is Hextech that important in Akali? I'd put it as 3rd or 4th item, always after Rabadon. Please tell me why :|
prismael | August 12, 2014 5:41pm
Hi BRYUN , I'm tring akali jungle in my recent matches . I'd like to share some info and know what you think about it =P

you can check it , Prismael on br realm.
DedSec | August 3, 2014 9:27pm
Check it out! Thanks again!
cajun caucasian (1) | July 6, 2014 5:00am
I made an account just to upvote this guide! Best guide I have ever read. I am able to carry almost every game I play as Akali. This guide has earned me a pentakill on a 4v5 match. Thanks!!
venationix | June 21, 2014 2:59pm
So uh I just want to contribute a few things that I've picked up while playing akali. I learned a lot from a d2 akali top main so this is what I found:

1. Boots start is very good against skillshot heavy champs such as syndra
2. Rejuv bead + 5 pots (leftover 120 gold) is a start that I've really found is great because the sustain is great due to 5 pots and the leftover 120 gold just makes it easier to get to a hextech revolver
3. Haunting guise is great against tanks at top because of the magic pen
4. In the mastery tree, taking two points in fury instead of sorcery is better. The reason I say this is because it allows faster and easier last hitting, while the CDR isn't so important since the the damage akali does is through her harassing combo which doesn't use a skill multiple times except for the initial q. I hope you understand what this means.. badly worded
5. Similar to the mastery tree, the first 15 minutes in which akali must get either revolver, armguard, or guise purely depends on her runes and masteries. This means scaling hp runes aren't very good, rather the armor runes are what are popular and good.

Btw this akali d2 top laner also plays mid so these are also for mid.

Also, I have a question. Why is dorans shield + 1 pot a good start? The health regen is similar to rejuv bead and has 80 more health, however it has 4 less health pots (600 health) not to mention the 120 gold boost. I can see why the 8 damage from auto attacks would be great, however if the champ is aa heavy then cloth 5 is a better option. The 4 missing pots from either option or even 3 from boots is a really huge impact early game, could you explain why doran shield would be the best sustain item?

Edit: 1001 comment :)
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