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Lets play: Evelynn - Expanded!

Lets play: Evelynn - Expanded!

Updated on June 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Capn_Evan Build Guide By Capn_Evan 9 1 13,038 Views 28 Comments
9 1 13,038 Views 28 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Capn_Evan Build Guide By Capn_Evan Updated on June 11, 2012
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hati hrodvitnisson (5) | December 14, 2011 1:55am
i see that there's no ap item build explaination...i hope that you'll upload that soon, and if you need some help with ap eve, i'm glad to give you an hand ^_^
Mortey | December 11, 2011 5:57am
Voted +1
I love this guide so here you go a vote from me. Now i hope eve players see this so we meet good ones playing against and with me because eve is and underestimated champ.
Fox Rage (75) | December 11, 2011 4:51am
Voted +1
Very good guide. Nothing more to say about it, it's just plain great. +1 and +rep for me.

I wish people finally understood that eve isnt bad. She's just harder to play, because let's face it, her stun was ****ING op. I know, I mained her for over 6 months for that sole reason.
Capn_Evan (11) | December 11, 2011 4:18am
Sariondil wrote:

When i saw first picture i forgot all world around me and was like "O.O OMG HER TITS!" and scrolling down and i was just watching her tits and butt... Then i saw Heim and was like " :DD LOL HE GOT TITS ON HIS HEAD!"... Then i stopped and scrolled back to top and read your guide again (without tits). It's so cool. :) Both. Caster and AD. Just so awesome for this world so lets push it into League of Legends,because this guide IS a legend. :)

Yeah lol, I added Heimerdinger in there because I ran out of photos of Evelynn :P Besides, I figured a smart yordle was suitable to represent ranked gameplay :)
hati hrodvitnisson (5) | December 10, 2011 10:49am

I like the guide and the explanation of the meta. It's easy to get frustrated with Eve but these guides keep giving me hope.

hold on with eve, she's hard to use and frustrating, but when you learn her, you'll win! :)
Sariondil (6) | December 10, 2011 5:59am
When i saw first picture i forgot all world around me and was like "O.O OMG HER TITS!" and scrolling down and i was just watching her tits and butt... Then i saw Heim and was like " :DD LOL HE GOT TITS ON HIS HEAD!"... Then i stopped and scrolled back to top and read your guide again (without tits). It's so cool. :) Both. Caster and AD. Just so awesome for this world so lets push it into League of Legends,because this guide IS a legend. :)
ReverEND Raidon | December 9, 2011 9:21pm
Voted +1
I like the guide and the explanation of the meta. It's easy to get frustrated with Eve but these guides keep giving me hope.
Capn_Evan (11) | December 7, 2011 8:47am
Thanks, I love explaining tactic, but you just said that with 700 AP, you'd finish him with one shot and Lich Bane? When you get 700 AP, I think you'd be over level 13 at least, which is when you max your E anyway, according to my build ;) That's why I level Q first, it's best early game, when you can't one-shot people. :)

Thanks for leaving your comments, I love people who test my guides :)
hati hrodvitnisson (5) | December 7, 2011 7:58am
great! ^^
however, if you max your E first, you'll make a squishy cry, and considering the sinergy with lich's bane, you'll kill him in just a second: E, then autoattack (if feeded, you can have 700 ap, so you'll do 1000 damage from ravage and 800 damage from your autoattack), then you can finish him with an hate spike, if he's still alive ;)

[don't take this like a critic, i'm only explaining my gameplay, hearing a differnt bell can only help ^_^]
Capn_Evan (11) | December 7, 2011 6:13am
Thanks, I know this, but I'd still like to know where my typing errors are, because I usually write very good grammar-wise :)

Oh, and the reason I take Q over E, is because you can spam it, meaning it's consistent damage. It's like playing Annie, bursting the enemy down to all but 100 hp. After that burst, she got nothing, and is easy meat. If Annie had a Hate Spike ability, which could still be spammed, she would still be able to kill them. I agree though, AP Evelynn is almost impossible to gank with inside minion waves, that's the main reason I play her AD. But I'm right when I say that Q does much more for Evelynn than her E does.

If you max E first, you can burst them down to 50% hp maybe, but after that, your damage will be nothing. Q will take 10% of their hp every time it's used. Which means you need to spam it 10 times alone to take them down, but you got your E on top of it. Besides, E is there to supplement Q by reducing their Magic Resist, but I'll add a section for this later, I promise :)
hati hrodvitnisson (5) | December 7, 2011 6:01am
Voted +1
don't think about him...too much people hates evelynn :P
about the Q vs E question, trust me, with ap eve, e hurts a lot more then q. the fact is that q is a totally random target ability, so you will end up in most cases to kill minions instead of hurting champs, and talking about ap scaling, Q scales with 20% of ap, while E scales with 100% of i still think that E>Q.

OT. i really hope that this guide will be a milestone for evelynn players, so go on with your work! ^^
Capn_Evan (11) | December 7, 2011 3:16am

Good guide, but has a lot of spelling/grammar errors and a questionable build. I would also say to get ghost over flash on her, and your explanations are a little vague, mainly in the area of why evelynn is even good for her team, because it's still in my opinion that she's a horrible champ and doesn't belong anywhere.

I understand what you're saying, but your comment isn't all that constructive at all. If you had told me where my spelling errors lay, I could perhaps fix it. And trust me, I've tried every possible Summoner Spell on Evelynn, and I would recommend these two simply because they are better for an Assassin who has to close a gap in less than a second. It's of course all about personal preference, I'll add an alternative path for those who love ghost more than flash.

Also, if you want to know clearer than what I already said, why Evelynn is useful, it's because she does almost as much damage as a fed Master Yi, but she also has a slow, stealth and a self-heal on kill. She isn't bad at all.

Have you even read my summary section?
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